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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Describe a relational database
2. Install and configure a database server environment
3. Implement SQL statements using data design, definition, and manipulation techniques
4. Implement stored procedures
5. Develop complex data analysis queries in SQL
6. Apply transaction and database administration concepts
7. Define and manage access controls for relational databases
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1. Definition of "relational database"
a. Contrast relational database and file-based databases
b. History of relational database theory
c. Client/server computing
d. History and current options in the database market
e. MySQL, the SQL language, and understanding tables
2. Database server set-up
a. Installing and configuring MySQL
b. Storage engines Index Sequential Access Method (ISAM) and Inno Database (InnoDB)
3. SQL basics: Syntax, Data Manipulation Language (DML), Data Definition Language (DDL), tables, select, distinct, where, and/or, order by, query and reporting in SQL
4. Data design
a. Data normalization theory
b. Primary key and foreign keys
c. Entity and relationship diagramming
5. Data definition
a. Create database, create table and create index
b. Synonyms, views, stored procedures
6. Data manipulation: insert, update and delete
7. Stored procedures: programming in the database
8. Data analysis: SQL functions, unions, group by, and complex joins
9. Web data analysis: creating data analysis web applications using Python
10. Transactions: theory and practice for simple and distributed transactions using SQL
11. Database administration: partitioning, replication, enterprise management tools, backup and recovery
12. Security concepts of relational databases
a. User management
b. Access controls
c. Data integrity
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Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management (6th). Connolly, Thomas and Begg, Carolyn. Pearson: 2015 (classic)