Catalog rights may apply, see a counselor for more information.
Term Effective:
Spring 2012
The program provides training in vocational nursing. A minimum of 1,530 hours of instruction and clinical experience are required by the Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians (BVNPT). Clinical sites are arranged at local health care facilities and community agencies for a wide range of clinical hands on experiences. The SRJC vocational nursing program is accredited by the California BVNPT. No wages or stipends are paid to students during their training period.
Upon successful program completion, eligible graduates will be allowed to sit for NCLEX-PN (National Counsel of Licensed Examiners for Practical/Vocational Nurses) examination required by the BVNPT. Successful passing of the NCLEX-PN exam is required to receive the Vocational Nursing license from the California Department of Consumer Affairs.
The vocational nurse (LVN) is an important member of the health team who works under the direct supervision of an RN or physician. The LVN provides direct personal nursing care and is able to perform numerous technical skills such as administering oral and injectable medications; performing cleansing, palliative, and remedial treatments; using specialized equipment and instruments in giving treatments; and documenting facts related to the nursing process and client care in written and electronic medical records.
The employment outlook for vocational nurses is excellent. Vocational nurses are employed in skilled nursing facilities, rehabilitation facilities, hospitals, MD offices, clinics, home care, the prison system, developmentally delayed facilities, public health departments, visiting nursing associations, Peace Corps, and other agencies.
Students completing the LVN program and who are interested in becoming Registered Nurses have many options including the SRJC LVN to AD Nursing Career Ladder Program, and many online college programs for LVN to BSN. It is strongly recommended that students interested in pursuing the ADN program take ANAT 1 and PHYSIO 1, not ANAT 58 and PHYSIO 58 to avoid repeat of ADN program prerequisites. See a Health Sciences counselor for more information.
For detailed and updated program information advisories and admission dates, go to the Vocational Nursing Program web site. Students interested in the order for taking classes in this program, can view the recommended course sequence.
Licensure Note:
The Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians (BVNPT) may deny licensure for crimes substantially related to the practice of nursing. This includes convictions involving sex crimes, drug crimes (including DUI), and crimes of violence. It is the responsibility of the applicant to present sufficient evidence of rehabilitation to the BVPT prior to licensure.
Program Student Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this certificate, the student will be able to:
- Satisfy the requirements for application to the take the NCLEX-PN Licensure Exam;
- transition from student to vocational nurse in a variety of health-care settings;
- practice competently and safely in a variety of health care settings appropriate to entry level vocational nurse;
- communicate effectively as a member of a multidisciplinary team;
- maintain high professional and ethical standards of vocational nursing practice;
- utilize concepts of human growth and development and psycho/socio/cultural needs of clients
as they apply to self-care models; and, promote family centered care that is culturally
- assume responsibility for ongoing educational and professional development;
- provide leadership and effective supervision of unlicensed assistive personnel within the
vocational nursing scope of practice;
- adapt rapidly to new technologies and changing conditions of health care; and
- grow in the ability to think critically and incorporate new knowledge and skills into the
theoretical knowledge base acquired in the VN program.
Program Requirements:
The requirements for the Vocational Nursing (AS) program are:
Complete 69 units from
- Vocational Nursing Prerequisite Requirements
- Vocational Nursing Requirements
- Information Learning Resources Requirement
Vocational Nursing Prerequisite Requirements - complete 18.00 units |
PSYCH 4 | Child and Adolescent Psychology | 3.00 |
Complete any combination totaling at least 3.00 units from the following:
| Course | Description | Units |
ANAT 1 | General Human Anatomy | 5.00 |
ANAT 58 | Introduction to Human Anatomy | 3.00 |
Complete any combination totaling at least 3.00 units from the following:
| Course | Description | Units |
COMM 5 | Group Discussion and Problem Solving | 3.00 |
COMM 6 | Interpersonal Communication | 3.00 |
COMM 7 | Intercultural Communication | 3.00 |
SPCH 1A | Introduction to Public Speaking | 3.00 |
SPCH 60 | Communication Skills | 3.00 |
