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By the end of the course the student will:
Identify and fully understand the California Criminal Justice System
Recognize the functions and roles of the Probation Officer.
Compose juvenile and adult offender court reports.
Make recommendations to the court.
Monitor probationer performance.
Identify psychological problems, gang affiliation, substance abuse,
and family violence issues within an established clientele.
Provide couseling and assistance to probationers.
Understand case managment practices.
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I. California Criminal Justice System Orientation
a. Roles and Responsibilities of the Probation Officer
b. Adult Criminal Justice System and Process
c. Juvenile Justice System and Process
II. Codes, Statutes, and other Legal Documents
a. Legal Foundations for Probation
b. Reference use of the Codes, Statutes, and Judicial Council Rules
c. Legal Terminology
III. Confidentiality and Release of Information
a. Codes, Statutes, and Case Law Relating to Confidentiality and
Release of Information
IV. Identifying Problems and Predictors
a. Indicators of Psychologial Problems
b. Indicators of Substance Abuse
c. Indicators of Gang Affiliation
d. Indicators of Family Violence
e. Indicators of Infectious Diseases or Other Health Risks
V. Juvenile Intake and Processing
a. Legal Foundations and Obligations
b. Case Information Gathering
c. Detention/Disposition Decisions
VI. Responding to Probationer Performance
a. Violations of Probation or New Law Violations
b. Communications with Other Agencies about the Probationer
c. Modifications of Case Plan
VII. Providing Counseling and Assistance
a. Responding to Probationer Questions and Requests
b. Problem Assessment
c. Crisis Intervention Counseling
VIII. Transport
a. Preparation for Transport
b. Transport Procedures
IX. Case Management
a. Priority Setting
X. Public Relations
a. Importance of Good Public Relations
b. Responding to Questions, Requests, and/or comments from
the public.
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California Penal Code, Welfare and Instituitions Code, Health and Safety
Code, as well as selected case law and instructor prepared handout