Untitled document
I. Water Quality and Sources
A. Introduction to water quality
1. Public health and consumer acceptance of water quality
2. The Safe Drinking Water Act
3. Sources of contaminants
4. Common contaminants
5. Units of measure
6. Introduction to treatment technologies
7. Physical methods
8. Chemical methods
B. Sources
1. Surface water and reservoir
2. The Surface Water Treatment Rule
3. Streams and rivers
4. Reservoirs
5. Watersheds and water shed protection
6. Types of contaminants
7. Double barrier treatment
8. Groundwater sources
9. Wells and well field operations
10. Types of contaminants
11. Source water assessment
12. Source water monitoring
II. Water Treatment Processes
A. Water treatment and processes for particulate reduction
1. Conventional water treatment
a. Coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration
b. Direct filtration
2. Slow sand & diatomaceous earth filtration
3. Membranes processes: micro and ultrafiltration
4. Flow calculations: filtration rate, backwash rate, overflow rate
B. Water treatment and processes for non-particulate contaminant reduction
1. Chemistry of dissolved contaminants
2. Common dissolved contaminants
3. Common treatment processes
C. Disinfection
1. Making water safe to drink
2. Factors influencing effectiveness of disinfection
3. Processes
a. Chlorination
b. Ultraviolet irradiation
c. Ozonation
4. Chlorination
a. Chlorine dose, demand, and residual
b. Free and combined chlorine
c. Breakpoint chlorination
d. Chloramination
e. Disinfection inactivation calculations and values
f. Forms of available chlorine
5. Disinfection byproducts
D. Corrosion and corrosion control
1. The corrosion process
2. Chemical and physical factors influencing corrosion
3. Methods of control
a. Materials of construction
b. Water treatment
E. Fluoridation
1. Purpose of fluoridation
2. Methods
III. Operations and Maintenance
A. Chemical feed
1. Common chemicals for water treatment
2. Chemical feed pumps - types and controls
3. Solution mixing and calculation
4. Dosage calculations
B. Pumps and motors
1. Centrifugal pump operation and performance measurement
2. Electrical controls
3. Maintenance duties
C. Pressure and flow measurement
1. Head calculations
2. PSI calculations
D. Safety
1. Confined space regulations, lockout/tagout procedures, MSDS "right to know" programs and regulations
2. Safety programs in the workplace
3. Division of safety responsibility between employer and employee
E. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
1. Types and purpose of instrumentation and control
2. Primary sensors
3. Telemetry and display
4. Control system
IV. Laboratory Procedure and/or Demonstration
A. Sampling techniques
1. Chemical and physical parameter sampling
2. Bacteriological sampling
3. Transport
B. Basic laboratory procedures
1. Jar testing
2. Turbidity measurement
3. Titration & drop count measurements
4. Color comparison devices
C. Bacteriological analysis
1. Comparison of methods
2. Types of reporting
D. Units of measure
E. Chains of custody and reporting
V. Regulations and Administrative Duties
A. The Safe Drinking Water Act and other statutes
B. Drinking water regulations and facility compliance
C. Recordkeeping
D. Use of American Waterworks Assn and National Sanitation Foundation standards
Untitled document
Kerri, Ken. Water Treatment Plant Operation, Volume II--5th Edition.
California State University, Sacramento: 2006.
Instructor prepared materials.