SRJC Course Outlines

9/1/2024 2:15:14 AMAJ 353 Course Outline as of Fall 2023

Changed Course

Discipline and Nbr:  AJ 353Title:  DISPATCHER BASIC  
Full Title:  Public Safety Dispatcher Basic Course
Last Reviewed:8/26/2024

UnitsCourse Hours per Week Nbr of WeeksCourse Hours Total
Maximum2.00Lecture Scheduled03 max.Lecture Scheduled0
Minimum2.00Lab Scheduled40.003 min.Lab Scheduled120.00
 Contact DHR0 Contact DHR0
 Contact Total40.00 Contact Total120.00
 Non-contact DHR0 Non-contact DHR Total0

 Total Out of Class Hours:  0.00Total Student Learning Hours: 120.00 

Title 5 Category:  AA Degree Non-Applicable
Grading:  P/NP Only
Repeatability:  21 - Legally Mandated Repetition
Also Listed As: 

Catalog Description:
Untitled document
This course will identify and specify the training necessary for entry-level public safety dispatchers who have no prior training or limited experience in the area of dispatching. Issues addressed will consist of knowledge and skills necessary for dispatchers to meet minimum performance standards for entry level positions. Students will be introduced to the criminal justice system, the laws as they pertain to dispatchers and public safety, communication theory, telephone procedures, radio procedures, resource and referral services, critical incidents, and stress management.


Recommended Preparation:

Limits on Enrollment:

Schedule of Classes Information
Description: Untitled document
This course will identify and specify the training necessary for entry-level public safety dispatchers who have no prior training or limited experience in the area of dispatching. Issues addressed will consist of knowledge and skills necessary for dispatchers to meet minimum performance standards for entry level positions. Students will be introduced to the criminal justice system, the laws as they pertain to dispatchers and public safety, communication theory, telephone procedures, radio procedures, resource and referral services, critical incidents, and stress management.
(P/NP Only)

Limits on Enrollment:
Transfer Credit:
Repeatability:21 - Legally Mandated Repetition


Associate Degree:Effective:Inactive:
CSU GE:Transfer Area Effective:Inactive:
IGETC:Transfer Area Effective:Inactive:
CSU Transfer:Effective:Inactive:
UC Transfer:Effective:Inactive:

Certificate/Major Applicable: Not Certificate/Major Applicable


Student Learning Outcomes:
At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
Untitled document
1. Meet the minimum standards set by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) for entry into a public safety agency as a public safety dispatcher.  
2. Identify the basic roles, responsibilities, and duties of the public safety dispatcher within a public safety agency.
3. Demonstrate the practical application of public safety dispatcher skills.
4. Apply the skills and knowledge necessary to work in a public safety communications center in a productive and professional manner.

Objectives: Untitled document
At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Identify components of the Criminal Justice System, including concepts of law.
2. Utilize techniques to effectively communicate with citizen callers.
3. Demonstrate basic knowledge of professionalism, current telephone techniques, technology, and procedures.
4. Describe public safety radio procedures, including critical incidents.
5. Identify resources and referral services available.
6. Identify the significance of gang related issues, domestic violence, cultural diversity, hate crimes, sexual harassment, and child, elder and dependent adult abuse.
7. Complete a practical application activity based upon actual events.
8. Utilize techniques for wellness management.

