SRJC Course Outlines

10/25/2024 11:05:27 AMENGL 309 Course Outline as of Fall 2018

Changed Course

Discipline and Nbr:  ENGL 309Title:  COLL RDG WRITE EXTENSIVE  
Full Title:  College Reading and Writing -- Extensive Writing Emphasis
Last Reviewed:11/13/2017

UnitsCourse Hours per Week Nbr of WeeksCourse Hours Total
Maximum5.00Lecture Scheduled5.0017.5 max.Lecture Scheduled87.50
Minimum5.00Lab Scheduled017.5 min.Lab Scheduled0
 Contact DHR0 Contact DHR0
 Contact Total5.00 Contact Total87.50
 Non-contact DHR0 Non-contact DHR Total0

 Total Out of Class Hours:  175.00Total Student Learning Hours: 262.50 

Title 5 Category:  AA Degree Non-Applicable
Grading:  Grade Only
Repeatability:  00 - Two Repeats if Grade was D, F, NC, or NP
Also Listed As: 

Catalog Description:
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This course develops student proficiency in college and career-related forms of writing, reading, critical thinking, and information competency skills necessary for college work. This course is designed to prepare students for English 1A in one semester.  Students will focus on reading improvement while writing short essays with particular attention to grammar, punctuation, spelling, and use of college-level vocabulary. Additionally, students will write increasingly longer and more complex expository and argumentative texts (including essays) for a range of audiences in response to more sophisticated readings at the college level.

Course Completion of CSKLS 313 or higher or Qualifying Placement from English Assessment. See Student Success & Assessment Services ( for more information about the assessment process

Recommended Preparation:

Limits on Enrollment:

Schedule of Classes Information
Description: Untitled document
This course develops student proficiency in college and career-related forms of writing, reading, critical thinking, and information competency skills necessary for college work. This course is designed to prepare students for English 1A in one semester.  Students will focus on reading improvement while writing short essays with particular attention to grammar, punctuation, spelling, and use of college-level vocabulary. Additionally, students will write increasingly longer and more complex expository and argumentative texts (including essays) for a range of audiences in response to more sophisticated readings at the college level.
(Grade Only)

Prerequisites:Course Completion of CSKLS 313 or higher or Qualifying Placement from English Assessment. See Student Success & Assessment Services ( for more information about the assessment process
Limits on Enrollment:
Transfer Credit:
Repeatability:00 - Two Repeats if Grade was D, F, NC, or NP


Associate Degree:Effective:Inactive:
CSU GE:Transfer Area Effective:Inactive:
IGETC:Transfer Area Effective:Inactive:
CSU Transfer:Effective:Inactive:
UC Transfer:Effective:Inactive:

Certificate/Major Applicable: Not Certificate/Major Applicable


Student Learning Outcomes:
At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
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1.  Demonstrate proficiency in behaviors that foster collegiate-level literacy and metacognition
    that facilitate successful acquisition of academic discourse.
2.  Read actively and strategically in order to show proficiency in surveying, summarizing,
    analyzing, evaluating, and synthesizing college-level texts of various lengths and genres.
3.  Communicate clear and original ideas in expository and argumentative essays that
    demonstrate critical thinking and an understanding of MLA, research principles, and the
    rhetorical situation.
4.  Apply critical reading, writing, research, and thinking skills to identify, discuss, and analyze
    real-world problems through writing for a range of audiences.

