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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the structure and organization of the software package
2. Create a map project using GIS software
3. Define and apply the relationship of geographic features and attribute data
4. Perform feature identification and classification
5. Perform query and analysis functions
6. Define and edit spatial relationships
7. Create a map layout
8. Integrate GIS with other software and technology
9. Utilize basic cartographic principles in designing and producing maps
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Lecture-Related Topics and Scope:
I. Identify Source Files
A. Local and web-based links to files
B. How to manage files and data in the project
II. Perform Geocoding for Geographic Location
III. Perform Selection by Location for Data Analysis
IV. Perform Spatial Database Joins
V. Overlay Analyses
A. Proximity
B. Spatial data processing
C. Clip data tools and demonstration
D. Dissolve data tools and demonstration
E. Append to data tools and demonstration
F. Union function tools and demonstration
VI. Utilize GIS Software Features
A. Create metadata and internal metadata documentation
B. Utilize ArcToolbox features
C. Create custom tools
VII. Map Design and Production
A. Maps and map series
B. Reports with embedded maps
C. Graphs in maps and reports
VIII. Create and Edit Geodatabases
IX. Import/Export, Create, and Edit Mixed Data Sources
A. Mixed data formats
B. Computer Assisted Drafting and Design (CADD)
C. Interchange files
D. Text and comma-separated values (CSV) files
E. Microsoft Excel and Access files
X. Intermediate Level Analysis Functions
A. Queries
B. Attribute joins
C. Spatial joins
D. Edit attributes
E. Create and utilize centroids
XI. Intermediate Level Statistical Analysis
XII. Summary Tables, Spatial Adjustment, and Georeferencing
XIII. GIS Design
A. GIS design overview
B. Software engineering approach
C. Structured design model
D. Formal GIS design methodology
E. Verification and validation
XIV. GIS Output
A. Display of analytic data
B. Cartographic considerations in technical mapping
C. Map design controls
D. Nontraditional cartographic output
E. Non-cartographic output
F. Technology and GIS output
Lab-Related Topics and Scope:
I. Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) Web-based Modules
A. Solving spatial problems
B. Analysis of raster data
C. Deriving terrain rasters
D. Raster site selection
E. Analysis of vector data
F. Distance analysis
G. Exploring spatial patterns
H. Introduction to surface models
I. Three-dimensional (3D) visualization techniques
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GIS Fundamentals, A First Text on Geographic Information Systems, 6th ed. Bolstad, Paul. Eider Press. 2019.
Lining Up Data in ArcGIS: A Guide to Map Projections, 3rd ed. Maher, Margaret. ESRI Press. 2018.
Modeling Our World: the ESRI Guide to Geodatabase Concepts, 2nd ed. Zeiler, Michael. ESRI Press. 2010 (classic).
Instructor prepared materials