Art History (AA-T) Art Total Units: 18.0

Term Effective: Summer 2025

The requirements for this program of study are effective beginning the semester shown above. If you began working on this program before the effective semester, you may not be affected by the changes. Consult with the program contact person or the department chair to determine your eligibility to complete the program under previous requirements.

Previous Versions:

Art History (AA-T) - effective Fall 2024
Art History (AA-T) - effective Fall 2023
Art History (AA-T) - effective Fall 2022
Art History (AA-T) - effective Fall 2021
Art History (AA-T) - effective Fall 2020
Art History (AA-T) - effective Fall 2019
Art History (AA-T) - effective Fall 2018
Art History (AA-T) - effective Fall 2017
Art History (AA-T) - effective Fall 2013


See the state issued Transfer Model Curriculum (TMC) template for any further clarification regarding program requirements.

The Associate in Arts for Transfer in Art History major is intended for the student seeking to transfer to a baccalaureate-granting institution to major in Art History. It provides a basic foundation in art history and appreciation, "hands on experience" in at least one studio art form, and cultural and historical background necessary to understanding the visual arts. The major may also be of interest to those seeking a foundation for lifelong learning.

The Art History Associate in Arts for Transfer degree is designed to provide a clear pathway to a CSU major and baccalaureate degree. California Community College students who are awarded an ADT are guaranteed admission with junior standing somewhere in the CSU system. This priority does not guarantee admission to specific majors or campuses. Current and prospective community college students are encouraged to meet with a counselor to develop an educational plan that best meets their goals and needs.

Students will have to fulfill the following requirements to earn this degree.
(1) Complete 60 semester units that are eligible for transfer to the California State University, including both of the following:
(A) The Inter-segmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or the California State University General Education-Breadth requirements; and
(B) A minimum of 21-22 semester units as required for the Associate in Arts for Transfer in Art History major.
(2) Obtain an overall minimum grade point average of 2.0
(3) Earn a grade of ā€œCā€ or better (or P) in all courses required for the Associate in Arts for Transfer in Art History major.

A maximum of 12 units are allowed with a P grade for students earning an Associate Degree. For detailed information, please refer to the SRJC Grading Policy.

Program Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this program, the student will be able to:

  1. Place a work of art in its historical and stylistic context;
  2. Identify major monuments and movements in the history of art;
  3. Develop a vocabulary to discuss art in aesthetic terms;
  4. Demonstrate skills in visual analysis by identifying specific formal elements;
  5. Refine critical analysis skills in comparing works of art;
  6. Identify cultural artistic characteristics and global traditions; and
  7. Recognize basic methods and materials used in architecture, painting, sculpture, print-making, ceramics metalwork, and textiles.

Program Requirements:

The requirements for the Art History (AA-T) program are:

  • Complete 18.0 units from
    • Art History for Transfer Core Requirements
    • Art History for Transfer List A Requirements
    • Art History for Transfer List B Requirements
    • Art History for Transfer List C Requirement

