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Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Define and describe the mechanism of action and therapeutic effect of each class of drugs.
2. Evaluate new therapeutic agents utilizing pharmacological principles.
3. Discuss the dental implications of each drug classification and how these implications affect
and modify dental hygiene care.
4. List factors that influence the pharmacokinetics of drugs.
5. Describe adverse reactions and general methods of toxicity prevention.
6. Describe the mechanism and classification of drug interactions.
7. List the sources of drug information and demonstrate the use of these sources.
8. List the routes of drug administration.
9. Identify and define the parts of a prescription.
10. List common abbreviations, nomenclature and measurement systems used in prescription
11. Identify the regulatory agencies and laws pertaining to prescribing and use of drugs.
12. Describe the dental implications of drug abuse and the possible modifications to patient
13. Recognize and describe the management of medical emergency situations resulting from the
administration and/or use of drugs.
14. Describe common oral conditions and list the medications used to treat these conditions.
15. List common medications and the usual dosage forms used in dentistry.
16. Provide appropriate instructions for compliance to patient taking common medications used
in dentistry.
17. List the forms of medications and the usual dosage form used in dentistry.
18. Discuss medications regarding the pregnant or lactating patient.
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I. General Principles - Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology
A. Pharmacology and the Dental Hygiene Process of Care
B. Sources of drug information
D. Drug related web and software based information sources
E. State and Federal regulation and classification of drugs
1. Drug development and safety
2. Labeling Requirements
F. Drug Names and Properties
G. Prescription writing
1. Parts of the prescription
2. Units of Measurement
3. Latin Abbreviations
4. Prescription writing and safety
H. Prescription and Nonprescription Drugs
1. Scheduled Drugs
2. Package Inserts and warnings
3. Labeled and off label use of drugs
II. Fundamentals of Drug Action
A. Routes of drug administration
1. Enteral
2. Parenteral
3. Topical
B. Pharmacokinetics
1. Absorption
2. Distribution
3. Metabolism (biotransformation)
4 Excretion
5. Drug administration and dosage
C. Pharmacodynamics
1. Drug receptor interaction
2. Dose-response relationship
3. Potency, efficacy, and the ceiling effect
4. Toxicity
D. Drug effects
E. Drug interactions
III. Autonomic Nervous System Drugs
A. Functions of the Autonomic Nervous System
1. Sympathetic nervous system
a. Adrenergic neurotransmitters
b. Adrenergic recetptors
2. Parasympathetic neurotransmitters and receptors
B. Autonomic drugs
C. Sympathomimetic drugs: drugs affecting sympathetic transmission
D. Adrenergic sympathetic agonists
1. Direct-acting adrenergic receptor agonists
2. Indirect acting agonists
3. Mixed-acting adrenergic agonists
4. Therapeutic uses, adverse effects and drug interactions
E. Adrenergic receptor antagonists
1. Alpha 1 antagonists (blockers)
2. Beta antagonists
3. Indirect acting antagonists
4. Adverse effects and drug interactions
F. Drugs affecting cholinergic transmission
1. Parasympathomimetic drugs
2. Anticholinergic drugs
IV. Local Anesthetics Introduction and History
A. Properties of local anesthetics
1. Chemical
2. Mechanism of action and effects of pH
3. Metabolism and excretion
B. Local anesthetic agents
C. Vasoconstrictors in local anesthetics
D. Adverse effects of local anesthetics
E. Dental management of medically compromised patients
V. Sedation and General Anesthetics
A. Routes and types of administration
B. Moderated sedation in the dental office
1. Anti-anxiety agents: benzodiazepines
2. Sedative hypnotics
a. Barbiturates
b. Nonbarbiturates
C. Nitrous Oxide Sedation
1. Pharmacokinetics and method of administration
2. Adverse effects and contraindications
3. Occupational exposure and abuse
D. General anesthesia history and stages
VI. Drugs for Pain Control
A. Neurophysiology of pain
B. Nonnarcotic analgesics
2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
3. Acetaminophen
C. Opiod analgesics
1. Agonists/antagonist
2. Combination narcotic and nonnarcotic analgesic
D. Substance abuse and dependency
VII. Antibacterial Agents
A. Antimicrobial agents
1. Bacteriacidal vs bacteriostatic
2. Other agents
B. Prevention of infective endocarditis
C. Tuberculosis
1. Testing
2. Treatment
VIII. Antiviral and Antifungal Agents
A. Antivirals for herpes simplex
1. Primary herpes
2. Recurrent herpes
B. Antiretroviral agents: HIV/AIDS
1. Antiretroviral drugs
2. Systemic opportunistic infections
3. Oral opportunistic lesions/conditions
C. Antifungal agents
IX. Antineoplastic, Immunosuppressant, and Bisphosphonate Drugs
X. Fluorides
A. Composition and sources
B. Uses and delivery systems
1. Systemic
2. Topical
C. Toxicology
D. Dental hygiene applications
XI. Cardiovascular Drugs
A. Hypertension
B. Angina pectoris
C. Heart failure
D. Arrhythmias
E. Epinephrine in cardiac patients
F. Lipid lowering drugs
G. Thrombolytic drugs
H. Other drugs
XII. Gastrointestinal Drugs
A. Peptic ulcer disorders
1. Peptic-ulcer disease
2. Gastroespphageal reflux disease (GERD)
B. Irritable bowel syndrome
C. Nausea and vomiting
D. Constipation
E. Diarrhea
F. Ulcerative colitis
XIII. Respiratory Drugs
A. Asthma
1. Classification of medications
2. Severity and control
3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
B. Drugs for colds
C. Drugs for coughs
XIV. Neurological Drugs
A. Epilepsy
B. Parkinson's disease
C. Alzheimers disease
D. Headaches; migraine
XV. Psychiatric Drugs
A. Antipsychotic drugs
B. Mood disorders
1. Depression
2. Bipolar disorders
C. Anxiolytics (anti-anxiety) agents
D. Sedative/hypnotic drugs
E. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
XVI. Endocrine and Hormonal Drugs
A. Diabetes mellitus
1. Type 1
2. Type 2
3. Insulin formulations
B. Thyroid Drugs
C. Adrenal (steroid) hormones
D. Sex hormones and contraceptives
E. Bisphosphonates/osteoporosis
1. Risk factors
2. Dental hygiene applications
XVII. Herbal and Natural Remedies
A. Homeopathy and natural products
B. Vitamins and minerals
C. Dental Hygiene applications
XVIII. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding