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I. Understanding Addiction
A. Models and theories of addiction
B. Social, political, economic, and cultural context
C. Effects of psychoactive substances
D. Co-occurring disorders
II. Treatment Knowledge
A. Philosophies and models of treatment
B. Family, social networks, and community systems
C. Research and outcome data
D. Interdisciplinary approach to addiction treatment
III. Application of TAP-21 Functions and Practices
A. Diagnostic criteria for substance use disorders
B. Strategies for reducing negative effects of substance use
C. Client's stage of dependence, change, or recovery
D. Culturally appropriate treatment services
E. Strengths and limitations of treatment modalities
F. Medical and pharmacological resources
G. Insurance and health maintenance options
H. Recognize features of crisis
I. Methods for measuring treatment outcome
IV. Professional Readiness
A. Diverse cultures
B. Self-awareness
C. Ethical and behavioral standards
D. Ongoing supervision
E. Continuing education
V. 12 Core Functions of Addiction Counselor
A. Screening
B. Intake
C. Orientation
D. Assessment
E. Treatment planning
F. Counseling
G. Case management
H. Crisis intervention
I. Client education
J. Referral
K. Reports and record keeping
L. Consultation
VI. Roles and Responsibilities
A. Supervision
1. Clarifying expectations and weekly tasks
2. Frequency and timing of supervision
3. Evaluation and feedback
B. Interns
1. Development of counselor competencies
2. Collaborative relationships with supervisor and staff
3. Practicing within scope
VII. Professional Responsibilities - Code of Ethics
A. Nondiscrimination
B. Responsibility
C. Competence
D. Supervision
E. Client welfare
F. Publication credit
G. Confidentiality
H. Client relationships
I. Inter-professional relationships
J. Societal obligations
VIII. Professional Conduct
A. Communicating with supervisor
B. Communicating with academic program and college
C. Providing culturally sensitive counseling
D. Professional boundaries
1. Dual relationships
2. Transference and counter-transference
IX. Self-care and helping professions
A. Sources and effects of stress
B. Symptoms and stages of burnout
C. Seeking out help and resources
X. Credentialing Process for Addiction Counselors
A. California Association for Drug/Alcohol Educators (CAADE) - Addiction Counselor
Certification Board (ACCBC)
B. California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (CCAPP)
XI. Finishing the Internship
A. Ensuring therapeutic termination with clients
B. Reviewing the intern's progress and areas for further growth
C. Feedback to supervisors
D. Letters of recommendation
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1. Participate in group discussions on topics such as supervision, quality of internship, and other
2. Submit written entries for in-class group discussions and in-class role play
3. Weekly journal entries or weekly writing assignments on topics as, professional boundaries,
importance of applying self-care, and meeting learning objectives
4. Development of a self-care and wellness plan, which will include strategies for stress
reduction, healthy nutrition, resources to maintain well-being
5. Develop a resume integrating skills learned during field experience and develop a cover letter
as well as exploring career/professional websites
6. Presentation on internship experiences on topics such as analysis of roles, and responsibilities,
case studies, and/or treatment plans
7. One to five case study(ies) outlining student's assessment, treatment
recommendations, and plan for implementation as well as referral resources
8. Midterm exam and final
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Global Criteria: The 12 Core Functions. 7th ed. Herdman. John. John Herdman. 2018
Twelve Core Functions. 6th ed. Kulewicz, Stanley. Counselor Pubns. 2010 (classic)
Motivational Interviewing. 3rd ed. Miller, William and Rollnick, Stephen. Guilford Press. 2012 (classic)
Intervention, Treatment & Recovery, A practical guide to the TAP 21 Addiction Counseling Competencies. 2nd ed. Phelps, Lori. Kendall Hunt Publishing. 2016