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The students will:
1. Describe the characteristics of the scientific method and how it forms
the basis of all modern scientific research.
2. Define homeostatis and how positive and negative flashback mechanisms
3. Describe the structures and functions of water, carbohydrates, lipids,
and proteins.
4. Explain how a cell's components are organized and capable of function
necessary for its survival.
5. Demonstrate an understanding of the first and second laws of thermo-
dynamics by applying these concepts when describing the production
and significance of ATP.
6. Describe the biological pathways for extracting energy from carbo-
hydrates, lipids and proteins and pathways for their synthesis.
7. Describe the plasma membrane, methods by which materials are exchanged
across it and how a membrane potential is produced.
8. Explain how neurons are specialized for electrical and chemical
signaling through modifications in their membrane potential and how
neurons communicate with other cells.
9. Define and describe the central nervous system, it's major components,
and how it plays a central role in communication with the internal
and external environment.
10. Distinguish the autonomic neurons from the central nervous system and
define the role of the former through a knowledge of pharmacology.
11. Discuss the peripheral nervous system by comparing afferent and
efferent pathways, describing the functions of receptors and target
organs and explaining reflexes, paying special attention to skeletal
12. Define hormones, discuss their secretion and actions and the roles of
second messengers.
13. Explain in detail the cardiac cycle and related mechanical and
electrical events. Explain the basis for ischemia and common heart
diseases and their treatment.
14. Describe the regulatory factors of cardiac output and explain the
collaborative contribution of vascular resistance to homeostasis.
15. Describe how compliance, surface tension and intraplural pressures
have a role in ventilation. Describe chronic obstructive disease and
how it can be diagnosed by spirometry. Explain how the oxyhemoglobin
saturation curve is used to derive the unloading percentage of oxygen
under varying blood acidities.
16. Explain how water and solutes are transported in various segments of
the kidney nephron and describe the roles of antidiuretic hormone and
aldosterone in renal function.
17. Describe the contributions of the kidneys and respiratory system to
acid-base regulation and how this is diagnosed using blood gas
18. Describe the functions of the digestive system and list it's regions
and secretions.
19. Compare and contrast the male and female reproductive systems by
describing the inheritance of chromosones, the consequence on gonadel
development and external genitalia, the roles and regulation of
hormones and the timing of gametogenesis. Describe the cyclic changes
in the endometrium before and after pregnancy.
20. Operate various types of electrical and mechanical equipment to
perform experiments and to conduct common measurements in human
21. Effectively communicate verbally and through essays.
22. Condust independent scientific research and prepare a research report.
23. Use library resources to write essays and research reports.
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Lecture Material
1. Scientific Method.
A. critical thinking as a tool in understanding concepts in
human physiology.
2. Definition of Physiology.
A. homeostasis
3. Cell Structure and Function.
4. Transport Mechanisms.
A. diffusion and osmosis
5. Neurophysiology.
A. neuron structure, membrane potentials, neurotransmitters and
synaptic transmission
6. Central Nervous System.
A. brain and spinal cord function
7. Autonomic Nervous System.
A. pharmacology of drugs
8. Sensory Physiology.
A. receptors, modalities and pathways
9. Muscles.
A. microstructure and function, including reflexes
10. Endocrinology.
11. Cardiovascular Physiology.
A. blood and its functions
B. heart structure, cardiac cycle, electrophysiology and
12. Immune System.
A. non-specific defenses
B. specific defenses
13. Respiratory Physiology.
14. Renal Physiology.
A. kidney structure, urine formation and pH balance
15. Acid-Base Balance.
A. blood and gases
16. Metabolism and Nutrition.
17. Digestive System.
18. Reproduction.
Laboratory Material
1. Introduction, Microscopy
2. Homeostasis and glucose
3. Diffusion and Osmosis
4. Electroencephalogram
5. Reflex Arc and Computerized Reflex Physiology
6. Sensory Physiology
7. Muscle Physiology: Summation, Tetanus,and Fatigue; Computerized Muscle
8. Electromyogram
9. Electrocardiogram and Computerized Electrocardiology
10. Mean electrical axis, heart sounds and blood pressure
11. Pulmonary Function and Computerized Spirometry
12. Renal regulation of fluid and electrolyte balance
13. Hemoglobin, total blood and differential blood counts
14. Artificial blood and blood typing
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HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY by Ira F. Stuart, W.C. Brown Publisher, 5th Edition, 1996
Publishing Company, 2nd Edition, 1993