Objectives: Untitled document
1. Demonstrate effective academic habits of mind and behaviors to participate in class
    effectively and complete class assignments.
2. Identify, locate and utilize campus and community resources that foster literacy skills and
    behaviors that promote student success.
1. Use pre-reading strategies to identify format and support features (e.g., font sizes, color, bold
    or italic print, titles and subtitles, visuals, table of contents, glossary, index) and their
2. Analyze the organization of the introduction, body, and conclusion in college-level essays and
    other readings.
3. Effectively and flexibly apply metacognitive strategies (visualizing, paraphrasing,
    questioning, annotating, associating, and predicting) to determine problem-solving steps
    needed to understand college level readings.
4. Identify and analyze the effectiveness of theses, main ideas, key supporting details, signal
    words, and transitional devices.
5. Identify the use of figurative language, syntax, and level of diction and apply appropriate
    terminology to discussion of college-level texts.
6. Analyze reading for implied meaning, irony, satire, tone, voice, assumptions, and biases, and
    judge their appropriateness to the author's message.
7. Analyze and evaluate the use of causal analysis, persuasion, and argumentation in
    college-level readings.
8. Synthesize meaning from multiple texts using a variety of comprehension techniques,
    discussion, pre-reading and post-reading strategies.
9. Summarize and respond to readings of various lengths, complexity, and abstraction in speech
    and/or writing.
10. Distinguish fact from opinion, and evaluate their uses in expository prose.
1. Demonstrate reasoned thinking through writing in a variety of genres for a range of audiences
    (blog post, letter to the editor or discussion forum posts).
2. Write expository and argumentative essays, including writing documented in MLA style,
    using the writing process and effective integration of the logical elements of composition,
    effective transitions between ideas and paragraphs, points of view and academic style.
3. Identify and effectively use all stages of the writing process in essays and other writing
    assignments with attention to content, logic, organization, style, and tone.
4. Proofread, with particular attention to syntax, sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and
5. Examine multiple points of view through writing.
6. Write critical analysis essays (including in-class essays) in response to challenging texts.
7. Write essays that effectively incorporate source materials and document them in MLA style.
1. Access, evaluate, and select research materials (online and hard copy) and document in
    MLA style.
2. Create and outline a research plan.

Topics and Scope
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I. Academic Success Strategies
    A. Class Participation
         1. Regular attendance, as defined in the course syllabus and college catalog
         2. Class discussion and attentive listening
          3. Taking notes during lecture and reading
         4. Reading and following written and oral directions in class.
    B. Academic Habits of Mind
         1. Using metacognitive strategies to monitor reading comprehension and learning
         2. Use Habits of Mind to refine study, collaboration, organizational and planning skills.
    C. Campus and Community Resources
         1. Use campus resources
               a. Writing center
              b. Library
              c. Media Services
              d. Tutorial Center
         2. Use campus publications and events
               a. Bear Facts
              b. The Oak Leaf
              c. SRJC Schedule of Classes
              d. Academic Calendar
              e. College Catalog
              f. Arts and Lectures
II. Critical Reading
     A. Prereading
         1. Survey
         2. Metacognitive Strategies
              a. Schema activation
              b. Predictions
              c. Focus questions
              d. Visualizing
         3. Planning
              a. Establishing reading purpose
              b. Utilizing effective reading strategies
              c. Managing allotted time effectively
         4. Comprehension
              a. Words and phrases
              b. Sentences
              c. Paragraphs
              d. Main point and details
         5. Metacognitive Strategies
              a. Problem Solving
               b. Chunking or clustering text
              c. Annotating text
              d. Refining predictions
              e. Asking questions
              f.  Visualizing
              g. Making connections (intratextual and intertextual)
              h. Paraphrasing and summarizing
    B. Style and Structure of Texts
         1. Language
              a. Repetitive and synonymous language patterns
              b. Transitional language
              c. Linking language
              d. Figurative language
              e. Syntax
              f. Level of diction
         2. Organization, ideas and details
              a. Identify the organization of text's major components
                   i. Introduction
                   ii. Body
                   iii. Conclusion
              b. Identify and evaluate relationships among a text's thesis and supporting evidence
              c. Identify and evaluate relationships between a text's ideas and its details
              d. Identify and evaluate relationship between text's rhetorical modes and the text's
    C. Reading Discussions
         1. Maintaining reading journal or metacognitive reading log
         2. Class conversations
              a. Questioning the text, the author and each other via classroom dialogue
              b. Outlining text structure
              c. Distinguishing between major and minor details
              d. Summary
              e. Respond to text using the multiple perspectives that surface during reading
    D. Synthesize relationships between multiple texts and outside information and personal
    E. Reference Materials
         1. Evaluation
         2. Purpose
III. Writing
     A. Writing Prompts or Assignments
    B. Writing Process
          1. Prewriting
               a. Brainstorming
              b. Freewriting
              c. Mapping
              d. Clustering
              e. Outlining
         2. Drafting
         3. Support services and resources for reading and writing
              a. Student study groups
              b. Writing Center
              c. Instructor's student contact office hours
              d. SRJC's online writing lab
              e. Writing handbook
              f. Tutorial Center
         4. Revision, which includes responding to feedback on essay outlines and drafts
              a. Content
              b. Organization
              c. Style
              d. Tone
              e. Diction
         5. Proofreading and editing for clarity, fluency, and Standard Written English
              a. Syntax
              b. Sentence structure and variety
              c. Grammar
              d. Punctuation
              e. Mechanics
    C. Developing Content for Essays and Other Course Writing Assignments
         1. Establishing a clear writing purpose for intended audience and medium
         2. Developing a clear thesis
         3. Using effective text-based support from one or more sources
         4. Focused and unified paragraphs
              a. Introductory
              b. Supporting
              c. Concluding
         5. Unity and coherence
              a. Transitions and linking language between paragraphs and between ideas within the
              b. Repetition and synonymous language that creates coherence
         6. Standard written English and MLA format
    D. Style and Diction
         1. Creating figurative language
         2. Avoiding wordiness
         3. Choosing effective vocabulary
    E. In-Class Essays
          1. Analyzing the prompt or question
         2. Developing a thesis and outline
         3. Timing the writing process
         4. Proofreading for clarity and wording
IV. Research Strategies and Information Competency
     A. Searching for and evaluating source material using relevant search terms
         1. Books
         2. Media catalogs
         3. Subscription databases
         4. Internet
    B. Understanding differences among and appropriateness of various genres (books, newspaper
         and magazine articles, journal articles, Internet articles, audiovisual texts, etc.)
    C. Retrieving source materials selected during searches
    D. Evaluating sources
         1. Authority
         2. Purpose
         3. Objectivity
         4. Publication date
         5. Thoroughness
         6. Relevance to student's research
     E. Critically reading and annotating sources
    F. Articulating the meaning of one or more passages from source material
         1. Embedding direct quote or paraphrase into student's own writing
         2. Summarizing source material
    G. Creating a works cited list, annotated bibliography, or research plan with correct MLA
    H. Learning the language of and rationale for research skills

