Evaluation Worksheet for Major Kinesiology
SID: ________________________________ Associate in Arts - 1051
  Effective: Fall 2015
  Kinesiology, Athletics, & Dance
Name: ________________________________ (707) 527-4457

REQUIREMENTS: Complete 32.5 units

Kinesiology Prerequisites - complete 9.0 units
CourseDescriptionUnitsCompletedIn ProgressComments
BIO 10 Introduction to Principles of Biology4.0   
Complete any combination totaling at least 5.0 units from the following:
CHEM 1A General Chemistry5.0   
CHEM 4A General Chemistry with Quantitative Analysis5.0   
CHEM 60 Chemistry for the Allied Health Sciences5.0   
Kinesiology Core - complete 14.5 units
CourseDescriptionUnitsCompletedIn ProgressComments
ANAT 1 General Human Anatomy5.0   
HLE 6 Standard First Aid, CPR, and AED0.5   
KINES 1 Introduction to Kinesiology3.0   
LIR 10 Introduction to Information Literacy1.0   
PHYSIO 1 Human Physiology5.0   
Kinesiology Theory - complete 3.0 units
CourseDescriptionUnitsCompletedIn ProgressComments
Complete any combination totaling at least 3.0 units from the following:
ATHL 11L Baseball Laboratory1.5   
ATHL 15L Basketball Lab1.0   
ATHL 16 Techniques and Theory of Basketball1.5   
ATHL 17L Cross Country Lab1.5   
ATHL 22.1L Defensive Football Laboratory1.5   
ATHL 22.2L Offensive Football Laboratory1.5   
ATHL 29L Soccer Lab1.5   
ATHL 30 Theory and Analysis of Soccer1.5   
ATHL 31L Softball Lab1.5   
ATHL 45L Volleyball Lab1.5   
FDNT 10 Elementary Nutrition3.0   
KINES 59 Psychological Aspects of Sport Performance3.0   
MATH 15 Elementary Statistics4.0   
Kinesiology Team or Individual Elective Requirement - complete 3.0 units
CourseDescriptionUnitsCompletedIn ProgressComments
Complete any combination totaling at least 3.0 units from the following:
ATHL 1 Intercollegiate Physical Fitness1.0   
ATHL 8 Varsity Wrestling3.0   
ATHL 9 Women's Varsity Water Polo3.0   
ATHL 10 Men's Varsity Water Polo3.0   
ATHL 11 Men's Varsity Baseball3.0   
ATHL 13 Men's Varsity Basketball1.5   
ATHL 14 Women's Varsity Basketball1.5   
ATHL 17 Men's Varsity Cross Country3.0   
ATHL 18 Women's Varsity Cross Country3.0   
ATHL 21 Varsity Football3.0   
ATHL 24 Varsity Golf3.0   
ATHL 27 Men's Varsity Soccer3.0   
ATHL 28 Women's Varsity Soccer3.0   
ATHL 31 Women's Varsity Softball3.0   
ATHL 33 Men's Varsity Swimming and Diving3.0   
ATHL 34 Women's Varsity Swimming and Diving3.0   
ATHL 37 Men's Varsity Tennis3.0   
ATHL 38 Women's Varsity Tennis3.0   
ATHL 41 Men's Varsity Track and Field3.0   
ATHL 42 Women's Varsity Track and Field3.0   
ATHL 45 Women's Varsity Volleyball3.0   
KAQUA 1.1 Beginning Swimming1.5   
KAQUA 1.2 Intermediate Swimming1.5   
KAQUA 1.3 Advanced Swimming1.5   
KAQUA 1.4 Training for the Competitive Swimmer1.5   
KAQUA 2.1 Aquatic Fitness1.5   
KAQUA 2.3 Advanced Aquatic Fitness1.5   
KAQUA 3.1 Beginning Aquatic Calisthenics1.5   
KAQUA 4.1 Deep Water Running1.5   
KAQUA 10.1 Beginning Springboard Diving1.5   
KAQUA 12.3 Training for Competitive Water Polo1.5   
KAQUA 12.1 Beginning Water Polo1.5   
KAQUA 12.2 Intermediate Water Polo1.5   
KCOMB 1.1 Tai Chi Chen Style1.5   
KCOMB 2.1 Beginning Judo1.0   
KCOMB 2.2 Intermediate Judo1.0   
KCOMB 2.3 Advanced Judo1.0   
KCOMB 3.1 Beginning Karate1.5   
KCOMB 3.2 Intermediate Karate1.5   
KCOMB 4.1 Beginning Boxing1.5   
KCOMB 4.2 Intermediate Boxing1.5   
KFIT 1.1 Beginning Aerobic Dance1.5   
KFIT 1.2 Intermediate Aerobic Dance1.5   
KFIT 2.1 Beginning Step Aerobics1.5   
KFIT 2.2 Intermediate Step Aerobics1.5   
