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1. Introduction to Accounting and Financial Reporting for Government and Not-for-Profit Entities
a. Why governments need different accounting methods
b. Differences between governments and "for profit" businesses
c. Types of governments
d. What is a "not-for-profit" [NFP] and what accounting rules apply
2. Principles of Accounting and Financial Reporting for State and local Governments
a. What principles and techniques apply
b. Which governments must comply
c. What reports should be prepared and how often
3. Government Operating Statements; Budgetary Accounting
a. The role a budget plays for governments
b. How is the budget prepared
c. How is the budget recorded by a government
4. Accounting for Government Operating Activities
a. What revenue is recorded and when is it recognized
b. What are expenses, expenditures, and encumbrances
c. The necessity for two sets of records
d. Preparing financial reports from the records
5. Accounting for General Capital Assets and Capital Projects
a. What is a capital project and why should it be accounted for differently
b. How is a capital project accounted for
c. How are capital projects financed
6. Accounting for General Long-term Liabilities and Debt Service
a. Types of long term obligations
b. Post Retirement Benefit Accounting and Reporting (including pension funds)
c. Other types of long term obligations
7. Accounting for the Business-type Activities of State and Local Governments
a. Why do governments engage in business-type activities
b. What accounting rules apply
c. What reporting rules apply
d. Combing business-type activities into government financial statements
8. Accounting for Fiduciary Activities - Agency and Trust Funds
a. Endowment funds
b. Restrictions on usage
c. Valuation issues
d. Definition of Income
9. Financial Reporting of State and Local Governments
a. Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, government wide statesments, statement of cash flows, and changes in net assests
b. Other reporting obligations including statment of financial conditions
10. Analysis of Governmental Financial Performance
a. Ratio calculation and interpretation
b. Understanding the need for analysis
c. Understanding the relationship between statements
11. Auditing of Governmental and Not-for-profit Organizations
a. Understanding Generally Accepted Governmental Auditing Standards and why they differ from Generally Accepted Auditing Standards [GAAS]
b. Financial audits, attestation audits and performance audits - what they are and how they are used
c. Single audits and how they are different
12. Budgeting and Performance Measurement
a. Preparation, use and meaning of governmental budgets
b. Integrating budgeting, planning, performance measurement
c. Managerial tools to improve performance
13. Accounting for Not-for-profit Organization
a. What distinguishes a not-for-profit organization
b. What standards apply
c. What statements are required
14. Not-for-profit Organizations - Regulatory, Taxation, and Performance Issues
a. State regulation
b. Federal regulation and taxation
c. Governance issues
d. Evaluating NFP performance
15. Accounting for Colleges and Universities
a. Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures [GAAP] for public and Private Universities
b. Accounting and reporting issues for colleges and universities
c. Accounting for private colleges and universities
16. Accounting for Health Care Organizations
a. Types entities in health care
b. Accounting issues for health care organizations
c. Financial and operational analysis of health care organizations
17. Federal Government Accounting
a. The differences in federal GAAP
b. The FASAB [Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board]
c. The GAO [General Accounting Office], the Comptroller General, the OMB [Office of Management and Budget] and the accounting records