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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Identify course objectives, requirements, assignments, activities, evaluation methods and
participation requirements.
2. Identify the different levels and courses required for certification in the Fire Officer tract and
the capstone task book and testing process.
3. Describe the duties of a Level I & II Company Officer and a Level I Wildland Fire Officer.
4. Demonstrate the ability to apply and follow human resource policies and procedures.
5. Create a professional development plan for a staff member and provide the individual with
the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to succeed.
6. Demonstrate the ability to assign tasks or responsibilities using clear and concise instructions
to unit members under non-emergency situations addressing safety concerns and the
desired outcomes.
7. Demonstrate the ability to assign tasks or responsibilities using clear and concise instructions
to unit members under emergency situations addressing safety concerns and the desired
8. Demonstrate the ability to direct unit members to perform a training evolution efficiently and
in accordance with safety plans.
9. Demonstrate the ability to coordinate and supervise the completion of a series of tasks
holding unit members accountable for their assignments.
10. Complete an evaluation of a unit member, accurately describing their job performance in
accordance with human resource policies and procedures.
11. Describe a course of action for problems with a unit member following established policies
and procedures.
12. Describe a course of action directed to improve the performance of a unit member following
established policies and procedures.
13. Describe the impact of the FBOR as it applies to the company officer.
14. Apply safety regulations at the unit level completing required reports, conducting in service
training and conveying unit member responsibilities.
15. Describe the benefits of a physical fitness to the performance of assigned duties and
participating in a wellness and fitness program.
16. Conduct an initial accident review, documenting the incident and processing in accordance
with department policies and procedures.
17. Prepare a report based on the analysis of a unit member's injury, accident or exposure
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I. Orientation and Administration
A. Review of facilities
B. Review of classroom requirements
C. Review of syllabus, participation, assignments and evaluation methods
II. Fire Officer Certification Track Course Requirements
A. Level I requirements
B. Level II requirements
C. The capstone task book process
D. The capstone testing process
III. Duties of a Company (Level I) Officer
A. Use of personnel to accomplish assignments
B. Dealing with the community
C. General administrative functions
D. Supervising emergency operations
E. Conducting inspections and investigations
F. Implementing health and safety plans and procedures
IV. Human Resource Management
A. Human resource policies and procedures
B. Administrative procedures
1. Transfers
2. Promotions
3. Compensation
4. Member benefits
5. Sick leave/vacation
6. Commendations
7. Disciplinary actions
8. Grievances
V. Professional Development Plans
A. Steps to create a plan
B. Professional development options
1. Job shadowing
2. Mentoring
3. Continuing education
VI. Assigning Non-emergency Tasks
A. Verbal communication
B. Written communication
C. Techniques used to make assignments
D. Methods of confirming understanding
F. Developing instructions for frequently assigned tasks
VII. Assigning Emergency Tasks
A. Verbal communication during emergency incident
B. Techniques to make assignments in stressful situations
C. Methods of confirming understanding
D. Developing condensed instructions for frequently assigned tasks
VIII. Directing Training Evolutions
IX. Supervising and Coordinating the Completion of Assignments
A. Principles of supervision
B. Basic human resource management
C. Setting priorities
X. Performance Evaluations
A. Job descriptions
B. Evaluation objectives and procedures
C. Common evaluation errors
D. Planning and conducting evaluations
XI. Recommending Action for Member Related Problems
A. Signs and symptoms of problems
1. Substance abuse
2. Acute, chronic and delayed stress
B. Causes and effect of stress in emergency service personnel
C. Employee assistance policies and procedures
D. Developing a course of action for members in need of assistance
XII. Improving Member Performance
A. Identifying problems
B. Concepts of organizational behavior
C. Principles of group dynamics
D. Leadership styles
E. Types of power in leadership
F. Principles of interpersonal dynamics
XIII. Impact of the FBOR
A. The disciplinary process as it relates to the FBOR
B. Components of the notification and interrogation process
C. Rights and protections offered by the FBOR
XIV. Application of Safety Regulations
A. Common causes of personal injury and accidents
B. Safety policy and procedures
C. Basic workplace safety
D. Components of an infectious disease program
XV. Wellness and Fitness Programs
A. National death and injury statistics
B. Fire service safety and wellness initiatives and programs
XVI. Initial Accident Review
A. Procedures for conducting an accident review
B. Fact finding procedures
XVII. Analyzing and Reporting on a Member's History
A. Causes of unsafe acts, exposures and conditions that result in injuries or deaths
B. Interpreting accident, illness and death reports
C. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) requirements
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Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer. 5th ed. International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA). 2014 (classic)
Fire Officer: Principles and Practice. 3rd ed. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). 2014 (classic)
Pocket Guide to the Firefighters Procedural Bill of Rights Act. 4th ed. Tiedemann, Scott. CA. Public Employees Relations. 2017
Human Resource Management for the Fire Service. Jones and Bartlett. 2011 (classic)
Fire and Emergency Services Administration: Management and Leadership Practices. 2nd ed. Smelby, Charles. Jones and Bartlett. 2014 (classic)