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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Recognize and understand a variety of specific diagnosed disabilities and other special needs conditions.
2. Identify atypical developmental indicators through observation based on typical developmental patterns, chronological age norms across developmental domains, and developmental theory.
3. Summarize existing laws and service provisions for eligible children with disabilities or other special needs.
4. Research services and agencies within the community to assist families in accessing services for their children.
5. Explain family systems theory as a framework for interactions with family members and child care providers.
6. Introduce the steps in the referral process including observation, screening, assessment and the Individual Education Plan (IEP) and Individual Family Services Plan (IFSP) process.
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Topics and Scope:
I. Conditions and Diagnoses
A. Characteristics of specific disabilities
1. Cerebral palsy
2. Autism spectrum disorders
3. Attention Deficit Disorder/with or without hyperactivity (ADD/ADHD)
4. Down Syndrome
5. Learning disabilities
6. Blindness and visual impairment
7. Deafness and hearing impairment
8. Speech and language delays
9. General developmental delays
10. Health care needs (asthma, seizure disorders, food, and environmental allergies, etc.)
B. Causes, incidence rates, and developmental implications
C. Effects of individual disability or special need on family and community interactions
D. Inclusion
II. Typical and Atypical Development
A. Review typical developmental patterns, characteristics, and milestones, prenatal to age 8
B. Developmental domains
1. Physical, including gross and fine motor; Sensory
2. Cognitive, including speech, language, and communication
3. Social and Emotional; Self-Help/adaptive
C. Observation and data collection
1. Screening and assessment tools
2. Individualized program planning
3. Collaboration and communication with parents, providers, and specialists
III. Laws and Service Provisions
A. Historical perspective of public education and civil rights laws for individuals with disabilities including theories and theorist pertaining to children with special needs
B. Civil rights laws
1. Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
2. California Unruh Civil Rights Act: Access and Reasonable Accommodations
C. Education and Early Intervention Laws
1. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
2. Early Head Start/Head Start Legislation
3. Section 504 provisions
D. Advocacy related to children with special needs
E. Least Restrictive Environment
IV. Referral Process and Community Resources
A. Community-based agencies and services
1. Educational services
a. Public school districts
b. Private schools
c. Learning centers
d. Local agencies and services
2. Developmental services
a. California Regional Centers
b. Easter Seals
c. Specialized therapy programs
d. Local providers of services
B. Medical services
C. Introduction to careers in the field
1. Educational jobs, including teachers and paraprofessionals
2. Early intervention and other disability specialists
3. Therapists
V. Family Systems
A. Family systems approach
1. Family structure
2. Function and roles
B. Strength-based approach
C. Strategies for collaboration with families and other professionals to support optimal development
D. Emotional reactions to having a family member with a disability
E. Diversity and cultural awareness
F. Ethics and confidentiality
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The course will include some or all of the following assignments:
Reading and Discussion
Reading and discussion of assigned text and handouts; approximately 30 pages per week.
1. Reading and analysis of a blog written by a parent of child(ren) with special needs, one paper (2-4 pages)
2. Written observation and analysis of children with special needs using developmental terminology (2-4 observations of approximately 2-5 pages)
3. Journals of reflective writing on readings, guest speakers and lecture topics (Approximately 2-4 journal entries of 3 to 5 pages each)
Skill Demonstrations
1. Participation in and analysis of a career panel presentation on topics related to identifying and serving children with special needs
2. Practice completion of an Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ)
3. Group project: mock parent meeting on Ages and Stages Questionnaire and Individual Education/ Individual Family Service Plans
4. Term project: portfolio development using observation, research, and application of developmental theory and terminology related to the young child with special needs
1. Quizzes (2-5)
2. Essay exam(s) (1-2)
3. Final exam, on readings, terminology, presentations, and lectures
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The Exceptional Child: Inclusion in Early Childhood Education. 7th ed. Allen, K. Eileen and Cowdery, Glynnis E. Thomson/Delmar Learning. 2011 (classic).
Young Children with Special Needs, 5th ed. Hooper, Stephen and Umansky, Warren. Pearson. 2008 (classic).
National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY) Disabilities Fact Sheets
Instructor prepared materials