Address |
Address Location: |
Address: |
line 2 (optional): |
City: |
State: |
Zip Code: |
Province: |
Postal Code: |
Country: |
Postal Code: |
Contact Information |
Though not required, the college requests that you provide either a phone number or an email address in case we need to contact you.
Format for U.S. phones is ###-###-#### |
Main Phone: |
Second Phone: |
Third Phone: |
Email: |
Electronic Consent
This consent applies to statements and financial notifications provided annually and semesterly. You may, at any time, request a paper copy of a notification or statement by contacting the Accounting Department. Withdrawal of consent can be made in writing at Santa Rosa Junior College, Attn: Accounting Office, 1501 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95401 or The Accounting Department can be contacted by phone at 707-527-4973. Access to statements and notifications will be emailed to your email address on file, if provided (above), and within your student portal.
Preferred First Name |
This is your FIRST name only as you would like it to appear on the instructor roster. Only enter a value here if your preferred name is different than your official name as entered on your college application.
Preferred First Name: |