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Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Apply anthropological concepts and make use of technical terms related to Native American art.
2. Identify by society or regional culture specific works of art, styles, and designs in ceramics, basketry, textiles, woodcarving, jewelry, and architecture.
3. Identify artistic creations by renowned individual Native American artists.
4. Compare and contrast art forms and design elements from several different Native American cultures.
5. Examine the expression of spiritual ideas, gender roles, environmentalism and oral traditions in Native American art.
6. Identify European and other cultural influences on Native American art and describe how these outside influences changed Native art through time.
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I. Anthropological concepts and overview of Native American culture areas
A. Concept of culture
B. Art in cultural context
C. The culture area concept
II. Ceramic arts of Native North America
A. Pueblo pottery traditions and Pueblo world view
B. Other ceramic traditions in Native North America
III. Basketry arts of Native North America
A. Pomo basketry and Native American environmentalism
B. Other Native American basketry traditions
IV. Native American textile traditions
A. Navajo textile weaving and Navajo history
B. Pueblo weaving traditions and gender
C. Other weaving traditions, e.g., Northwest Coast
V. Great Plains skinwork art
A. Beadwork and quillwork
B. Painted art
C. Gender roles and Plains artists
VI. Woodcarving arts of Native North America
A. Hopi Kachina dolls and Hopi religion
B. Northwest Coastal woodcarving as reflection of social organization
C. Other woodcarving traditions in North America
VII. Native American jewelry
A. Southwest Pueblo and Navajo jewelry traditions
B. Other Native American jewelry arts
VIII. Monumental architecture of Native North America
A. Ancestral Puebloan architecture
B. Ancient Moundbuilders of the Eastern U. S.
IX. Monumental sculpture and architecture of the New World civilizations that may include:
A. Art and architecture of ancient Mesoamerica
B. Art and architecture of ancient Peru
X. Contemporary arts among Native peoples of North America that may include:
A. Contemporary art forms using traditional themes and traditional art forms using contemporary themes.
B. Politically-oriented art
C. Native American cinema and other contemporary arts
XI. Influence of European and other cultures on Native American art
XII. Ethnicity, race, gender, and sexual orientation as expressed in Native American artistic traditions
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1. Reading approximately 10-25 pages weekly in required textbooks.
2. Two midterm exams and one final exam comprised of multiple choice, true/false, identification and short answer
3. One or two short quizzes required.
4. Independent study required of all students in the form of museum assignments completed in the Santa Rosa Junior College Multicultural Museum or similar SRJC venues. These assignments will enhance the content of each lecture topic. A minimum of 5 hours of museum study required over the course of the semester.
5. 1500 - 2000 words in the form of five to eight written museum assignments (250-500 words each) Other short reaction papers from one to three pages may also be included.
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(1949) North American Indian Arts. Whiteford, Andrew H. and Shaffer, Owen V. Golden Guides from St. Martin's Press, New York: 2001 (classic).
The Arts of the North Amerian Indian. Wade, Edwin L., Editor. Hudson Hills, New York: 1996 (classic).
Native American Art and Culture: A Workbook. Bond, Margaret. Pearson Custom Publishing, Boston: 2008 (classic).
Native North American Art. Berlo, Janet C. and Phillips, Ruth B. Oxford University Press, Oxford: 2015.
North American Indian Art. Penney, David and Horsecapture, George. Thames and Hudson, New York: 2004 (classic).