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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Integrate pathophysiological principles and assessment findings to formulate a field
impression and implement the treatment plan for the following conditions:
A. Respiratory emergencies
B. Cardiovascular emergencies
C. Neurological emergencies
D. Endocrine emergencies
E. Allergic reaction and anaphylaxis
F. Communicable diseases
G. Gastrointestinal emergencies
H. Renal and urological emergencies
I. Toxicological emergencies
J. Behavioral emergencies
K. Gynecological emergencies
L. Obstetrical emergencies including normal and abnormal childbirth
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I. Respiratory Emergencies
A. Anatomy/physiology/pathophysiology
B. Chronic obstructive diseases
C. Asthma
D. Assessment and management
II. Cardiovascular Emergencies
A. Anatomy/physiology/pathophysiology
B. Electrophysiology
C. Electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring and interpretation
D. Assessment and management
E. Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
III. Neurological Emergencies
A. Anatomy/physiology/pathophysiology
B. Altered mental status
C. Cerebral Vascular Accidents (CVA)
D. Seizures
E. Neuro muscular diseases
F. Assessment and management
IV. Allergic Reactions and Anaphylaxis
A. Anatomy/physiology/pathophysiology
B. Allergic Reactions
C Anaphylaxis
D. Assessment and management
V. Endocrine Emergencies
A. Anatomy/physiology/pathophysiology
B. Diabetes Mellitus
C. Primary and secondary endocrine disease
D. Assessment and management
VI. Communicable Diseases
A. Anatomy/physiology/pathophysiology
B. Modes of transmission and prevention
C. Recognition and management of specific diseases
D. Public health concerns
VII. Gastrointestinal Emergencies
A. Anatomy/physiology/pathophysiology
B. Upper and lower gastrointestinal diseases
C. Assessment and management
VIII. Renal and Urological Emergencies
A. Anatomy/physiology/pathophysiology
B. Renal diseases
1. End stage renal disease - dialysis
2. Renal calculi
3. Renal infection
C. Urological conditions
1. Testicular torsion
2. Urinary tract infection
3. Urinary retention
D. Assessment and Management
IX. Toxicological Emergencies
A. Anatomy/physiology/pathophysiology
B. Alcoholism
C. Poisoning
D. Overdose
E. Assessment and management
XI. Behavioral Emergencies
A. Anatomy/physiology/pathophysiology
B. Suicide
C. Behavioral conditions - excited delirium
D. Psychiatric conditions
1. Depression
2. Bipolar disorder
3. Schizophrenia
4. Anxiety
E. Restraints
1. Physical
2. Pharmacological
F. Assessment and management
XII. Gynecological Emergencies
A. Anatomy/physiology/pathophysiology
B. Pelvic inflammatory disease
C. Sexually transmitted diseases
D. Assault
E. Trauma
F. Assessment and management
XIII. Obstetrical Emergencies
A. Anatomy/physiology/pathophysiology
B. Normal labor and delivery
C. Ectopic pregnancy
D. Obstetric emergencies
E. Assessment and management
All areas of the Topics and Scope are covered in both the Lecture and Lab portions of the course
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Paramedic Care: Principles and Practice, Vols. 1-5. 5th ed. Bledsoe, Bryan and Porter, Robert
and Cherry, Richard. Pearson. 2016
FISDAP Tracking and Testing Software
Basic Arrythmias. 8th ed. Walraven, Gail. Pearson 2016
Advanced Cardiac Life Support Provider Manual (2015 Guidelines). American Heart
Understanding 12 Lead EKGs. 3rd ed. Beasley, Brenda and West, Michael. Pearson. 2013
Emergency Medical Patients: Assessment, Care and Transport. Dalton, Twink and Limmer, Daniel and Mistovich, Joseph. Pearson. 2011 (classic)