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COURSE GOALS: To encourage and enable the students to:
1. appreciate the purpose of fire prevention and the codes and
laws that authorize its existence.
2. develop an understanding of how a fire prevention bureau
3. develop an increased awareness of fire hazards and methods of
correcting these hazards.
4. understand built-in fire protection features as they relate to
fire prevention.
COURSE OBJECTIVES: At the end of the course the student will
demonstrate the ability to:
1. describe the origin and history of fire prevention efforts in
the United States.
2. list and identify the basic fire prevention functions of a fire
3. identify the responsibility and authority for fire prevention
inspections and related activities.
4. explain and identify principles and procedures used to correct
fire hazards.
5. identify occupancies and building construction types.
6. identify hazards of use, storage, and transfer of flammable
liquids, gases, and other hazardous materials.
7. explain basic exiting requirements.
8. identify basic electrical fire hazards.
9. list operational deficiencies in sprinkler systems and special
fixed fire protection systems.
10. list operational deficiencies of standpipe systems.
11. list operational deficiencies of detection and alarm systems.
12. identify principles of placement, operation, and inspection of
portable fire extinguishers.
13. describe basic principles of fire cause determination as they
relate to fire prevention and fire investigation.
14. identify the plan review function of a fire prevention bureau.
15. identify the relationship between fire safety education and
fire prevention.
16. identify the importance of report preparation and records
management in fire prevention efforts.
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1. History and development of fire prevention.
2. Fire prevention organizations.
3. Organization of a fire prevention bureau.
4. Building codes and fire prevention.
5. Fire codes and fire prevention.
6. Structural elements.
7. Inspections procedures.
8. Identification of hazards.
9. Abatement and mitigation of hazards.
10. Fire investigation.
11. Public fire safety education.
12. Plan review.
13. Report preparation and record keeping.
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The student will:
1. define the principal functions of a fire prevention bureau.
2. analyze the relationship between fire prevention efforts and
the resulting reduction of life and property loss.
3. describe, in writing, the major types of fire hazards that
could be found on a thorough commercial fire inspection.
4. describe, in writing, the basic hazard correction process used
by the modern fire prevention bureau; given a simulated exercise
the student will analyze and determine which codes would be
used and how they would be applied.
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Recommended required text:
Diamantes, Fire Prevention, Delmar Thomson, 2nd edition, 2003.