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A. Application of the following classroom orientation skills:
1. Classroom procedures and rules.
2. Use of school facilities.
3. Student responsibilities:
a. Organizing and completing assignments.
b. Working independently.
c. Following oral and written instructions.
d. Working collaboratively.
B. Application of the following prewriting skills:
1. Use of lined paper, pencil, sharpener and pen.
2. Formation of native language symbols and numbers.
3. Use of appropriate left/right, top/bottom orientation on paper
for writing symbols or letters.
4. Writing letters or symbols of alphabet as dictated.
5. Use of upper/lower case letters where appropriate.
6. Writing of name, address and other personal information from memory.
7. Writing of personal signature.
C. Application of the following writing skills to everyday and classroom
1. Copying of isolated words, simple sentences and paragraphs.
2. Writing of letter/symbols, word sentences and numbers from dictation.
3. Filling out simple forms with personal information.
4. Composing simple sentences and paragraphs using conventions of good
writing, including:
a. Use of initial capitalization.
b. Use of end punctuation.
c. Use of correct letter/symbol sequence to form words; correct
word sequence to form sentences.
d. Use of spacing between words.
e. Use of standard spelling.
5. Writing of simple personal letters or narratives.
6. Writing grammatically complete answers to comprehension questions.
D. Application of the following prereading skills to everyday and
classroom situations:
1. Recognition of letters/symbols in initial, medial and final positions
2. Relationship of sounds to letters/symbols (in initial, medial, and
final positions); relationship of talk to written language.
3. Sequencing of pictures in left/right, top/bottom, orientation to
form story; matching pictures with words.
4. Alphabetization of word lists.
5. Finding given page number.
E. Application of the following reading skills to everyday and classroom
1. Interpreting basic survival vocabulary and sight words and personal
2. Reading and demonstrating comprehension of simple sentences,
paragraphs and stories.
3. Interpreting calendars and charts.
4. Interpreting classified ads.
5. Following simple written instructions.
6. Reading newspapers and magazines.
7. Dictionary skills.
F. Application of language awareness and pregrammar activities.
1. Categorization of language elements, e.g. actions and things or
persons; singular or plural: negative or affirmative; past, present
or future.)
2. Basic grammar terminology (e.g. letter, vowel, consonant, word,
G. Application of basic match skills and operations needed in daily
life and classroom situations.
1. Numerals from 0 to 1000.
2. Performing basic addition and subtraction operations.
3. Reading and writing amounts involving dollars and cents.
4. Adding and subtracting dollars and cents.
5. Performing basic multiplication and division operations.
6. Understanding of place value.
7. Use of simple fractions.
H. Reading world, U.S. and local maps:
1. World map.
2. U.S. map.
3. Map of native country.
4. City transportation map.
I. Application of civic literacy skills:
1. Demonstrating knowledge of the citizenship process.
2. Demonstrating critical thinking skills and topics of civic
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1. Libro del Adulto; Nivel 1: PoblaciÆn Urbana, Instituto Nacional Para
EducaciÆn de los Adultos Segretaria de EducaciÆn PÇblica Mexico
City, 1995.
2. Libro del Adulto: Nivel 2: PoblaciÆn Rural Instituto Nacional Para
de los Adultos Segretaria de EducaciÆn PÇblica Mexico City, 1995.