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Academic Success Strategies
1. Reading and writing-based discussions, including active listening
2. Taking lecture and reading notes
3. Reading and following written and verbal directions in each class
4. Organizing academic materials
5. Metacognitive learning logs
6. Campus and community resources assignments
7. Exams and Quizzes
Critical Reading
1. Reading assignments of various lengths and complexity to provide topics for analysis and
    discussion, and to serve as models for writing topics, styles, and structures. Student will typically
    read approximately 40-50 pages per week, including full-length works of fiction or nonfiction
2. Prereading exercises, including surveys, pre reading questions, schema activation, and making
3. Reading journal or metacognitive reading logs
4. Outlining and clustering assignments
5. Formal written summaries and responses to readings
6. Synthesis assignments to articulate connections, contrasts, and varying point of view present
    in three or more texts
7. Text analysis assignments (purpose, audience, authority, support)
8. Exams and Quizzes
9. Reading portfolio
1. Writing assignments that appeal to a range of audiences for the purpose of expression,
    exposition, and argumentation (3-4 writing assignments of 250-300 words each)
2. Essay assignments totaling a minimum of 4,000 words (3-5 essays of 800-1500 words each)
3. Prewriting exercises (e.g., brainstorming, freewriting, listing, mapping, questioning, and
4. Writing process exercises
5. Exams and Quizzes
6. Research project and/or presentation (e.g. annotated bibliography; research project outline)
7. In-class writing in response to readings
8. Writing portfolio
1. Outlining a research plan
2. Source material search exercises
3. Summary writing exercises
4. Paraphrasing and quoting exercises
5. Exams and Quizzes

Methods of Evaluation/Basis of Grade.
Writing: Assessment tools that demonstrate writing skill and/or require students to select, organize and explain ideas in writing.Writing
45 - 60%
Metacognitive reading logs or reading journals; essays; written summaries; reading and/or writing portfolio; other written exercises; in-class essays
Problem solving: Assessment tools, other than exams, that demonstrate competence in computational or non-computational problem solving skills.Problem Solving
5 - 15%
Synthesis assignments; source material research exercises; campus and community resources assignments
Skill Demonstrations: All skill-based and physical demonstrations used for assessment purposes including skill performance exams.Skill Demonstrations
5 - 20%
Research plan, project or presentation
Exams: All forms of formal testing, other than skill performance exams.Exams
15 - 25%
Exams and Quizzes
Other: Includes any assessment tools that do not logically fit into the above categories.Other Category
5 - 10%
Attendance and participation in class discussions and group activities