Art History for Transfer Core Requirements - complete 9.00 units
Complete a combination totaling at least 9.00 units from the following:
ART 1.1Introduction to Art of the Ancient World3.00
ART 1.2Global Art from 1500 CE to Present3.00
ART 1.3Introduction to Ancient Egyptian Art3.00
ART 1.4Introduction to Mesoamerican and Andean Art3.00
ART 2.1History and Appreciation of Ancient Mediterranean Art3.00
ART 2.5Women and Art Since 15003.00
ART 7ADrawing and Composition 13.00
History of European Art: Medieval to Rococo3.00
ART 2.3History of Modern Art in Europe and North America3.00
Art History for Transfer List A Requirements - complete 3.00 units
Complete any combination totaling at least 3.00 units from the following:
ART 1.1Introduction to Art of the Ancient World3.00
ART 1.2Global Art from 1500 CE to Present3.00
Art History for Transfer List B Requirements - complete 3.00 units
Complete any combination totaling at least 3.00 units from the following:
ART 3Introduction to Art and Design3.00
ART 4Principles of Color3.00
ART 5Three Dimensional Design3.00
ART 12Beginning Figure Drawing3.00
ART 14ABeginning Painting3.00
ART 19Beginning Black and White Photography--Darkroom3.00
ART 24Introduction to the Art of Printmaking3.00
ART 27ABeginning Screen Printing3.00
ART 28ABeginning Etching3.00
ART 31ABeginning Ceramics3.00
ART 33ABeginning Sculpture3.00
Art History for Transfer List C Requirement - complete 3.00 units
Complete any combination totaling at least 3.00 units from the following:
ART 1.1Introduction to Art of the Ancient World3.00
ART 1.2Global Art from 1500 CE to Present3.00
ART 1.3Introduction to Ancient Egyptian Art3.00
ART 1.4Introduction to Mesoamerican and Andean Art3.00
ART 2.1History and Appreciation of Ancient Mediterranean Art3.00
ART 2.2History of European Art: Medieval to Rococo3.00
ART 2.3History of Modern Art in Europe and North America3.00
ART 2.5Women and Art Since 15003.00
ART 3Introduction to Art and Design3.00
ART 4Principles of Color3.00
ART 5Three Dimensional Design3.00
ART 7ADrawing and Composition 13.00
ART 12Beginning Figure Drawing3.00
ART 14ABeginning Painting3.00
ART 19Beginning Black and White Photography--Darkroom3.00
ART 24Introduction to the Art of Printmaking3.00
ART 26Introduction to Relief Printmaking3.00
ART 27ABeginning Screen Printing3.00
ART 28ABeginning Etching3.00
ART 31ABeginning Ceramics3.00
ART 33ABeginning Sculpture3.00
ANTH 3Introduction to Archaeology3.00
ANTH 21American Folklore and Folklife3.00
ANTH 30Anthropology of Globalization3.00
ANTH 31Mesoamerican Origins of Latino Culture3.00
ANTH 32Native Cultures of North America3.00
ANTH 34Native Cultures of California3.00
ANTH 43Native American Art and Culture3.00
COMM 2Introduction to Performance as Communication3.00
DANC 2Survey of Dance History3.00
ENGL 1BLiterature and Composition3.00
ENGL 2Introduction to the Novel3.00
ENGL 3Introduction to Poetry3.00
ENGL 7Introduction to the Short Story3.00
ENGL 10Introduction to Environmental Literature3.00
ENGL 12Children's Literature3.00
ENGL 25Introduction to Language Study3.00
ENGL 27Introduction to Shakespeare3.00
ENGL 30.1American Literature: Pre-Colonial Period to the Civil War3.00
ENGL 30.2American Literature from 1865 to the Present3.00
ENGL 31African American Literature3.00
ENGL 33Chicano/Chicana Arts and Literature3.00
ENGL 46.1Survey of English Literature Part 13.00
ENGL 46.2Survey of English Literature Part 23.00
FREN 1Elementary French-Part 14.00
FREN 2Elementary French-Part 24.00
FREN 3Intermediate French-Part 14.00
FREN 4Intermediate French-Part 24.00
GD 15History of Graphic Design3.00
GERM 1Elementary German-Part 14.00
GERM 2Elementary German-Part 24.00
GERM 3Intermediate German-Part 14.00
GERM 4Intermediate German-Part 24.00
HIST 1.1World History to 15003.00
HIST 1.2World History Since 1500 C.E.3.00
HIST 4.1History of Western Civilization to 1648 C.E.3.00
HIST 4.2History of Western Civilization from 1648 C.E.3.00
HIST 8.1History of Latin America from Pre-Columbian to 18303.00
HIST 8.2History of Latin America from 1830 to Present3.00
HIST 22History of California3.00
HIST 26History of Chicanx and Latinx from 1848 to present3.00
HIST 30African American History3.00
HIST 33History of Mexico3.00
HUM 4.1Western Humanities: Arts, Ideas, and Values3.00
HUM 5World Humanities: Arts, Ideas, Values3.00
HUM 6Humanities in the United States3.00
HUM 7Introduction to the Humanities3.00
HUM 8Comparative Mythology3.00
ITAL 1Elementary Italian-Part 14.00
ITAL 2Elementary Italian-Part 24.00
ITAL 3Intermediate Italian-Part 14.00
ITAL 4Intermediate Italian-Part 24.00
FMA 4Introduction to Mass Communication3.00
FMA 14Early Film History4.00
FMA 15Modern Film History4.00
MUSC 6.1Music History and Literature: Antiquity to 17503.00
MUSC 6.2Music History and Literature: 1750 to Present3.00
MUSC 7Music Appreciation3.00
MUSC 8World Music Appreciation3.00
MUSC 9Jazz Appreciation3.00
PHIL 6Introduction to Philosophy3.00
PHIL 7Contemporary Moral Issues3.00
PHIL 9Political Philosophy3.00
PHIL 10Philosophy of Peace and Nonviolent Action3.00
PHIL 11Introduction to Asian Philosophy3.00
PHIL 12Environmental Philosophy3.00
PHIL 20History of Western Philosophy: Ancient and Medieval3.00
PHIL 21History of Western Philosophy: Modern3.00
RELS 1Introduction to Religious Studies3.00
RELS 2World Religions3.00
RELS 3History of God3.00
RELS 6.66History of Satan3.00
RELS 15Islam3.00
RELS 21The Jewish Bible and the Birth of God3.00
RELS 22Jesus and the Invention of Christianity3.00
RELS 32Religion in America3.00
SPAN 1Elementary Spanish-Part 14.00
SPAN 2Elementary Spanish-Part 24.00
SPAN 3Intermediate Spanish-Part One4.00
SPAN 4Intermediate Spanish-Part 24.00
THAR 1World Theatre Through Time3.00
THAR 2Introduction to Theatre Arts3.00
THAR 6Multicultural Perspectives in American Theatre3.00

Course Prerequisites and Advisories:

Courses in a program of study may have prerequisites or advisories; that is, courses that must or should be completed before taking that course. Please check for prerequisites or advisories by clicking on the course numbers in the Program Requirements section.

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(707) 535-3714