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Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Describe the process of understanding the "inner self" and relationships.
2. Distinguish between the "self" and evolvement of personality.
3. Apply skills and techniques to control one's life and change one's behavior.
4. Identify skills to achieve a balance between emotional expression and control.
5. Demonstrate effective communication skills for establishing and maintaining more satisfying relationships with others.
6. Explain the evolution of a relationship: finding friends, becoming intimate, and discovering love.
7. Identify and utilize interpersonal conflict resolution strategies.
8. Identify life stressors and effective ways of coping with stress.
9. Distinguish between prioritizing values and defining meaning and purpose in life.
10. Compare and contrast the research and methodology on the myths and truths of happiness and life success.
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1. Introduction to understanding "self" and others
a. Self-discovery
b. Self-disclosure
c. Perceptual awareness
d. Developing new relationships
e. Research methodologies
2. Self-Awareness
a. Personality development
b. Stages of adult development
c. Self-esteem
d. Individualism and collectivism
3. Capacity to Control Behavior
a. Self-control and external control
b. Social learning theory
c. Learning theory
d. Reinforcement and self-change
4. Dealing with Emotions
a. Development of emotions
b. Emotional intelligence
c. Understanding culture and emotion
d. Benefits of expressing feelings
5. Interpersonal Communication
a. One- and two-way communication
b. Gender and communication
c. Active and empathetic listening
d. Person-to-person communication
6. Developing Close Relationships
a. Dating and mating
b. Becoming committed
c. Communication problems
d. Growing together or apart
7. Resolving Interpersonal Conflict
a. Dimensions of conflict
b. Behavior styles
c. Gender, culture and conflict management
d. Methods of conflict resolution
8. Managing Stress and Wellness
a. Physical and behavioral effects of stress
b. Personality types
c. Gender, culture, and stress
d. Irrational and rational self-talk
9. Meaning and Values
a. Classifying and clarifying personal values
b. Value indicators
c. Personal ethics, character, and integrity
d. Perceptions of significance
10. Life Goals, Happiness, and Well-being
a. Motivation
b. Effective life planning
c. Contributors to success
d. Myths and truths about happiness
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Becoming Aware: a Text/Workbook for Human Relations and Personal Adjustment. Velma Walker. Kendall/Hunt: 2009.
I Never Knew I Had a Choice: Explorations in Personal Growth. Gerald Corey, and Marianne Schneider Corey. Brooks/Cole: 2010.
Psychology and Personal Growth. Nelson H. Goud. Pearson Education: 2009.
Psychology and the Challenges of Life: Adjustment and Growth. Jeffrey S. Nevid and Spencer A. Rathus. Wiley: 2010.