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Upon completion, students will be able to:
1. Discuss the importance and goals of exceptional customer relations.
2. Describe different techniques in approaching customer relations.
3. Compare customer relations programs and industry standards.
4. Analyze methods used by companies famous for quality customer relations.
5. Analyze the attributes of a good customer relations oriented business.
6. Describe and apply the problem solving process as it relates to customer relations
7. Identify personal working style to maintain good customer relations.
8. Manage conflicts with co-workers and customers.
9. Describe how new technological trends are affecting customer relations.
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I. Introduction
A. Definitions of Customer Relations
1. What is customer relations?
2. Preventative vs. Reactive approach
3. Proactive service
4. Integrity
5. Empathy
6. Sympathy
7. Compassion
B. History of Service - Passion for the art of service
II. Current Customer Service Programs and Industry Standards
A. Analyze the attributes of a customer service oriented business
B. Trends
C. Best practices
D. Evaluate the effectiveness of various customer service techniques
E. Empowerment of Employees
F. Internal Customers - Corporate Cultures
III. The Art of Giving Good Service
A. Three basic elements
1. Expand your definition of service
2. Reconsider who your customers are
3. Develop a customer-friendly attitude
B. Developing a customer service oriented business
1. In-focused company
2. Customer-focused company
3. It pays to please
C. Evaluating service
1. Self-evaluation
2. Company evaluation
IV. Problem Solving
A. Role of problem solving in customer service
B. Creativity and problem solving
C. Problems as opportunities
D. Resolving conflict
E. Problem-solving process
F. Problem-solving strategies
V. Identifying withYour Customer
A. Evaluating your working style
B. Understanding your working style
C. Identifying with different types of customers (generational, cultural, etc.)
D. Creating a customer profile
E. Empowering employees
F. Understanding the customer's perception
VI. Managing Conflict with Co-workers
A. How internal conflict affects the customer
B. The four conflict traps and how to avoid them
C. How to be more assertive
D. Five basic truths about people: preventing unnecessary conflict
VII. Customer Satisfaction and Problem Resolution
A. Ways to sell with service
B. Service and return on investment
C. Best practices: methods used by companies famous for quality customer relations
D. Contemporary trends in customer relations
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Harris, Elaine K. Customer Service: A Practical Approach. Pearson Education, 2013.
Instructor prepared materials.