Term Effective:
Fall 2015
The Natural Resources program provides instructional training necessary for technician level positions in natural resource and watershed management, resource protection, fish and wildlife, public safety, visitor information services, and maintenance. The program consists of 18 units of core requirements. Students then select one of three emphases: Forest Management, Watershed Management, or Parks & Recreation, and complete 9 units in the chosen emphasis.
The Natural Resources: Parks and Recreation Management Certificate of Achievement provides training for technician level positions in visitor information services, environmental education, recreation management, maintenance, resource protection and public safety in our local, state, and federal parks and forests.
The work of a Parks and Recreation technician supports and compliments that of the park manager. Population growth and the increased demand for recreation in California have created a demand for individuals trained in parks and recreation management in county, state, and federal governmental service and in private enterprises. This program is designed to equip individuals with skills in designing, planning and managing parks and for providing a wide variety of recreational programs to our communities and conducting Natural Resource education.
This program has been designed with the help of experts in the field of Parks and Recreation Management to fulfill the needs of employers. Employment has been mainly in governmental positions. However, jobs in the private recreation industry have been increasing.
Students who have completed the Parks and Recreation Management Competency Certificate have fulfilled a portion of the Natural Resources: Parks and Recreation Management Certificate of Achievement.
This program of study is also available as an Associate degree
major option.
Upon successful completion of this program, the student will be able to:
- Apply knowledge of specific skills and abilities required to obtain a park ranger position with a county, state, or national park;
- Use customer service, communication, interpersonal, and analytical skills to make successful park visitor contacts resulting in a positive visitor experience;
- Recognize and differentiate recreational opportunities provided by numerous recreational entities and evaluate the success of those opportunities;
- Apply skills in designing, planning, and managing parks, providing a wide variety of recreational programs to communities;
- Describe habitat inventory procedures, evaluate completed and planned restoration projects, and apply prescriptions for repair/restoration of ecological systems; and
- Apply broad-based theories and applications in the Parks and Recreation field to solve problems and address issues in the professions.
Program Requirements:
The requirements for the Natural Resources: Parks and Recreation Management Certificate program are:
Complete 33 units from
- Natural Resources Core Requirements
- Parks and Recreation Management Emphasis Requirements
- Parks and Recreation Management Elective Requirements
Natural Resources Core Requirements - complete 18.00 units |
AGBUS 2 | Agricultural Computer Applications | 3.00 |
NRM 12 | Introduction to Environmental Conservation | 3.00 |
NRM 51 | Wildland Trees and Shrubs | 3.00 |
NRM 84 | Introduction to Fish and Wildlife Conservation | 3.00 |
NRM 99I | Natural Resources Mgnt Occupational Work Experience Intern | 2.00 |
NRM 111 | Orientation to Natural Resources / Park Management Practices | 4.00 |
Parks and Recreation Management Emphasis Requirements - complete 9.00 units |
Complete any combination totaling at least 9.00 units from the following:
| Course | Description | Units |
NRM 60 | Introduction to Outdoor Recreation | 3.00 |
NRM 63 | Environmental Education | 3.00 |
NRM 66 | Wilderness Skills | 3.00 |
NRM 67 | Recreation Facility Management | 3.00 |
Parks and Recreation Management Elective Requirements - complete 6.00 units |
Complete any combination totaling at least 6.00 units from the following:
| Course | Description | Units |
BAD 52 | Human Relations in Organizations | 3.00 |
CS 72.11A | Adobe InDesign 1 | 3.00 |
CS 72.11B | Adobe InDesign 2 | 4.00 |
CS 72.11C | Adobe InDesign 3 | 3.00 |
NRM 70 | Forest Management and Assessment | 4.00 |
NRM 72 | Forest Fire Control and Its Use | 3.00 |
NRM 73 | Introduction to Forest Measurements | 3.00 |
NRM 80 | Environmental Policy for Resource Managers | 3.00 |
NRM 85 | Watershed Hydrology | 4.00 |
NRM 86 | Watershed Resource Management | 2.00 |
NRM 87 | Geographic Info. Systems Applications in Natural Resources | 3.00 |
NRM 88 | Watershed Ecology and Restoration | 3.00 |
NRM 91 | Rangeland Management | 3.00 |
NRM 103 | Restoring Native Habitats | 0.50 |
NRM 131 | Park and Forest Trails Maintenance and Reconstruction | 2.50 |
NRM 132 | Chainsaw Safe Operation and Care | 0.50 |
NRM 141 | Beginning Rock Climbing and Climbing Safety | 1.00 |
NRM 142 | Orienteering for Wilderness Users | 1.00 |
Term Effective:
Fall 2015
The requirements for this program of study are effective beginning the semester shown above. If you began working on this program before the effective semester, you may not be affected by the changes. Consult with the program contact person or the department chair to determine your eligibility to complete the program under previous requirements.
It is important that students who are completing an Associate Degree and desire to transfer to a four-year institution meet with a counselor to plan their lower division coursework. While many majors at SRJC are intended to align with lower division major preparation required by California public universities, specific lower-division major requirements vary among individual campuses. See a counselor, visit the Transfer Center, and check Guides For Transfer in Specific Majors, and ASSIST to review transfer preparation guides for specific schools and majors.
Students who elect to take more than three courses from the Parks and Recreation Management Emphasis Requirements course list can use the additional course(s) to partially satisfy the Parks and Recreation Management Elective Requirement.