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Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Describe the scope of practice of each of the following dental specialties:
a. Orthodontics
b. Endodontics
c. Oral surgery
d. Pediatrics
e. Periodontology
2. Recognize dental instruments and prepare instrument tray set-ups for all dental specialty
3. Identify the classifications of malocclusion.
4. Recognize and operate equipment necessary to assist the dentist in a specialty procedure.
5. Describe the indications and contraindications of all the specialty treatment procedures.
6. Recognize and prepare the equipment used in nitrous oxide sedation.
7. Recognize and communicate clearly the level of patient sedation.
8. Recognize medical emergencies as related to patient sedation.
9. Describe the appropriate protocols as relate to medical emergencies in the sedated patient.
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I. Orthodontics
A. Classifications of malocclusion
B. Orthodontic instruments, materials, equipment and tray set-ups*
C. Registered Dental Assistant orthodontic functions*
D. Indications and contraindications for orthodontic treatment
II. Periodontics
A. Classifications of periodontal disease
B. Periodontal procedure instruments, materials, equipment and tray set-up*
C. Periodontal charting*
D. Rationale for various types of periodontal treatment
E. Role of the RDA in periodontal therapy*
III. Endodontics
A. Indications and contraindications for endodontic treatment
B. Signs and symptoms of pulpal pathosis
C. Sequencing of steps in endodontic treatment*
D. Endodontic instruments, materials, equipment and tray set-up*
E. Role of the RDA in endodontic therapy*
IV. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
A. Scope of treatment of oral and maxillofacial treatment
B. Referral of patients from a general dentist to the oral surgeon
C. Oral surgery instruments, material, equipment and tray set-up*
D. Indications and contraindications for oral surgery
E. Role of the RDA during oral surgery*
F. Role of the RDA in monitoring patient sedation*
V. Pediatric Dentistry
A. Description of the pediatric practice
B. Behavior patterns of pediatric patients and parents
C. Pit and fissure sealant placement
D. Review of common anxieties in pediatric dentistry
E. Role of an RDA in a pediatric practice
VI. Administration of Nitrous Oxide Analgesia
A. Action of nitrous oxide
B. Equipment
C. The "fail safe" nitrous oxide system
D. Indications and contraindications for nitrous oxide analgesia
E. Role of the RDA in assisting with nitrous oxide
F. Recognition and implementation of appropriate protocols in medical emergencies as related to patient sedation
VII. Laboratory Competencies
A. Electric pulp testing
B. Dry root canal
C. Endodontic instruments
D. Oral Surgery instruments
E. ECG monitoring
F. Pulse oximeter
G. Suture removal
H. Periodontal dressing placement and removal
I. Occlusal and bite relationships
J. Orthodontic separators
*These items are introduced in lecture, and the related skill is performed in the lab.
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Modern Dental Assisting. 11th ed. Bird, Doni and Robinson, Debbie. Elsevier. 2015
Instructor prepared materials