Complete a combination totaling at least 3.00 units from the following:
| Course | Description | Units |
FDNT 62 | Nutrition & Diet Therapy | 3.00 |
| Elementary Nutrition | 3.00 |
FDNT 162 | Diet Therapy for Healthcare | 2.00 |
Complete any combination totaling at least 3.00 units from the following:
| Course | Description | Units |
PHYSIO 1 | Human Physiology | 5.00 |
PHYSIO 58 | Introduction to Human Physiology | 3.00 |
Complete any combination totaling at least 3.00 units from the following:
| Course | Description | Units |
PSYCH 1A | General Psychology | 3.00 |
PSYCH 5 | Abnormal Psychology | 3.00 |
PSYCH 7 | Theories of Personality | 3.00 |
PSYCH 56 | Aging, Dying and Death | 3.00 |
Vocational Nursing Requirements - complete 50.00 units |
NRV 51 | Fundamentals and Basics of Vocational Nursing | 8.00 |
NRV 51L | Fundamentals & Basic Vocational Nursing Clinical Experience | 6.00 |
NRV 52.1 | Intermediate Vocational Nursing | 8.00 |
NRV 52.1L | Intermediate Clinical for Vocational Nursing | 4.00 |
NRV 52.2 | Maternal-Child Health Vocational Nursing | 2.00 |
NRV 52.2L | Maternal-Child Health Vocational Nursing Clinical | 2.00 |
NRV 53 | Advanced Vocational Nursing Theory | 8.00 |
NRV 53L | Advanced Vocational Nursing Clinical | 6.50 |
NRV 58A | Fundamental Skills Lab for Vocational Nursing | 1.00 |
NRV 58B | Intermediate Vocational Nursing Skills Lab | 1.00 |
NRV 58C | Advanced Skills Lab for Vocational Nursing | 0.50 |
Complete any combination totaling at least 2.00 units from the following:
| Course | Description | Units |
NR 255 | Comprehensive Pharmacology Update | 2.00 |
PHARM 255 | Comprehensive Pharmacology Update | 2.00 |
Complete any combination totaling at least 1.00 units from the following:
| Course | Description | Units |
NR 256.1 | Advanced Pharmacology Update | 1.00 |
PHARM256.1 | Advanced Pharmacology Update | 1.00 |
Information Learning Resources Requirement - complete 1.00 units |
Complete any combination totaling at least 1.00 units from the following:
| Course | Description | Units |
LIR 10 | Introduction to Information Literacy | 1.00 |
LIR 30 | Introduction to Information Literacy for Research Projects | 1.00 |
Term Effective:
Spring 2012
The requirements for this program of study are effective beginning the semester shown above. If you began working on this program before the effective semester, you may not be affected by the changes. Consult with the program contact person or the department chair to determine your eligibility to complete the program under previous requirements.
Program Requirements Notes:
- Program requirements are put in place by external accreditation and regulatory agencies (BVNPT) and are not subject to catalog rights.
- Eligibility for ENGL 1A
- Eligibility for MATH 150A
- A clear background check is required by clinical agencies. Accepted students must successfully pass a criminal background check (paid by
students) this will require social security numbers.
- Complete all health requirements noted on VN program webpage (paid by students).
- Strongly recommended to meet with a Health Science counselor for guidance with VN certificate or VN Major. Call (707) 527-4451 for Santa Rosa campus or (707) 778-3914 for Petaluma campus to make an
- Proof of high school graduation or equivalency (HS Diploma, transcript showing Associate Degree or higher degree, GED certificate, document
of equivalency of foreign education to US High school graduation or higher.
- Official transcripts showing proof of all pre-requisite course completion, this includes official SRJC transcripts.
- Meet the current Chancellor’s cut score for cohort (includes grade in Anatomy/Physiology, GPA)
- Cut score determined by State Chancellor's calculation pattern.
- Important: Chancellor’s cut score based on highest grade, in A&P. Basic requirement Anatomy 58 and Physio 58. Students should NOT repeat sciences unless critical, points lost in Chancellor’s cut score.
- All classes and pre-requisites must be completed with a C or better.
- All qualified candidates assigned a random number per Chancellor’s guidelines.
- First 32 qualified applicants will be selected at random from applicant pool.
- Other qualified applicants not selected assigned rank number as alternate.
- Once class starts, alternate status is closed and applicants must reapply for a future class.
Associate Degree Requirements:
The major is one of several requirements students need to fulfill in order to be awarded the Associate Degree, the highest level of academic achievement recognized by Santa Rosa Junior College. Please note that all of the following requirements must be met in order for the degree to be conferred:
For all students admitted for the Fall 2009 term or any term thereafter,
a grade of "C" or better, or "P" if the course is taken on a pass/no pass basis,
is required for each course applied toward the major.