Evaluation Worksheet for Transfer Major Kinesiology (AA-T)
SID: ________________________________ Associate in Arts - 2068
  Effective: Fall 2023
  Kinesiology, Athletics, & Dance
Name: ________________________________ (707) 778-4116

REQUIREMENTS: Complete 22.0 units

Kinesiology for Transfer Core Requirements - complete 16.0 units
CourseDescriptionUnitsCompletedIn ProgressComments
KINES 1 Introduction to Kinesiology3.0   
ANAT 1 General Human Anatomy5.0   
PHYSIO 1 Human Physiology5.0   
Complete any combination totaling at least 3.0 units from the following:
Movement-Based Courses    
Select one course maximum from any    
six of the following areas:    
Area 1: Aquatics    
KAQUA 1.1 Beginning Swimming1.5   
KAQUA 1.2 Intermediate Swimming1.5   
KAQUA 2.1 Aquatic Fitness1.5   
KAQUA 2.3 Advanced Aquatic Fitness1.5   
KAQUA 3.1 Beginning Aquatic Calisthenics1.5   
KAQUA 4.1 Deep Water Running1.5   
KAQUA 10.1 Beginning Springboard Diving1.5   
KAQUA 10.2 Intermediate Springboard Diving1.5   
KAQUA 12.1 Beginning Water Polo1.5   
KAQUA 12.2 Intermediate Water Polo1.5   
Area 2: Combatives    
KCOMB 1.1 Tai Chi - Chen Style1.5   
KCOMB 2.1 Beginning Judo1.5   
KCOMB 2.2 Intermediate Judo1.5   
KCOMB 2.3 Advanced Judo1.5   
KCOMB 3.1 Beginning Karate1.5   
KCOMB 3.2 Intermediate Karate1.5   
KCOMB 4 Introduction to Boxing1.5   
KCOMB 4.1 Beginning Boxing1.5   
KCOMB 4.2 Intermediate Boxing1.5   
KCOMB 5.1 Beginning Foil Fencing1.5   
KCOMB 5.2 Intermediate Foil Fencing1.5   
KCOMB 6.1 Beginning Sabre Fencing1.5   
KCOMB 6.2 Intermediate Sabre Fencing1.5   
KCOMB 7.1 Beginning Epee Fencing1.5   
Area 3: Dance    
DANCE 10.1 Introduction to Dance Movement1.5   
DANCE 10.2 Introduction to Dance Genres: Ballet, Modern, Jazz1.5   
DANCE 11.1 Ballet I1.5   
DANCE 11.2 Ballet II1.5   
DANCE 11.3 Ballet III1.5   
DANCE 11.4 Ballet IV1.5   
DANCE 13.1 Jazz Dance I1.5   
DANCE 13.2 Jazz Dance II1.5   
DANCE 13.3 Jazz Dance III1.5   
DANCE 13.4 Jazz Dance IV1.5   
DANCE 14.1 Contemporary Dance I1.5   
DANCE 14.2 Contemporary Dance II1.5   
DANCE 16.1 Modern Dance I1.5   
DANCE 16.2 Modern Dance II1.5   
DANCE 16.3 Modern Dance III1.5   
DANCE 16.4 Modern Dance IV1.5   
DANCE 21.1 Hip Hop/Funk I1.5   
DANCE 21.2 Hip Hop/Funk II1.5   
DANCE 21.3 Hip Hop/Funk III1.5   
DANCE 21.4 Hip Hop/Funk IV1.5   
DANCE 37.1 Ballroom Dance I1.0   
DANCE 88.1 Latin Dance I1.0   
DANCE 88.2 Latin Dance II1.0   
DANCE 88.3 Latin Dance III1.0   
Area 4: Fitness    
KFIT 1.1 Beginning Aerobic Dance1.5   
KFIT 1.2 Intermediate Aerobic Dance1.5   
KFIT 2.1 Beginning Step Aerobics1.5   
KFIT 2.2 Intermediate Step Aerobics1.5   
KFIT 3.1 Beginning Body Conditioning1.5   
KFIT 3.2 Intermediate Body Conditioning1.5   
KFIT 3.3 Advanced Body Conditioning1.5   
KFIT 4.1 Body Mechanics1.5   
KFIT 5 Introduction to Pilates Mat1.5   
KFIT 5.1 Beginning Pilates Mat1.5   
KFIT 5.2 Intermediate Pilates Mat1.5   
KFIT 5.3 Advanced Pilates Mat1.5   
KFIT 6 Introduction to Yoga1.5   
KFIT 6.1 Beginning Yoga1.5   
KFIT 6.2 Intermediate Yoga1.5   
KFIT 7.1 Beginning Circuit Training1.5   
KFIT 7.2 Circuit Training Intermediate1.5   
KFIT 8 Introduction to Weight Lifting1.5   
KFIT 8.1 Beginning Weight Lifting1.5   
KFIT 8.2 Intermediate Weight Training1.5   
KFIT 10.1 Resistance Training1.5   
KFIT 11.1 Periodized Weight Training1.5   
KFIT 12.1 Power Lifting1.5   
KFIT 17.1 Interval Training1.5   
KFIT 20.1 ZUMBA1.5   
KFIT 21.1 Cardio Kickboxing1.5   
KFIT 25.1 Vinyasa Flow Yoga1.5   