KFIT 3.1 Beginning Body Conditioning1.5   
KFIT 3.2 Intermediate Body Conditioning1.5   
KFIT 3.3 Advanced Body Conditioning1.5   
KFIT 4.1 Body Mechanics1.5   
KFIT 5.1 Beginning Pilates Mat1.5   
KFIT 6.1 Beginning Yoga1.5   
KFIT 7.1 Beginning Circuit Training1.5   
KFIT 8.1 Beginning Weight Lifting1.5   
KINDV 1.1 Beginning Wrestling1.5   
KINDV 1.3 Advanced Wrestling1.5   
KINDV 2.1 Beginning Badminton1.5   
KINDV 2.2 Intermediate Badminton1.5   
KINDV 2.3 Advanced Badminton1.5   
KINDV 3.1 Beginning Golf1.5   
KINDV 3.2 Intermediate Golf1.5   
KINDV 3.3 Advanced Golf1.0   
KINDV 4.1 Beginning Tennis1.5   
KINDV 4.2 Intermediate Tennis1.5   
KINDV 4.3 Advanced Tennis1.5   
KINDV 5.1 Beginning Track and Field1.0   
KINDV 5.2 Intermediate Track and Field1.0   
KINDV 5.3 Advanced Track and Field1.5   
KINES 21 Lifeguard Training2.5-3.0   
KINES 48 Special Topics in Kinesiology1.0-3.0   
KINES 49 Independent Study in Kinesiology, Athletics and/or Dance0.5-3.0   
KINES 55 Coaching Sports3.0   
KTEAM 1.1 Football Passing Game1.0   
KTEAM 2.1 Touch Football1.0   
KTEAM 3.1 Beginning Baseball1.0   
KTEAM 3.2 Intermediate Baseball1.5   
KTEAM 3.3 Advanced Baseball1.5   
KTEAM 4.1 Beginning Basketball1.5   
KTEAM 4.2 Intermediate Basketball1.5   
KTEAM 4.3 Advanced Basketball1.5   
KTEAM 5.1 Softball1.0   
KTEAM 6.1 Beginning Soccer1.5   
KTEAM 6.2 Intermediate Soccer1.5   
KTEAM 6.3 Advanced Soccer1.5   
KTEAM 7.1 Indoor Soccer1.5   
KTEAM 8.1 Beginning Volleyball1.5   
KTEAM 8.2 Intermediate Volleyball1.5   
KTEAM 8.3 Advanced Volleyball1.5   
KTEAM 9.1 Beginning Outdoor Volleyball1.0   
Kinesiology Coaching/Fitness/Teacher - complete 3.0 units
CourseDescriptionUnitsCompletedIn ProgressComments
Complete any combination totaling at least 3.0 units from the following:
FDNT 10 Elementary Nutrition3.0   
HLE 5 Personal Health and Wellness3.0   
KINES 2 Sports Officiating Fall3.0   
KINES 3 Sports Officiating Spring3.0   
KINES 4 Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries3.0   
KINES 55 Coaching Sports3.0   
KINES 62A Sports Medicine Lab A2.0   
KINES 62B Sports Medicine Lab B2.0   
KINES 62C Sports Medicine Lab C2.0   
KINES 62D Sports Medicine Lab D2.0   
PSYCH 1A General Psychology3.0   
SOC 1 Introduction to Sociology3.0   

It is important that students who are completing an Associate Degree and desire to transfer to a four-year institution meet with a counselor to plan their lower division coursework. While many majors at SRJC are intended to align with lower division major preparation required by California public universities, specific lower-division major requirements vary among individual campuses. See a counselor, visit the Transfer Center, and check Guides For Transfer in Specific Majors, and ASSIST to review transfer preparation guides for specific schools and majors.


No course may be used more than once to fulfill a requirement in the major.

It is anticipated that KINES 85 will be added as a Kinesiology Theory elective course in fall 2015.

    Evaluation worksheet completed upon receipt of Transfer Credit Evaluation form. Includes credit from other institutions only received to date.

    Evaluation worksheet completed for ________________________________. Includes all SRJC and transfer credit received to date.

Units completed:    __________
Units in progress:    __________
Total:    __________
    Requirements Completed
    Pending (work in progress)
    Requirements Not Completed



Date: ________________________   By: ____________________________________________