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Geospatial Technology (AS) Engineering and Applied Technology Total Units: 45.5
Term Effective: Fall 2009


The Geospatial Technology certificate/degree prepares students for variety of technical positions in many different professions. Geospatial Technology incorporates new technology with traditional disciplines by mapping and analyzing things that exist and events that happen on earth.

Students interested in a suggested order for taking classes in this program, please view the recommended course sequence.

Program Requirements:

The requirements for the Geospatial Technology (AS) program are:

  • Complete 45.5 units from
    • Geospatial Technology Core Requirements
    • Geospatial Technology Elective Requirements
    • Information Learning Resources Requirement

Geospatial Technology Core Requirements - complete 41.50 units
APTECH 45Basic Drafting Skills1.50
APTECH 46Introduction to Computer-Aided Drafting2.00
BOT 73.13AMicrosoft Excel, Core1.50
BOT 73.13BMicrosoft Excel, Expert1.50
BOT 73.14AMicrosoft Access, Core1.50
BOT 73.14BMicrosoft Access, Expert1.50
GEOG 4Physical Geography3.00
GIS 50Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)3.00
GIS 51Intermediate Geographic Information Systems (GIS)3.00
GIS 53Cartography in Geographic Information Systems (GIS)3.00
GIS 54Data Acquisition in Geographic Information Systems (GIS)3.00
Complete any combination totaling at least 4.00 units from the following:
APTECH 90AApplied Mathematics4.00
MATH 155Intermediate Algebra4.00
Complete a combination totaling at least 4.00 units from the following:
APTECH 90BQuantitative Reasoning in Applied Technology4.00
MATH 27College Algebra and Trigonometry5.00
College Algebra3.00
MATH 58Trigonometry3.00
Geospatial Technology Elective Requirements - complete 3.00 units
Complete any combination totaling at least 3.00 units from the following:
CEST 51Civil Drafting Technology3.00
CEST 98Independent Study in Civil & Surveying Technology1.00-3.00
CEST 99ICivil Engineering Tech Occupational Work Experience Intern0.50-8.00
GEOG 3Regional Geography of the World3.00
GEOG 7Cultural3.00
NRM 121Global Positioning Systems2.00
NRM 87Geographic Information Systems Appl in Natural Resources3.00
SURV 50Introduction to Plane Surveying4.00
SURV 51Plane Surveying Applications4.00
SURV 55Introduction to GPS for Civil, Surveying & Land Development2.00
Information Learning Resources Requirement - complete 1.00 units
Complete any combination totaling at least 1.00 units from the following:
LIR 10Introduction to Information Literacy1.00
LIR 30Introduction to Information Literacy for Research Projects1.00

Term Effective: Fall 2009

The requirements for this program of study are effective beginning the semester shown above. If you began working on this program before the effective semester, you may not be affected by the changes. Consult with the program contact person or the department chair to determine your eligibility to complete the program under previous requirements.

Term Inactive: Spring 2010

Associate Degree Requirements:

The major is one of several requirements students need to fulfill in order to be awarded the Associate Degree, the highest level of academic achievement recognized by Santa Rosa Junior College. Please note that all of the following requirements must be met in order for the degree to be conferred:

For all students admitted for the Fall 2009 term or any term thereafter, a grade of "C" or better, or "P" if the course is taken on a pass/no pass basis, is required for each course applied toward the major.

Course Prerequisites and Advisories:

Courses in a program of study may have prerequisites or advisories; that is, courses that must or should be completed before taking that course. Please check for prerequisites or advisories by clicking on the course numbers in the Program Requirements section.

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