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2019-20 Santa Rosa Junior College Transferring Student Scholarship Application Application Deadline: March 1, 2019
Read This First:
Santa Rosa Junior College and the SRJC Foundation offer over 250 individual scholarships for students who plan to transfer from SRJC to a 4-year college or university during the 2019-20 academic year (Fall 2019, Winter 2020, Spring 2020). By completing this one application, you may be considered for more than one of the many SRJC Transferring Student scholarships. Be sure to check with your transfer institution for other scholarship opportunities.
Scholarships are competitive and may be awarded to students based on scholastic achievement, financial need, special interest and activities, academic field of study and essay responses.
Eligibility Requirements:
* Applicants enrolled in less than 6 units (Spring 2025) must submit a policy appeal with their application explaining the reason for enrolling in less than 6 units. Policy appeals will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Forms are on our website or in the Scholarship Office.
The SRJC Scholarship Office regularly advertises other scholarship opportunities. Visit the Scholarship Office , check the Bear Facts newsletter or the Online Bulletin Board. Policy Appeal
Students will be notified by the end of June
We're sorry, the scholarship online application closed March 1, 2019 11:59 PM Late or faxed applications will not be processed. Questions? Visit the Scholarship Office before the deadline so we can assist you. SRJC Scholarship Office – Plover Hall, Santa Rosa Campus OR SRJC Financial Aid Office – Jacobs Hall, Room 109, Petaluma Campus Transfer applicants enrolled in less than 6 units (Spring 2025) must submit a Policy Appeal form explaining the reason for enrolling in less than 6 units. These Policy Appeal requests must be submitted to the SRJC Manager of Scholarship Programs, Santa Rosa Campus, Scholarship Office, Plover Hall no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 1, 2019.
All applicants must complete the essay (Section C) to be considered for SRJC Scholarships. Your essay is extremely important. This document may be distributed to various scholarship committees who will review your qualifications for individual scholarships. Essay Tips: - All essays should be approximately 500-800 words in length. - Type your essay elsewhere (Google docs is recommended), and paste finished essay below. - Provide specific details in your essay, not vague or general information. - Be sure to pay particular attention to the organization of your thoughts, as well as grammar and spelling. - Include information on your background, your current activities and your future goals. Essay Prompt: Describe your educational and career goals. Include your reasons for choosing these goals and what you plan to do in your career. Explain any challenges you have overcome or special circumstances which support your application.
Information about your outside activities, school involement, community service, honors, and your specific educational and career goals may be crucial in determining your eligibility for scholarships. Please provide the following information: 1. SCHOOL ACTIVITIES - Include only recent/current SRJC -related campus activities. Select all that apply. Ctrl-click to select/de-select. List specific details in the statement of activities.
I read the entire page and understand the instructions. My essay fits the file size requirements. I completed all sections of this form. I am signing, with today's date and time, by checking this box.