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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Examine, evaluate and compare the professional standards used in human services agencies.
2. Differentiate and explain counselor and client responsibilities.
3. Distinguish the common employment problems/issues associated with codes of conduct or
codes of ethics.
4. Assess and analyze professional liability as it relates to Federal and State regulations and case
5. Examine and evaluate the impact of unethical practice of the human service professional.
6. Explain ethical issues such as informed consent, confidentiality, transference and counter
transference, sexual misconduct, boundary violations and medical conditions.
7. Analyze cases using components of an ethical decision-making model.
8. Outline and describe the basic components of ethics in a cultural context.
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I. Introduction of Professional Ethics in Human Services
A. Codes of ethics
B. Ethical decision making
1. Feminist model
2. Transcultural integrative model
3. Social constructionist model
II. Counselor as a Person and Professional
A. Personal therapy
B. Countertransference
C. Client dependence
D. Coping with stress and burnout
III. Values and the Helping Relationship
A. Value exploration, imposition, and conflict
B. Referral of client to another professional
C. Discriminatory referrals and implications
IV. Role of Ethics Pertaining to Multicultural Perspectives and Diversity Issues
V. Client Rights and Counselor Responsibilities
A. Informed consent
B. Record keeping
C. Working with minors
D. Basis for malpractice liability
E. Practical strategies for risk management
F. Nonmaleficence
VI. Examine Confidentiality, Ethical, and Legal Issues
A. Confidentiality and privileged communication
B. Limitations of confidentiality
C. Duty to warn and protect
D. Landmark court cases and implications
1. Tarasoff Case
2. Bradley Case
3. Jablonski Case
E. Ethical and legal issues pertaining to suicide
F. Confidentiality with HIV/AIDS counseling and other medical conditions
VII. Legal and Ethical Aspects of Boundaries and Multiple Relationships
A. Analysis and ethical management of boundaries
B. Avoidable, unavoidable, and accidental multiple relationships
VIII. Examine Professional Competence and Training Issues
A. Assessment of competence and evaluation of:
1. Knowledge, skills, and personal functioning
2. Interpersonal behavior and personal characteristics
3. Psychological fitness of trainees
B. Professional licensing and certification
C. Developing and/or upgrading skills
D. Making referrals
IX. Examine Legal and Ethical Issues in Supervision and Consultation
A. Informed consent in supervision
B. Responsibilities of supervisees
C. Supervisor's role and responsibilities
X. Ethical Considerations in the Context of Theory, Practice, and Research Couples and Family
Therapy, Group Work and Community Work
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Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions. 10th ed. Corey, Gerard and Corey, Marianne and Corey, Cindy. Cengage Learning. 2018
Ethics and Decision Making in Counseling and Psychotherapy. 4th ed. Cottone, Roverts and Tarvydas, Vilia. Springer Publishing. 2016