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Course Objectives are written to conform with those standards outlined in
Chapter 1260 of the Statutes of the Health and Safety Code and Title 22
and Division 9, Pre-hospital Emergency Medical Service (EMS) of the
Administrative Code. Objectives listed are for the eight state mandated
At the completion of the course, the paramedic student will be able to:
1. Describe the roles and responsibilities of a Paramedic within an EMS
2. Apply the basic concepts of development, pathophysiology and
pharmacology to assessment and management of patients with a medical or
trauma emergency patients
3. Calculate formulas and demonstrate administration of medications within
scope of practice
4. Demonstrate effective written and verbal communication with patients
and members of health care team
5. Discuss and demonstrate establishing and /or maintaining a patent
airway, oxygenating, and ventilating a patient
6. Define and apply components of medical history and examination to a
patient with a medical or traumatic emergency
7. Perform a comprehensive physical history and exam on any emergency
8. Integrate pathophysiological principles and assessment findings to
formulate a field impression and implement the treatment plan for the
adult or pediatric trauma patient, medical patient or chronically ill
9. Identify components of scene safety and management
10. Recognize components of 12 Lead Electrocardiogram(EKG) and its
significance in pre-hospital care
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Module 1: Pre-hospital Care Environment
a. Roles and responsibilities
b. Importance of personal wellness
c. Injury prevention activities to reduce death, disabilities and
health care cost.
d. Legal issues as they apply to out-of-hospital environment
e. Ethics and decision making as they apply to out-of-hospital
f. Assessment and management of emergency patients
g. Formulating a field impression and implementing a
pharmacologic management plan
h. Accessing the venous circulation and administering medications
i. Effective communication with patients while providing care
j. Physiological, psychological, and sociological changes
throughout human development with assessment and communication
strategies for patients of all ages
Module 2: Airway Management
a. Anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system
b. Basic and advanced life support - airway adjuncts
c. Principles of oxygenation and ventilation
d. Intubation and maintaining airways
Module 3: Patient Assessment
a. Techniques to obtain a medical history from patient
b. Pathophysiological significance of physical exams findings
c. Principles of history taking and techniques of physical exam
to perform patient assessment
d. Clinical decision making to help form field impression
e. Verbal dissemination of patient information, in person or
over the radio
f. Effective documentation of patient assessment, care and
Module 4: Trauma Patient
a. Pathophysological significance of traumatic injuries
b. Principles of kinematics to enhance the patient assessment and
predict injuries based on the mechanism of injury
c. Recognition and treatment plan for the patient with:
1. Shock or hemorrhage
2. Soft tissue injury
3. Burn injury
4. Suspected head injury
5. Suspected spinal injury
6. Thoracic injury
7. Suspected abdominal trauma
8. Musculoskeletal injury
Module 5: Medical Patient
a. Anatomy and physiology review of organ systems
b. Recognition and treatment plan for the patient with:
1. Respiratory problem
2. Cardiovascular disease
3. Neurological problem
4. Endocrine problem
5. Allergic or anaphylactic reaction
6. Gastroenterologic problem
7. Renal or urologic problem
8. Toxic exposure
9. Hematopoietic system problem
10.Environmentally induced or exacerbated medical or traumatic
11.Infectious and communicable diseases
12.Behavioral emergencies
13.Gynecological emergency
14.Normal or abnormal labor
Module 6: Patient with special needs treatment plan for
a. The neonatal patient
b. The pediatric patient
c. The geriatric patient
d. The patient who has sustained abuse or
e. Diverse patients who face physical, mental, social and financial
f. Chronically ill patients in the home environment
Module 7: Scene management
a. Safe and effective ground and air medical transport
b. Multiple casualty incident management techniques
c. Rescue awareness from water, hazardous atmospheres, trenches,
highways and hazardous terrain
d. Hazardous materials emergencies
e. Safe operation at crime scenes and other emergencies
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Assignments include:
a. Reading approximately 50 pages per week from assigned texts
b. Memorization of state mandated policies and protocols as
c. Develop 32 drug profiles
d. Memorize all protocols as assigned weekly
e. Work in small groups to research assigned medical and trauma
emergencies for class presentation
f. Study for 15 quizzes and 5 division exams
g. Complete 60 daily on-line activities
h. Complete EKG worksheets as assigned
i. Weekly group development and demonstration of scenarios utilizing
assigned skills and protocols
j. Complete final written exam
k. Complete final pharmacological exam
l. Complete final written psychomotor skills exam
m. Scenario based simulations
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Bledsoe et al. Paramedic Principles and Practice. 2001
Infor Med. ALS Version EMS Field Guide. 14th Edition
Holland & Adams.Core Concepts in Pharmacology. 2004
Atwood et al. Introduction to Basic Cardiac Dysrhythmias. 2004
Gausche-Hill. Pediatric Education for PreHospital Professionals. 2001.
American Heart Association. ACLS Provider Manual 2004 and Emergency
Cardiac Guide Lines
American Heart Association. Pediatric Advanced Life Support. 2004
Campbell. Basic Trauma Life Support. 5th Edition
Instructor prepared materials
Standard Operating Procedure
Skills Handbook
Protocol Handbook
PreHospital Pharmacology Handbook