Untitled document
1. Exhibit professionalism through conduct, attitude (respect, concern,
cooperation, collaboration), adherence.
to protocols, promptness, clinic and class preparation and personal
2. Describe the differences between the occupational and professional
conceptual models of dental hygiene.
3. Identify the human needs related to dental hygiene care.
4. Discuss the benefits of using the dental hygiene process as the core
of professional practice.
5. Discuss concepts of health and wellness.
6. Relate the significance of communication to the profession of dental
7. Utilize infection control protocols for prevention of disease
transmission through demonstration of proper pre and post appointment
operatory preparation procedures, instrument recirculation methods and
aseptic technique.
8. Apply the principles of instrument sharpening for proper sharpening
of curets (Gracey and Universal curets)and sickle scalers.
9. Collect and record data (subjective and objective) from client
interview and case history and describe rationale for obtaining
information under the components: chief complaint, history of
complaint, dental history, personal/social history.
10. Obtain complete health history, collect data systematically, record
accurately, communicate findings and update continuously using methods
consistent with medico legal standards.
11. Describe and demonstrate the correct technique for taking vital
signs(pulse, respiration, blood pressure, and temperature), analyze data,
note deviations, limitations and collaborate with other professionals as
12. Identify potential medical emergencies which may occur in the
dental hygiene environment, procedures for preventing such emergencies;
and if an emergency should occur, methods for proper management of these
health-threatening complications.
13. Describe the Basic Life Support steps(one/two person(s)and the
rationale for each component of the Basic Life Support procedure.
14. Locate anatomic landmarks and describe the normal and atypical
ranges of clinical appearances for extra and intraoral hard and soft
tissues and structures; recognize refer and follow-up on specific lesions
significant to the general and oral health of the client.
15. Demonstrate periodontal and dentition assessment of the client's
periodontium and dentition in order to develop a plan for the
prevention and control of oral diseases.
16. Analyze all the data gathered during the assessment phase of the
dental hygiene process to identify the client's oral health needs
(human needs related to dental hygiene care)in order to plan treatment
with the goals of delivering comprehensive dental hygiene care.
17. Demonstrate individualized preventive oral hygiene care instruction
designed to motivate the client toward routine and effective home care
skills and habit cessation essential for the prevention and control of
oral diseases.
18. Apply principles of instrumentation for the proper use of the
explorers, mouth mirrors, periodontal probe, universal curets, Gracey
(area-specific) curets, sickle scalers and polishing instruments.
19. Perform coronal polishing technique with appropriate material
selection and precautions for polishing natural tooth surfaces,
restorations and dental appliance.
20. Demonstrate technique, procedures and state rationale and precautions
for professional application of topical fluoride.
21. Perform procedures associated with evaluation of outcome following
implementation of dental hygiene care.
22. Analyze evaluation outcome and offer recommendations to client
regarding preventive and therapeutic measures as well as professional
dental hygiene care interval.
23. Collaborate with other dental/health care professionals as
indicated throughout the dental hygiene process in order to meet
the needs of the client for comprehensive oral health care.
24. Utilize the Santa Rosa Junior College Handbook of protocols,
procedures and policies for the Dental Programs Clinic and Department
operations to ensure the highest quality of client care and to enhance
the educational process.
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A. Conceptual Framework for Dental Hygiene
1. Evolving profession of dental hygiene
2. Dental Hygiene human needs conceptual model
a. Safety
b. Freedom from pain/stress
c. Wholesome body image
d. Skin and mucous membrane integrity of head and neck
e. Nutrition
f. Biologically sound dentition
g. Conceptualization and problem solving
h. Appreciation and respect
i. Self-determination and responsibility
j. Territoriality
k. Value System
3. Dental hygiene process of care
a. Assessment
b. Dental hygiene diagnosis
c. Planning
d. Implementation
e. Evaluation
4. Health and Wellness
5. Behavioral science foundations for the dental hygiene process
B. Dental Hygiene care instrumentation technique development and
rationale for use:
1. Gracey curets
2. Sickle scaler
3. Review of instrumentation with: probe, explorers, and universal
4. Coronal polishing (Slow speed handpiece, right angle
attachment with rubber cup and brush
5. Calculus and stain removal from removable dental appliances
C. Introduction to Instrument Sharpening
1. Rationale
2. Sharpening stones
3. Technique
4. Testing for Sharpness
D. Clinical application of oral health education (DH 72)
1. Develop plan based on the dental hygiene diagnosis
2. Consider client's motivational needs, physical limitations,
lifestyle and culture
3. Integrate oral health education into overall care plan.
4. Engage client as partner
5. Demonstrate ability to instruct client on tooth brushing and
interproximal plaque self-care techniques.
E. Professional topical fluoride application
1. Professionally applied agents
2. Steps and rationale (Acidulated phosphate fluoride gels and foams)
3. Indications and contraindications
F. Vital sign Assessment
1. Pulse
2. Respiration
3. Temperature
4. Blood Pressure
5. Protocol for ranges not within normal limits
G. Medical Emergency procedures
1. Santa Rosa Junior College emergency protocol
2. Emergency drugs and devices
3. Airway patient maneuver
4. Emesis/foreign body maneuver
5. Broken instrument tip
6. Syncope
7. Hyperventilation
8. Angina pectoris
9. Cardiac arrest
10. Mycardial infarction
11. Respiratory arrest
12. Asthma
13. Diabetes: Insulin shock/diabetic coma
14. Epilepsy
15. Cerebrovascular accident(stroke)
16. Anaphylactic shock
H. Santa Rosa Junior College Dental Hygiene Clinic policies and
procedures related to client and assigned rotations.
1. Client assignments; and professional responsibilities
2. Telephone communication and appointment planning
3. Client Bill of Rights and informed consent
4. Fee determination and collection procedures
5. Radiographic request for duplicates or prescription
6. Dental hygiene care collaboration and referral
7. Client assignment: alternating recall maintenance,
discontinuance, and transfer
8. Protocol for progress notes
9. Documentation of student accomplishments
10. Formative and summative evaluation of dental hygiene care
provided for clients
11. Clinic assistant rotation
12. Desk assistant rotation
13. Oral examination rotation
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DENTAL HYGIENE THEORY & PRACTICE. Darby. M. and Walsh, M. W.B. Saunders,
Philadelphia 1996
PERIODONTAL INSTRUMENTATION, Pattison, A. and Pattison, G., Norwalk:
Appleton and Lange, 1992.
Williams & Wilkins 1990.
St. Louis, C.V. Mosby, 1993.