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Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Identify the roles, functions, and
responsibilities of the professional firefighter.
2. Demonstrate the proficiencies needed to function in a hazardous
atmosphere through the use of protective clothing and self
contained breathing apparatus.
3. Define the necessary knowledge and understanding
of fire chemistry and behavior.
4. Recognize and demonstrate the proficiencies needed to safely
operate manual and power driven tools, equipment, and techniques,
individually and as a member of a team.
5. List and describe the practices necessary to utilize modern
fire suppression equipment and techniques, individually and
as a member of a team.
6. Define and identify the procedure necessary to protect property
from non-fire damage through the use of salvage techniques and
7. Identify the necessary indicators that determine the cause
and origin of fires, and to recognize and protect evidence
of arson.
8. Demonstrate knowledge of the roles and functions of
9. Name the basic properties of fire chemistry and behavior.
10. List the different firefighting tools and equipment.
11. Name wildland terminology, demonstrate
an awareness of wildland firefighting safety.
12.List wildland tools and equipment and identify wildland fire behavior
13. Demonstrate the functions necessary to become a member of a fire
suppression team, through hands-on performance, and live fire exercises.
14. Demonstrate the skills necessary to complete the Firefighter I
physical fitness agility examination.
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I. Organization and Responsibility
A. Laws and Regulations
1. Government organizations
2. Personnel rules and regulations
3. Retirement systems, compensation laws
4. Agency rules and regulations
B. Personnel and Functions
1. Fire department functions
2. Duties of personnel
3. Personal development programs
4. Obedience and obligation to duty
C. Professional Organizations
1. National, State, and local organizations
2. Periodical publications
II. Apparatus and Equipment Operation
A. Forcible Entry and Miscellaneous Tools
1. Cutting, boring, and sawing tools
2. Battering, carrying, digging, prying, and
striking tools
3. Lighting equipment
4. Ventilation equipment
B. Lifting and Hoisting Equipment
1. Ropes, knots, and hitches
2. Lifting and spreading equipment
3. Hoisting and pulling equipment
C. Extinguishers and Proportioners
1. Pressure type extinguishers
2. Foam generators
3. Water-additive proportioners
D. Hose, Nozzles and Fittings
1. Coupling hose
2. Roll, fold and carry hose
3. Nozzles, valves, fittings and other devices
4. Siamese and wye lines
5. Extend and reduce lines
6. Load hose on apparatus
E. Hose Evolutions
1. Operate hydrants
2. Lay single lines
3. Lay multiple lines
4. Connect lines to auxiliary appliances
5. Master stream appliances
6. Operate lines above and below street level
F. Ladders
1. Carry, raise, and lower ladders
2. Climb and work from ladders
3. Ladders as improvised equipment
G. Building Equipment
1. Elevators
2. Fire Protection Systems
3. Fire Escape Systems
H. Rescue Tools and Equipment
1. Breathing apparatus
2. Lifelines and belts
3. Protective clothing
III. Water Supply
A. Nozzle Stream
1. Range of fire streams
2. Reaction of fire streams
B. Hydrants and Reservoirs
1. Size and gallons per minute
2. Pumps and engines
IV. Fire Control
A. Fire Behavior
1. Classes of fire
2. Theory and fundamentals of combustion
3. Theory of heat transfer
4. Theory of extinguishment
5. Fire characteristics of solids
6. Fire characteristics of flammable liquids and gasses
7. Products of combustion
8. Hazardous and explosive materials
B. Extinguishment
1. Types of agents
2. Methods used for different fires
V. Wildland Interface Firefighting
A. Orientation
1. Wildland firefighting terminology
2. Fundamentals of heat transfer
3. Wildland fire behavior
a. Fuels
b. Topography
c. Weather
B. Tactics and Strategy
1. Parts of a wildland
2. Incident Command System
C. Firefighter Safety and Survival
1. Fire shelters
2. Protective clothing
3. Look up, look down, look around
4. Urban interface hazards
D. Suppression Methods
1. Wildland tools and equipment
2. Additional resources
VI. Salvage and Overhaul
A. Procedures for making buildings/areas safe after an emergency
B. Common types of fire service salvage equipment
C. Procedures to restore premises
D. Preservation of evidence
1. Cause and origin of fires
2. Properties of fire investigation
VII. Hazardous Materials
A. Hazardous materials definitions
B. Hazardous materials labeling System
C. Use of Department of Transportation Response Guidebook
VIII. Fire Alarm Communications
A. Clear radio text terminology
B. Fire Department Emergency Communication Systems
IX. Vehicle Extrication
A. Principles of vehicular extrication
B. Equipment and resources for auto extrication
X. Physical Fitness
A. Physical abilities training
B. Firefighter physical abilities examination
XI. Rescue Practices
A. Components of Rescue Operations
B. Confined Space Awareness
C. Lifts, carries and stabilization
Untitled document
Essentials of Firefighting, 4th Edition; International Fire Service
Training Association
Hazardous Materials First Responder Syllabus "Operations", California
Specialized Training Institution
Emergency Response Guidebook, Department of Transportation, current
Ethics, Respect and Work Relationships Syllabus, instructor prepared
Incident Command System, Syllabus, National Wildfire Coordinating Group,
current edition
Critical Stress Debriefing, Syllabus, instructor prepared materials
Performance Standards, Firefighter I Academy, current edition
Procedure Manual, Firefighter I Academy, current edition
Report Writing, Syllabus, instructor prepared materials
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, Syllabus, current
Vehicle Extrication Techniques, Holmatro Rescue Equipment, current edition
Personal Exposure Reporting, California Professional Firefighters
Association, current edition