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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Define key terms and concepts used in comparative politics.
2. Identify similarities and differences between and among states, as well as political institutions, processes, and policies.
3. Compare and contrast the patterns of political and economic development of consolidated democracies, transitional democracies, and authoritarian states.
4. Analyze how identity, political socialization and political participation, impact political culture.
5. Describe how individual countries deal with domestic policy challenges and the impact of globalization by comparing their public policy approaches and outcomes.
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I. Comparative Politics
A. Comparison of States
B. Comparison of Political Regimes
C. Comparison of Political Culture and Participation
D. Comparison of Political Economies
E. Comparison of Public Policy Issues and Challenges
F. Interplay of National, Regional, and Global Forces
II. Consolidated Democracies
A. Origins of the Democratic States
B. Presidential, Parliamentary and Semi-Presidential Systems
C. Political Culture and Participation
D. Public Policy
1. Domestic Trends and Challenges
2. Regional and Globalization Forces and Challenges
E. Selected Countries - Case Studies on countries determined by the instructor.
1. Historical Development of the State
2. Political Institutions
3. Political Culture and Participation
a. Party System and Elections
b. Ideology
c. Identity (class, ethnic, national)
4. Political Economy
5. Public Policy
a. Domestic Policy Issues
b. Regional and Globalization Forces and Impact
III. Authoritarian Regimes
A. Origins of Authoritarianism
B. The Institutional Bases of Authoritarianism
C. Varieties of Authoritarianism
D. Economics and Authoritarian States
E. Selected Countries - Case Studies countries determined by the instructor.
1. Historical Development of the State
2. Political Institutions
3. Political Culture and Participation
a. Party system and elections
b. Ideology
c. Identity
4. Political Economy
5. Public Policy
a. Domestic Trends and Challenges
b. Regional and Globalization Forces and Impact
IV. Transitional Regimes
A. Evolution of Politics in the Developing States
1. Imperialism and its Legacy
2. Postcolonial Political Regimes
B. Political Economy of Development and Underdevelopment
C. Political Culture and Participation
D. Public Policy
E. Selected Countries - Case Studies countries determined by the instructor.
1. Historical Development of the State
2. Political Institutions
3. Political Culture and Participation
a. Party System and Elections
b. Ideology
c. Identity
4. Political Economy
5. Public Policy
a. Domestic trends and challenges
b. Regional and Globalization Forces and Impact
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Essentials of Comparative Politics. O'Neill, Patrick. W.W. Norton & Company. 2020
Cases and Concepts in Comparative Politics. O'Neill, Patrick and Fields, Karl and Share, Don. W.W. Norton & Company. 2023
Principles of Comparative Politics. 4th ed. Clark, William Roberts, Golder, Matt, and Golder, Sona N. CQ Press. 2024
Comparative Politics: Integrating Theories, Methods, and Cases. 4th ed. Dickovick, Tyler, Eastwood, Jonathan, LeBlanc, Robin M., and Ponce de Leon, Zoila. Oxford University Press. 2022