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General Concepts
The student will:
1. draw and label the five components of the conceptual computer,
describe the function of each and give an example of hardware that
serve that function
2. define a personal computer
3. briefly discuss the capabilities and limitations of the computer
4. define byte/kilobyte/megabyte/gigabyte as a measure of memory and
storage capacity
5. distinguish between software and hardware
6. distinguish between application and system software
7. discuss software versions as this applies to both system and
application software
8. identify three sources of information or assistance available to new
computer users
9. discuss the importance of visual clues and cues in a Graphical User
Mouse (input device)
10. describe and demonstrate five mouse actions
11. describe the mouse pointer
12. describe how the mouse pointer changes according to current operation
or activity
Keyboard (input device)
13. locate, identify and describe the use of modified keys
a) Command
b) Option
c) Shift
14. locate, identify and describe the use of the toggle keys
a) Caps Lock
b) Num Lock
15. compare and contrast delete left and delete right
16. locate, identify and demonstrate the use of the alphanumeric keys,
special characters, space bar, function and escape keys and cursor
control keys
Windows (user interface)
17. demonstrate use of zoom, size and close boxes
18. demonstrate use of scroll bars, boxes and arrows to view window icons
and documents
19. demonstrate ability to move windows
20. open document and folder icons
21. start (launch) an application from a program icon and an alias icon
22. locate and choose appropriate commands from menu bars and pop-up
23. identify and describe four menu conventions
a) grayed out commands
b) ellipses (...)
c) check mark
d) pop-out menu indicator
24. respond to simple dialog box options including text entry boxes, OK
and Cancel
25. identify active window and window title
Disk preparation and handling: (Storage)
26. given a floppy diskette and a computer with a disk drive, be able to:
a) affix an adhesive label to the diskette
b) insert the disk into the disk drive
c) discuss the concept of disk initialization
d) initialize and name a diskette
e) discuss the importance of data backup
f) make a backup of a data diskette
g) discuss how to copy files between hard drives and floppy diskettes
h) copy files from a hard drive onto a floppy diskette
i) demonstrate how to lock and unlock a floppy diskette
j) delete documents from a diskette by dragging their icon to the
k) demonstrate how to empty the trash to remove discarded documents
l) demonstrate how to eject a floppy diskette by dragging its icon to
the trash
27. discuss the importance of disk care
Productivity Software
28. save a document onto and retrieve a document from a student floppy
29. distinguish between Save and Save As...
30. preview and print documents
31. exit the currently active program
Use word processing software to:
32. insert text into a document
33. describe and use the I-beam and insertion point
34. delete text from a document
35. recognize, define and use word wrap
36. select text letters, words, sentences and paragraphs
37. format text by selecting fonts, font styles and font sizes
38. format text by using alignment and line spacing
39. format a document by changing margins
40. indent text using default tabs
41. display and recognize the non-printing characters: tab, space and
42. check and correct document spelling
Use graphics software to:
43. identify, describe and use each tool on the tool palette
44. select single and multiple graphic objects
45. size, move and modify graphic objects
46. insert clip art into a document
47. incorporate text into graphic documents; describe the text I-beam and
the insertion point
48. combine graphic objects, text and clip art into one document
49. delete graphic objects from a document
Use spreadsheet software to:
50. identify and label the essential components of a spreadsheet
51. distinguish between text, values and labels as these apply to
52. use formulas and functions to perform calculations
53. identify techniques to navigate from cell to cell within a spreadsheet
54. select cell data
55. select blocks of cells
56. delete cell data
57. modify the width of columns and height of rows
58. experiment with cell formatting
Internet/World Wide Web
59. list examples of types of information available on the Internet/world
wide web
60. define the terms:
a) Internet
b) World Wide Web
c) home page
d) search engine
e) on-line service
f) Internet Service Provider (ISP)
61. explain the elements of an Internet or World Wide Web address (URL)
62. describe and use standard Web Browser interface conventions
a) kable, colored text
b) clickable, colored text
c) menu buttons
63. use a search engine to locate at least two items of interest.
64. receive information about how to establish a campus e-mail account.
Untitled document
How does the computer work?
1. The five components of a computer:input/output/processing/memory/
disk storage
Computer "buzzwords" and terminology
2. 1K vs 1MB
3. RAM vs hard disk/floppy disk storage
4. Hardware/software
5. System Folder/application/desktop
6. Document
7. Network
Beginning Desktop Skills
8. Using the mouse and menus
a. Click/double click/drag/press
b. Pulling down menus VS. keyboard shortcuts
c. Using balloon help
d. Starting/quitting the Macintosh
e. Initializing a floppy disk
f. Manipulating windows
1) Resize/Move/Zoom/Scroll/Close
2) Using MultiProcessing to go from desktop to different
9. File menu
a. Open/Save/Save As/Print/Page Setup/New/Quit
b. Choosing a printer with Chooser
10. Clipboard operations
a. Edit Cut/Copy/Paste within a single document
11. Word processing
a. Create a simple document
b. Simple edits; add, delete, replace characters
c. Using the dictionary
d. Simple formatting:character and paragraph enhancements
12. Spreadsheet
a. Identifying parts of a spreadsheet
b. Typing/editing cells
c. Creating simple formulas:user-defined and built-in functions
d. Copying cells
e. Intro to formatting cells
13. Graphics
a. Creating simple objects (circle/square/lines)
b. Using line thickness and shading options
c. Erasing and moving objects
More Desktop Skills
14. Folders and the HFS
a. Creating folders
b. Saving documents to folders
15. Using popular desk accessories
a. Calculator
b. Key Caps
c. Scrapbook
16. MultiFinder
a. Using multiple applications
17. Software Browers and the World Wide Web
a. Identify URL, hypertext, clickable links
b. Using search engines effectively
c. Browsing for enjoyment