Representative Textbooks and Materials:
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Instructor-prepared materials
At a Glance: Writing Essays and Beyond with Integrated Readings, 6th Edition. Lee Brandon.  Wadsworth Publishing, 2014
They Say, I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing, 3rd Edition. Birkenstein, Graff, and Durst. W. W. Norton & Co., 2014
Exploring Language, 14th Edition. Goashgarian, Gary. Longman, 2014
The Curious Writer 5th Edition.  Ballenger, Bruce. Longman, 2016
The Call to Write, 6th Edition, Trimbur, John.  Wadsworth Publishing, 2013
Rereading America: Cultural Contexts for Critical Thinking and Writing, 9th Edition by Gary Colombo and Robert Cullen. Bedford/St. Martin's, 2013
A Community of Readers, 7th edition. Alexander, Roberta, and Jan Lombardi. Wadsworth Publishing, 2015
Choices: A Writing Guide with Readings, 5th edition. Mangelsdorf, Kate, and Evelyn Posey.  Bedford/St. Martin's, 2012
Interactions: A Thematic Reader, 9th edition. Moseley, Ann, and Jeanette Harris. Houghton Mifflin, 2015
The Least You Should Know about English, 12th edition. Paige Wilson and Teresa Ferster Glazier. Wadsworth, 2014
Rules of Thumb: A Guide for Writers, 9th edition. Silverman, Jay, Elaine Hughes, and Diana Roberts Wienbroer. McGraw-Hill, 2012
Non-fiction and Memoir: (all classics)
A Walk in the Woods, Bryson, Bill, Harper, 1999
Outliers. Gladwell, Malcolm.  Back Bay Books, 2011
Best American Essays of the Century. Oates and Atwan, eds. Mariner, 2001
50 Essays, 4th edition. Cohen, Samuel. Bedford/St. Martin's, 2014
Me Talk Pretty One Day. Sedaris, David. Back Bay, 2000
A Death in Belmont. Junger, Sebastian. Norton, 2006
Into Thin Air. Krakauer, Jon. Villard, 1997
Into the Wild. Krakauer, Jon. Signet, 2005
The Hunger of Memory. Rodriguez, Richard. Dial Press, 2004
House Made of Dawn. Momaday, N. Scott. Signet, 2004
Shadows on the Koyukuk. Huntington, Sidney, and Jim Reardon. Alaska Northwest Books, 1993
Persepolis (Graphic Novel). Satrapi, Marjane. Pantheon, 2004
What The Best College Students Do. Bain, Ken. Belknap, 2012
(E)dentity. Vie, Stephanie. Fountainhead, 2011
Black Boy. Wright, Richard. Harper/Perennial, 2008       
I Am Malala.  Yousafzai, Malala. Back Bay, 2013
Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us.  Pink, Daniel.  Riverhead Books, 2011
Fiction: (all classics)
How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents. Alvarez, Julia. Algonquin, 2010
The Hunger Games. Collins, Suzanne. Scholastic, 2008
Mona in the Promised Land by Gish Jen. Vintage, 1997
The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien. Mariner Books, 2009
Little Bee. Cleave, Chris. Simon & Schuster, 2008
A Friend of the Earth. Boyle, T.C. Penguin, 2001
Fight Club. Palahniuk, Chuck. Holt Paperbacks, 2004
Tortilla Curtain. T. Coraghessan Boyle. Penguin Books, 1996
Cannery Row. Steinbeck, John. Penguin, 2002
The Color Purple. Walker, Alice. Harvest, 2006
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, Diaz, Junot. Riverhead Books, 2008
Girl in Hyacinth Blue. Vreeland, Susan. Knopf, 2007
The Joy Luck Club. Tan, Amy. Penguin, 2006
The Kite Runner.  Hosseini, Khaled. Riverhead/Penguin, 2003
Milkweed. Spinelli, Jerry. Laurel Leaf/Random House, 2003
The Namesake. Lashiri, Jumpa. Mariner, 2004
Parrot in the Oven.  Martinez, Victor. Rayo, 2004
Kindred. Butler, Octavia. Beacon, 2008
Montana 1948. Watson, Larry. Milkweek Editions, 2007
Election. Perrotta, Tom. Berkeley Trade, 1998
Sold. McCormick, Patricia. Hyperion, 2008
My Name Is Aram. Saroyan, William. Capuchin, 2009

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