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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Identify various advanced-level dance conditioning and movement techniques.
2. Apply anatomy and physiology for individual awareness of proper body alignment, posture, and mechanics.
3. Identify common dance injuries and injury prevention techniques.
4. Identify visualization, relaxation, and breathing techniques used in dance conditioning methods.
5. Define stretching and body positional alignment terminology.
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Lecture-Related Topics Covered:
I. Introduction
A. A holistic approach to the body
1. Global vs. local musculature
2. Breathing techniques
3. Feldenkrais technique
4. Somatic movement technique
5. Laban movement analysis
6. Gyrokenesis method
B. Anatomy and physiology
1. Skeletal system
a. Joints
b. Bony landmarks
c. Bone rhythms
2. Muscular system
a. Actions
b. Agonist/antagonist
3. Connective tissue
a. Ligaments
b. Fasciae
c. Tendons
4. Anatomical directional terminology
a. Planes of motion
b. Movements of the spine
c. Joint movements
C. Body Alignment and individual variances
1. Normal positions of major joints
2. Misalignments
3. Stability and balance
4. Mobility
5. Biomechanics
6. Dynamic alignment
D. Body in balance
1. Flexibility
2. Muscle strength
3. Muscle endurance
4. Relaxation
II. Pre-Testing and Post-Testing
A. Postural alignment
B. Flexibility
C. Strength
III. Goal Setting for Optimal Results - Personal Assessment
A. Identifying specific issues
B. Identifying appropriate exercises
C. A realistic timeframe in which to work
IV. Identifying Core Muscles
A. Development of body awareness
B. Spinal awareness
C. Neutral spine
D. Mental assessment
E. Development of concentration - increased body control
V. Injury Prevention
A. Acute vs. chronic injury
B. Warning signs
C. Common dance injuries
D. Prevention techniques
VI. Relaxation and Visualization for Optimal Integration
Lab-Related Topics Covered: Advanced Somatic Movement Theory, Feldenkrais Technique, Gyrokinesis Method, and Laban Movement Analysis
I. Neutral Spine/Pelvic Clock - Advanced Floor Barre Exercises
A. Abdominals/Transversus Abdominis, Rectus, Obliques
B. Abductors/Gluteus Medius/Deep Rotators
C. Adductors
D. Pelvic Press/Hamstrings
E. Muscles of the spine and mid-back/Serratus/Rhomboids
F. Triceps/Biceps/Deltoids
II. Advanced Stretches
A. Hamstrings/Quads/Calves/IT Band
B. Back extension/low back release
C. Triceps/Deltoids/Pectorals
III. Body Positions for Exercises and Alignment
A. Four-point kneeling
B. Supine
C. Prone
D. Side-lying
E. Standing
IV. Floor Barre - Ballet Movements on the Floor Inverted
A. Plies
B. Degages
C. Passe Developpe
D. Cambre
E. Port de Bras
VI. Locomotor Movements - Weight Changes
A. Sliding
B. Running
C. Reversing
D. Turning
VII. Relaxation Techniques
A. Breathing - rib cage breathing/belly breath
B. Visualization techniques
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Dance Anatomy. 2nd ed. Haas, Jacqui. Human Kinetics. 2018 (classic).
Conditioning for Dancers. Welsh, Tom. UP of Florida. 2009 (classic).
Instructor prepared materials