Evaluation Worksheet for Certificate Industrial Maintenance Fundamentals
SID: ________________________________ Skills Certificate - 3238
  Effective: Fall 2022
  Engineering and Applied Technology
Name: ________________________________ (707) 527-4603

REQUIREMENTS: Complete 11.0 units

Industrial Maintenance Fundamentals Requirements - complete 11.0 units
CourseDescriptionUnitsCompletedIn ProgressComments
ELEC 153 Programmable Logic Controllers3.0   
ELEC 154 Rotating Machinery3.0   
Complete any combination totaling at least 3.0 units from the following:
ELEC 51A Fundamentals of Electricity3.0   
ELEC 54A Direct and Alternating Current Theory3.0   
Complete any combination totaling at least 2.0 units from the following:
DET 184 Mobile Hydraulic Systems3.0   
MACH 51.1A Beginning Machine Tool Technology3.0   
WEOC 99 Occupational Work Experience0.5-8.0   
WEE 99I Internship Work Experience Education0.5-8.0   
WELD 170 Beginning Welding: Fundamentals of Arc and Gas Welding2.0   

    Evaluation worksheet completed upon receipt of Transfer Credit Evaluation form. Includes credit from other institutions only received to date.

    Evaluation worksheet completed for ________________________________. Includes all SRJC and transfer credit received to date.

Units completed:    __________
Units in progress:    __________
Total:    __________
    Requirements Completed
    Pending (work in progress)
    Requirements Not Completed



Date: ________________________   By: ____________________________________________