Untitled document
I. Role of Game Designer
A. Player-centric game design process
B. Game designer skills: passion, communication, teamwork, creativity, and process control
C. Famous game designers
II. Iterative Design Process
A. Brainstorming
B. Game concept idea
C. Game pitch
D. Physical prototype
E. Design documentation
F. Playtesting
G. Production
H. Quality assurance
III. Structure of Games
A. Players
B. Objectives, challenges, encounters, and actions
C. Cooperative versus cooperation play
D. 2D versus 3D
E. Goals, win/loss, termination conditions
IV. Game Design Principles and Methodologies
A. Formal elements of games
B. Game core mechanics, dynamics, and aesthetics
C. Concept art and storyboarding
D. Rules development and structure
E. Gameplay
1. Hierarchy of challenges
2. Skill, stress and absolute difficulty
3. Commonly used challenges
F. Game balancing
1. Asymmetrical game balancing and fairness
2. Strategy versus luck
3. Difficulty curves, story pace, player abilities, and character skills
4. Risk versus reward
G. Flow and player psychology
H. Characters, cameras, and control
1. Player character and non-player characters (NPC)
2. Cameras: first person, 3rd person, isometric, and virtual/augmented reality
3. Control: input, actions, and behaviors
I. Iterative process and rapid prototyping techniques
V. Game Design Documentation
A. High concept document
B. Game pitch and document
C. Level design document
VI. 3D Modeling Introduction and Principles
A. Modeling concepts
B. Model implementation
VII. Environment and Game Level Design
A. Design of environment and world building
B. Level design document
C. Player encounters, challenges, heads-up display (HUD), audio, and collectables
D. Level assets and resources
E. Iterative prototyping
F. Playtesting
VIII. Game Production and Roles
A. Game designer, programmer, artist, and producer
B. Milestones, deliverables, and production workflow
IX. Platforms
A. Desktop
B. Mobile
C. Console
D. Virtual reality
E. Augmented reality
X. Game Creation: Digital and Non-digital
A. Idea and design
B. Prototyping
C. Playtesting
D. Completing original games
E. Analysis and review
Untitled document
Instructor prepared materials
The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses. Schell, Jesse. 2nd ed. AK Peters/CRC Press. 2014 (classic)
Level Up! The Guide to Great Game Design. 2nd ed. Rogers, Scott. Wiley. 2014 (classic)
Fundamentals of Game Design. 3rd ed. Adams, Ernest. New Riders Press. 2013 (classic)
Challenges for Game Designers. Brathwaite, Brenda and Schreiber, Ian. Charles River Media. 2008 (classic)