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Upon completion of this course students will be able to:
1. Translate integers, real numbers, and characters into machine
2. Create correct and efficient algorithms.
3. Implement the software-development life cycle.
4. Produce multi-file programs using an integrated development
5. Employ the basic elements of the C++ language.
6. Use object-oriented language features as a client programmer.
7. Implement algorithms using C++ flow-control constructs.
8. Understand career objectives related to Computer Science.
9. Use information and learning resources as they pertain to
Computer Science.
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1. Basic Computer Organization
a. Basic hardware components of a computer
b. Binary representation of data
2. Algorithms
a. The concept of an algorithm
b. Problem solving techniques
c. Efficiency and correctness
3. Languages
a. History
b. Procedural vs. object-oriented
c. Compiled vs. interpreted
4. Software Engineering
a. The software life cycle
b. Object-oriented design
c. Functional decomposition
d. Documentation
e. Ethical Issues
5. Integrated Development Environments
a. Projects
b. Editors
c. Debuggers
6. C++ Language Basics
a. Interactive input/output
b. File input/output
c. Variables and constants
d. Arithmetic expressions and operators
e. Data types int, double, char, bool, and string
7. Decision Structures
a. If and if/else statements
b. Switch statement
c. Logical expressions and operators
8. Iteration Structures
a. While statement
b. Do-while statement
c. For statement
d. Nested logic
9. Functions
a. User-defined functions: void and value-returning
b. Top-down design/stepwise refinement
c. Procedural abstraction
d. Scope and lifetime of identifiers
e. Reference and value parameters
f. Library functions
10. Classes
a. Structs
b. Data abstraction and abstract data types
c. Encapsulation/information hiding
d. Private/public members
e. Class scope
f. Using multiple files
g. Constructors, including multiple constructors
h. Passing objects using const &
i. Declaring const member functions
11. Arrays
a. One-dimensional Arrays
b. Multi-dimensional Arrays
c. Null terminated strings (as arrays)
d. Insert, delete, and sequential search for unordered list
e. Insert, delete, and binary search for ordered list
12. Enumeration types
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1. Problem Solving with C++: The Object of Programming, by Walter
Savitch - Addison-Wesley Longman 2003
2. Programming and Problem Solving with C++, by Nell Dale - Jones
and Bartlett 2002