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Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Discuss the relationship of multiple-use management to ecosystem-based management.
2. Summarize the principles of wildlife and habitat management.
3. Discuss fishery management practices and the factors that influence management decisions and methods.
4. Integrate site, visitor and service management practices to ensure desired recreational experiences within the limitation of the physical, biological, and social environments.
5. Inventory the natural resources of an area and synthesize them into the design of a recreation facility.
6. Manage and maintain wildland recreation areas and facilities to ensure visitor satisfaction and safety.
7. Practice the basics of boating and boat safety.
8. Design, construct and maintain a wildland trail.
9. Discuss the nature of watershed management practices that maintain a good watershed condition.
10. Demonstrate the proper use of the hand compass and topographic maps for wildland recreational activities.
11. Discuss the principles of silviculture and timber management as they relate to sustainable timber production.
12. Explain the importance of managing rangelands for livestock production.
13. Describe how fire and pests can be controlled to maintain healthy ecosystem conditions.
14. Explain how natural resources management practices influence the processes of soil erosion.
15. Discuss the methods that can be used to rehabilitate rangelands and commercially harvested forest lands.
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I. Introduction
A. Definitions
B. Relationship of multiple-use management to ecosystem-based management
C. Career opportunities in natural resource management
1. Qualifications
2. Education
II. Wildlife Management
A. Ecological background for wildlife management
B. Population management practices
C. Habitat management and enhancement practices
1. Principles
2. Applications
a. Wood ducks
b. Anadromous fisheries
D. Management of endangered wildlife species
E. Fishery management
III. Park Ranger Skills
A. Duties of a ranger
B. Outdoor recreation management practices
1. Outdoor recreational activities
2. Recreational experience
3. Outdoor recreation management practices
4. Visual resources management
IV. Design and Management of Recreation Facilities
A. Wilderness management principles and practices
B. Site management
1. Maintenance scheduling of campground, restroom and other recreation facilities
2. Maintenance tools and equipment and safety and repair techniques
C. Site design
1. Environmental considerations in recreation area design and layout
2. Maintenance considerations in recreation area design and layout
3. Elements of a recreation area
D. Public Contact and Visitor Satisfaction
1. Campground kiosk operation
2. Development of visitor survey questionnaires
3. Environmental interpretation and program presentations
a. Thematic interpretation
b. Preparing and presenting a talk
c. Presenting a guided tour
d. Using visual aids
e. Slide presentations
f. Computer-generated graphics
g. PowerPoint
h. Storyboards
i. Historic and cultural interpretation
j. Interpretation for children
k. Environmental education curricula
4. Interpretive planning model
a. Planning and preparing exhibits
b. Self-guided tours/trails
E. Visitor protection and safety
1. Search and rescue techniques
2. Law enforcement consideration in recreation area operation
F. Elements in the Operation of Public Outdoor RecreationFacilities
1. Administrative and budgetary
2. Maintenance and design
3. Public contact and visitor satisfaction
4. Visitor protection and safety
5. Resource protection
G. Administrative and budgetary functions
1. Analysis of financial needs and budget form preparation
2. Fee collection and accounting
3. Purchasing and timesheet procedures
4. Crew foreman supervisory skills
V. Boating Safety
A. Personal safety
B. Basic boating guidelines
C. Boating law and rules of the road
D. Basic operation of a variety of vessels
E. Accident prevention and rescue
VI. Trails
A. Design and construction
B. Trail maintenance
C. Removal of natural hazards
D. Tool safety and use
VII. Watershed and Water Management Practices
A. Definitions
B. Hydrologic cycle
C. Watershed management practices
1. Maintaining watershed condition
2. Increasing water yields
3. Rehabilitation activities
D. Water management practices
1. Developing water supplies
2. Conserving water supplies
3. Water quality
E. Effects of watershed management practices on water resources
1. Environmental effects
2. Water yield increases
3. Riparian ecosystems
VIII. Map Reading and Compass Use
A. Map scale
B. Contour lines and intervals
C. Longitude and latitude grids
D. Range and township grids
E. Topographic maps
1. Symbols
2. Color system
F. Mechanical/magnetic principles of the hand compass
G. Route finding from a known point
1. Degrees
2. Minutes
3. Seconds
IX. Silviculture: Timber Management Practices
A. Silviculture
1. Reproduction methods
2. Intermediate cuttings
3. Other cultural treatments
B. Timber Management
1. Species composition
2. Stand structure
3. Regulation
4. Rotation age
5. Protection
C. Harvesting of timber
1. Felling and bucking
2. Skidding, loading, and transportation
3. Environmental considerations
X. Rangeland Management
A. Proper use of rangelands
B. Grazing management
C. Rangeland improvement
D. Livestock improvement
XI. Fire Control and Pest Management
A. Fire
1. Prevention
2. Fire-danger rating
3. Control practices
4. Prescribed burning
5. Prescribed natural fire
B. Insect pests and diseases
1. Classification
2. Control practices
C. Integrated pest management
D. Ecosystem health
XII. Soil Conservation
A. Processes of erosion
B. Erosion control
C. Prevention of soil loss
XIII. Sustainable Forestry Practices
A. Rehabilitation methods
B. Rehabilitation of salt-affected lands
XIV. Integrated Natural Resources Management
A. Importance of alternatives
B. Estimation of natural resources
C. Benefits and costs
D. Decision making
E. Cumulative impacts
D. Multiple use management