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Human Services: Advocacy (AA) Counseling Total Units: 37
Term Effective: Fall 2003


The advocacy major is designed as an interdiciplinary approach to understanding the advocacy skills needed in human rights advocacy. Particular attention is given to the ways in which processes and practices are handled for some individuals.

Program Requirements:

The requirements for the Human Services: Advocacy (AA) program are:

  • Complete 37 units from
    • Advocacy Emphasis Requirements
    • Human Services Core Requirements

Advocacy Emphasis Requirements - complete 9.00 units
COUN 95Advocate Training3.00
SOC 61Aging & Society3.00
Complete any combination totaling at least 3.00 units from the following:
AJ 53Juvenile Procedures3.00
AJ 56Crime and Criminal Justice in Society3.00
AJ 71Correctional Interviewing & Counseling3.00
ASL 1AAmerican Sign Language 1A3.00
ASL 5History and Culture of Deaf People in America3.00
CHLD 53The Child with Special Needs in the Community3.00
CHLD 90.1Child, Family, Community Interrelationships3.00
HLC 60Medical Terminology3.00
PSYCH 40Psychological Perspectives on Gender3.00
SOC 2Social Problems & Deviance3.00
Human Services Core Requirements - complete 28.00 units
CHLD 10Developmental Stages of Childhood3.00
COMM 5Group Discussion & Problem Solving3.00
COUN 74Identity and Cultural Diversity3.00
COUN 89Ethical Issues in Human Services1.50
COUN 90Introduction to Human Services3.00
COUN 91Skills and Techniques in Human Services3.00
COUN 93Introduction to Case Management1.50
HLE 95Introduction to Alcohol and Drug Studies3.00
LIR 10Introduction to Information Literacy1.00
PSYCH 1AGeneral Psychology3.00
WEOC 99IOccupational Work Experience-Internship0.50-8.00

Term Effective: Fall 2003

The requirements for this program of study are effective beginning the semester shown above. If you began working on this program before the effective semester, you may not be affected by the changes. Consult with the program contact person or the department chair to determine your eligibility to complete the program under previous requirements.

Term Inactive: Fall 2004

Associate Degree Requirements:

The major is one of several requirements students need to fulfill in order to be awarded the Associate Degree, the highest level of academic achievement recognized by Santa Rosa Junior College. Please note that all of the following requirements must be met in order for the degree to be conferred:

For all students admitted for the Fall 2009 term or any term thereafter, a grade of "C" or better, or "P" if the course is taken on a pass/no pass basis, is required for each course applied toward the major.

Course Prerequisites and Advisories:

Courses in a program of study may have prerequisites or advisories; that is, courses that must or should be completed before taking that course. Please check for prerequisites or advisories by clicking on the course numbers in the Program Requirements section.

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