KFIT 26.1 Gentle Yoga1.5   
KFIT 30.1 Stability Ball Training1.5   
KFIT 31.1 Pilates Yoga Fusion1.5   
KFIT 32.1 Beginning Barre Fitness1.5   
KFIT 35.1 Walking for Fitness1.5   
KFIT 36.1 Jogging for Fitness1.5   
Area 5: Individual Sports    
KINDV 1.1 Beginning Wrestling1.5   
KINDV 1.3 Advanced Wrestling1.5   
KINDV 2.1 Beginning Badminton1.5   
KINDV 2.2 Intermediate Badminton1.5   
KINDV 2.3 Advanced Badminton1.5   
KINDV 3.1 Beginning Golf1.5   
KINDV 3.2 Intermediate Golf1.5   
KINDV 3.3 Advanced Golf1.0   
KINDV 4.1 Beginning Tennis1.5   
KINDV 4.2 Intermediate Tennis1.5   
KINDV 4.3 Advanced Tennis1.5   
KINDV 5.1 Beginning Track and Field1.0   
KINDV 5.2 Intermediate Track and Field1.0   
KINDV 5.3 Advanced Track and Field1.5   
Area 6: Team Sports    
KTEAM 1.1 Football Passing Game1.0   
KTEAM 2.1 Touch Football1.0   
KTEAM 3.1 Beginning Baseball1.0   
KTEAM 3.2 Intermediate Baseball1.5   
KTEAM 3.3 Advanced Baseball1.5   
KTEAM 4.1 Beginning Basketball1.5   
KTEAM 4.2 Intermediate Basketball1.5   
KTEAM 4.3 Advanced Basketball1.5   
KTEAM 5.1 Softball1.0   
KTEAM 6.1 Beginning Soccer1.5   
KTEAM 6.2 Intermediate Soccer1.5   
KTEAM 7.1 Indoor Soccer1.5   
KCOMB 7.2 Intermediate Epee Fencing1.5   
KTEAM 8.1 Beginning Volleyball1.5   
KTEAM 8.2 Intermediate Volleyball1.5   
KTEAM 8.3 Advanced Volleyball1.5   
KTEAM 9.1 Beginning Outdoor Volleyball1.0   
Kinesiology for Transfer List A Requirement - complete 6.0 units
CourseDescriptionUnitsCompletedIn ProgressComments
Complete a combination totaling at least 6.0 units from the following:
BIO 10Introduction to Principles of Biology4.0   
KINES 53Principles of Health and Wellness3.0   
CHEM 3A andGeneral Chemistry Part 1: Lecture and3.0   
CHEM 3ALGeneral Chemistry Part 1: Lab2.0   
Select MATH 15 or PSYCH 9    
MATH 15Elementary Statistics4.0   
PSYCH 9Introduction to Behavioral Sciences Statistics3.0   
Select PHYS 20A or PHYS 40    
PHYS 20AGeneral Physics Part I4.0   
PHYS 40Classical Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers5.0   
Select PSYCH 1A or SOC 1    
PSYCH 1AGeneral Psychology3.0   
SOC 1Introduction to Sociology3.0   

It is important that students who are completing an Associate Degree and desire to transfer to a four-year institution meet with a counselor to plan their lower division coursework. While many majors at SRJC are intended to align with lower division major preparation required by California public universities, specific lower-division major requirements vary among individual campuses. See a counselor, visit the Transfer Center, and check Guides For Transfer in Specific Majors, and ASSIST to review transfer preparation guides for specific schools and majors.



1. Under the Core Requirement Section Students are required to take 3 Movement-based Courses for a minimum of 3 units, choosing a maximum of 1 course from any 3 of the following areas: KAQUA, KCOMB, DANCE, KFIT, KINDV or KTEAM.

    Evaluation worksheet completed upon receipt of Transfer Credit Evaluation form. Includes credit from other institutions only received to date.

    Evaluation worksheet completed for ________________________________. Includes all SRJC and transfer credit received to date.

Units completed:    __________
Units in progress:    __________
Total:    __________
    Requirements Completed
    Pending (work in progress)
    Requirements Not Completed



Date: ________________________   By: ____________________________________________