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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. State all of the technician's primary job responsibilities, describe the duties involved and explain how they differ from the responsibilities of the pharmacist.
2. List local, state and federal agencies and the regulations specifically associated with the responsibility of the pharmacy technician.
3. Describe major hospital departments and service units.
4. State reasons for disciplinary action against a pharmacist or pharmacy technician.
5. Locate and use drug references.
6. State reasons for maintaining the confidentiality of all patient information.
7. Differentiate among the chemical, generic, trade, and official names of drugs.
8. Describe workplace ethics and professionalism for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians.
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I. Introduction to the Role of Pharmacy Technician
A. Definition of pharmacy, registered pharmacist, pharmacy technician and, pharmacy clerk
B. Duties and educational requirements of a registered pharmacist, pharmacy technician, and pharmacy clerk
C. Developing relationships with other pharmacy personnel, vendors, and clients
D. Educational and other requirements for registration, certification, and licensing
II. Knowledge of Pharmaceutical/Pharmacy Technician Governing Bodies and Organizations
A. Federal
1. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
2. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
3. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
4. The Joint Commission (TJC)
5. American Society of Health Systems Pharmacists (ASHP)
6. Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB)
7. American Pharmacist Association (APhA)
8. Diversified Prescription Systems (DPS)
B. State
1. California State Board of Pharmacy
2. California Pharmacist Association (CPhA)
3. California Pharmacy Technician Association (CPhTA)
C. Local County organizations
III. Ethics Guidelines for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians
IV. General Conduct and Disciplinary Action
A. Communication
B. Professional attitude
C. Dress code
D. Disciplinary action
1. State regulations
2. Institution/agency policies
V. Pharmacy/Medical Terminology and Abbreviations
A. Routes of administration of drugs
B. Scheduled times of drug administration
C. Pharmaceutical dosage forms
D. Miscellaneous pharmaceutical drug, vitamin, chemical, and chemical compound abbreviations
E. Basic pharmaceutical mathematics; calculation of estimated days supply
F. Naming of Drugs
1. Chemical name
2. Generic name
3. Trade name
4. Official name
5. Combination drugs
VI. Drug References
VII. Organizational Structure
A. Hospital governing structure and hospital personnel
B. Inpatient pharmacy and retail organization and personnel
VIII. Identification of Realistic Career Objectives
IX. Introduction to Discipline-Specific Research Tools
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Pharmacy Practice for Technicians. 7th ed. Ballington, Skye A. McKennon & Robert J. Anderson. EMC/Paradigm Publishing. 2021.
Instructor prepared materials