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A. Describe the major oral health problems and the extent to which they
affect the population.
B. Identify social, cultural, economic, and political factors
influencing these oral health problems.
C. List preventive measures that can be used in a community to reduce
or control the major oral health problems.
D. Discuss ways in which members of a community currently receive oral
health care and other health services, including both privately and
publicly funded services.
E. Discuss future trends in the delivery of health care and manpower
utilization as they relate to meeting community oral health needs
and demands.
F. Assess, by means of surveys, questionnaires, interviews and
other means, the oral health needs of a target group; i.e., the oral
health status, knowledge and attitudes towards oral health and oral
treatment needs.
G. Prepare a program plan which:
1. Describes a target group, including results and interpretation
of survey needs assessment.
2. Lists behavioral objectives to improve the oral health of the
target group.
3. Outlines a program plan to attain the behavioral objectives
including activities to be performed and resources to be used.
H. Prepare a final report summarizing a community oral health project
1. Evaluate the effectiveness of the project in measurable terms
a. Change in oral health status
b. Change in oral health knowledge, beliefs, or attitudes
c. Change in oral treatment needs
2. Describe the activities conducted and evaluate their
effectiveness and appropriateness.
3. Describe personal observations, problems, satisfactions, and
other comments relating to the project.
Untitled document
A. Overview of Program Planning
B. Tools of Dental Public Health
1. Epidemiology
2. Indices and Questionnaires
3. Statistics and Research Design
C. Epidemiology of Oral Disease
1. Dental Caries
2. Water Fluoridation
3. Other Preventive Measures
D. Sociology of Oral Disease
1. Cultural, economic and diversity issues related to dental health
2. Oral Health Education
3. Need and Demand for Oral Health Care
E. Organization of Oral Care
1. Dental Manpower
2. Payment for Oral Care
3. State and Federal Dental Programs
F. Planning a Dental Public Health Program
1. Identifying a Target Group
2. Assessing Needs of a Target Group
3. Writing Program Objectives
4. Selecting Activities and Resources
5. Conducting the Program
6. Evaluation
Writing: Assessment tools that demonstrate writing skill and/or require students to select, organize and explain ideas in writing. | Writing 15 - 45% |
Written homework, Reading reports, Term papers | |
Problem solving: Assessment tools, other than exams, that demonstrate competence in computational or non-computational problem solving skills. | Problem Solving 10 - 30% |
Homework problems, Quizzes, Exams, skills | |
Skill Demonstrations: All skill-based and physical demonstrations used for assessment purposes including skill performance exams. | Skill Demonstrations 25 - 40% |
Class performances, Field work, Performance exams | |
Exams: All forms of formal testing, other than skill performance exams. | Exams 5 - 45% |
Multiple choice, True/false, Matching items, Completion, fill in | |
Other: Includes any assessment tools that do not logically fit into the above categories. | Other Category 10 - 30% |
Professionalism. Criteria used to evaluate on file | |
Untitled document
Dental Hygiene Theory & Practice. Darby. M. and Walsh, M. WB Saunders,
Periodontal Instrumentation, Pattison, A. and Pattison, G., Norwalk:
Appleton and Lange, 1992
Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist 7th Ed.. Wilkins, E.M., Malvern:
Williams & Wilkins, 1990
SUPPLEMENTARY TEXT: Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office, 4th Ed.,
St. Louis, CV Mosby, 1993