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I. Role of the Civil Engineering and Surveying Technician in the Workplace
A. Career roles of land surveyors, civil engineers and Geographic Information System (GIS)
analysts as professionals
B. Career roles of the technical professional
C. Relationship between peers and professionals
D. Public servants in public and private practice
E. Legal, moral, and ethical issues in civil engineering and surveying practice
F. Overview of important non-technical skills for technical workers
II. Self-Assessment: Developing a Personal Profile
A. Understanding ways in which a person interacts with the environment
B. Identifying employment goals
C. Identifying strengths and weaknesses
III. Emotional and Social Intelligence
A. Components of social and emotional intelligence
B. Negotiating complex social relationships and environments
C. Changing social intelligence by altering attitudes and behavior in response to complex
social environments
D. Monitoring one's own and other people's emotions, to discriminate between different
emotions and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide
thinking and behavior
E. Developing emotional and social intelligence to drive leadership performance
IV. Working in a Group: Developing Collaboration Skills
A. Forming a group: Developing a team based on trust, respect, individual responsibility and
B. Role of active listening and constructive feedback
C. Establish common goal
D. Create a timeline
E. Outline group objectives and assign tasks such as: facilitator, idea-generator, summarizer,
evaluator, mediator, encourager, and recorder
F. Resolving conflicts: setting up ground rules
G. Leadership skills
H. Assessing group work
V. Project Management Skills
A. Defining the problem
B. Setting and prioritizing goals/objectives
C. Research: Getting information needed
D. Planning
1. identifying necessary tasks to meet goals/objectives
2. making a work plan
3. scheduling tasks and documenting progress
4. time/activity logs
5. diaries and reports
E. Developing alternatives: Investigating ideas and possible solutions and evaluation using
F. Selecting final option and documenting it
G. Issues in time management: Dealing with procrastination, understanding perseverance
VI. Elements of Effective Communication
A. Information and its emotional content
B. Nonverbal communication
C. Active listening
D. Managing stress
E. Emotional awareness
VII. Creating an Oral Presentation
A. Preparation: Research and development of content
B. Organization
C. Visual aids and the role of technology
D. Delivery: Voice volume, rate, pitch, and quality
E. Enthusiasm and connection with audience
F. Dealing with audience questions
VIII. Writing a Report
A. Understand the purpose
B. Preparation: research and development of content
C. Organization: title, introduction, body, conclusion, recommendations, bibliography and
D. Making an outline
E. Making a draft
F. Final version
G. Use of analytical thinking
H. Appropriate language
I. Graphic elements
IX. Job Search Essentials
A. Research technician-level careers in civil engineering and surveying technology
B. Memo writing: hard copy and email
C. Developing a resume
D. Developing an online resume / presence
E. Developing a cover letter
F. Networking
G. Online job search
H. Job-related research
I. Understanding your strengths and weaknesses
J. Applying for a job
K. Interview skills
X. Job Retention and Advancement
A. Promptness and attendance
B. Neatness and precision
C. Writing skills and mathematical skills
D. Certification and licensure
E. Changing employment venues
Untitled document
Communication Skills: The Ultimate Guide for Improving Your Communication Skills. Reed, Ava. Amazon Digital Services, Inc. 2014 (classic)
Social Skills. 2nd ed. Angelo, Gabriel. SN & NS Publications. 2014 (classic)
Personal Profile System - A Plan to Understanding Yourself & Others. Carlson Training Products. Inscape Publishing. 1994 (classic)
Emotional Intelligence. 2nd ed. Goleman, Daniel. Bantam Books. 2005 (classic)
Instructor prepared materials