Topics and Scope
Untitled document
I. Professional Orientation and Ethics
    A. Basic functions of the public safety dispatcher within the public safety system
    B. Common functions of the communication center
     C. Professional demeanor and ethical behavior
    D. Developing a community service attitude
     E. Communicating effectively with the public, co-workers, field personnel, and supervisors
     F. Workflow in the communications center
     G. Chain of command and organizational structures
     H. Policies and procedures impacting communications center operations, training, and personnel
     I. Career development and opportunities
II. Criminal Justice System
    A. Court System
          1. Local
          2. State
          3. Federal
     B. Functions of law enforcement in the criminal justice system
     C. Corrections
    D. Public safety dispatcher's role in the criminal justice system
     E. Impact of the public safety dispatcher's actions on the outcome of a court case
III. Introduction to law
    A. Definition of a crime
     B. Classifications of crimes
     C. Corpus delicti
    D. Probable cause
     E. Types of evidence
     F. Confidentiality of communications information/privileged information
     G. Release of "public information"
     H. Civil liability and criminal negligence
     I. Statutory law
     J. Case law
     K. Evidentiary value of communications data
     L. Parties to a crime
     M. Court orders
     N. Local ordinances
     O. Criminal and civil law
     P. Spirit of the Law vs. Letter of the Law
     Q. Criminal intent vs. criminal negligence
     R. Elements of Specific Crimes
          1. Murder (Penal Code section 187)
          2. Robbery (Penal Code section 211)
         3. Sexual Assaults (Penal Code sections 220, 261, 288, 289)
          4. Assault and Battery (Penal Code sections 240, 241, and 242)
          5. Assault with a Deadly Weapon (Penal Code section 245)
          6. Domestic Violence (Penal Code section 273.5)
          7. Disturbing the Peace (Penal Code section 415)
          8. Displaying a Weapon in a Rude and Threatening Manner (Brandishing) (Penal Code section 417)
          9. Criminal Threats (Penal Code section 422)
          10. Burglary (Penal Code section 459)
          11. Petty Theft (Penal Code section 484)
          12. Grand Theft (Penal Code section 487)
          13. Public Intoxication (Penal Code section 647f)
IV. Interpersonal Communication
    A. Reasons for developing positive communication skills
    B. Elements of the communication process
     C. Elements of communication, including:
          1. Content
          2. Nonverbal
          3. Voice
     D. Professional conduct
     E. Promoting a positive workplace environment
     F. Unacceptable behavior
     G. Effects of nonverbal signals during communications
    H. Communication behaviors and styles
    I. Strategies for deflecting verbal abuse
    J.  Active listening concepts
    K.  Listening obstacles
     L. Disclosure
          1. Definition of disclosure
          2. Considerations regarding disclosures
          3. Reporting requirements
V. Telephone Technology and Procedures
    A. Interview techniques to obtain information from victims, witnesses, or personnel from other agencies
     B. Techniques for calming a caller in crisis
     C. Receiving and handling callers
    D. Techniques to effectively communicate with a person who is:
          1. Abrasive
          2. Frightened
          3. Hysterical
          4. Hurried
          5. Politically demanding
          6. Under the influence of drugs or alcohol
          7. Very young or very old
          8. Rambling
          9. Heavily accented
     E. Hostile or unapproachable
          1. Mentally incapacitated
          2. Suicidal
          3. Frustrated
     F. Processing duplicate phone calls for assistance
     G. Obtaining pertinent information using primary and secondary questions
     H. Routing calls for service and information to allied agencies
     I. Relaying incident information to radio dispatcher in a timely manner
     J. Initiating telephone number traces
     K. Explaining department procedures/policies and legal procedures to the public
     L. Monitoring and responding to alarm, alerting, and surveillance systems
    M. Criteria to classify and prioritize multiple calls and requests for service
     N. Procedures, guidelines, and liability considerations for advising citizens of actions to take under emergency and non-emergency circumstances
    O. Purpose and appropriate use of the phonetic alphabet
     P. Detecting and interpreting background voices and noises heard over the telephone
     Q. Effective communication skills
    R. Conveying clear and accurate directions and instructions on the telephone
     S. Audio recorders
     T. The 9-1-1 system
     U. Other telephone technology utilized in a public safety dispatch center
     V. Automated mapping systems
VI. Missing Persons
    A. Background and legislative intent underlying missing person laws and regulations, missing person definitions, and related Penal Code statutes
     B. Types of missing persons
    C. Statutory requirements associated with law enforcement response
     D. Resources and investigative tools
VII. Domestic Violence
    A. Provisions of the Penal Code which relate to domestic violence
     B. Domestic violence legal definitions and terminology
     C. Law enforcement responsibility in responding to a report of domestic violence
     D. The role of the public safety dispatcher in domestic violence calls
     E. Referral agencies and resources
     F. Incidents involving children
     G. Emergency assistance to victims
VIII. Community Policing, Cultural Diversity, Hate Crimes, and Gang Awareness
    A. History and definition of community policing
     B. Benefits of community policing to organization, community, and employee
     C. Role of the public safety dispatcher in community policing
     D. Culture and cultural diversity defined
     E. Changing terminology associated with diversity, ethnicity, and human relations
     F. Professional, personal, and organizational benefits of valuing diversity within the community and public safety organizations
     G. Definitions of and differences between prejudice and discrimination
     H. Stereotype defined
     I. Strategies for effective communication within a diverse community
    J. Cross-cultural considerations during telephone contacts
     K. Distinguishing between CA Penal Code definition of a hate crime (Sections 422.6 and 422.7) versus a hate incident (Section 628.1(b)(1))
     L. The public safety dispatcher's responsibility in response to reports of hate crimes
    M. Legal rights and remedies available to victims of hate crimes
     N. Awareness of criminal gang activity
     O. Dispatcher's role in enhancing officer safety on gang-related calls
IX. Child, Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse
    A. Overview of child abuse
     B. Types of child abuse
     C. Laws related to child abuse
     D. Crimes associated with the abuse of children
     E. Resources, services, and facilities available to victims of child abuse
     F. An overview of elder/dependent adult abuse
     G. Types of elder/dependent adult abuse
     H. Laws related to elder/dependent adult abuse
     I. Crimes associated with the abuse of elders and dependent adults
     J. Resources, services, and facilities available to victims of elder/dependent
     K. The public safety dispatcher's role in child, elder, and dependent adult abuse cases
X. Law Enforcement Telecommunications
    A. Information available, procedures for making inquiry into, and the capability of cross-referencing information obtained within the following systems:
          1. California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS)
          2. Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS)
          3. National Crime Information Center (NCIC)
          4. National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (NLETS)
          5. California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
          6. Oregon Law Enforcement Data System (LEDS)
     B. Information systems directly accessible to California law enforcement agencies
    C. State laws and policies for obtaining, verifying, and disseminating
     D. Telecommunication information
    E. Requirements for maintaining records in law enforcement information systems
XI. Radio Technology and Procedures
    A. Monitoring, documenting, and responding to radio transmissions from field personnel and other public services
     B. Monitoring and responding to messages from local, state and federal agencies
     C. Monitoring, documenting, coordinating, and updating field units and incidents status
     D. Providing requested information to law enforcement field units
     E. Broadcasting officer safety and/or mutual aid information
     F. Effective dispatching techniques and professional radio demeanor
     G. Techniques for managing and prioritizing radio traffic
     H.  Considerations for broadcasting to law enforcement personnel responding to potentially dangerous situations
     I. Evaluating available information to determine what actions, personnel, and resources are needed by field operations units
     J. Transmitting emergency bulletins to allied agencies
     K. Situations which may require supervisor notification/approval
     L. Policies, procedures, and regulations that affect the dispatcher's decision-making process
     M. Detecting, interpreting, and responding to background voices and noises heard over the radio
     N. Importance of clear voice projection, good diction, and proper modulation in radio communications
     O. Common techniques that may assist the dispatcher in controlling the flow of conversation and eliciting needed information
     P. Giving clear and accurate directions and instructions on the radio
     Q. Officer safety considerations
     R. Communication center radio equipment
    S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations
XII. Resources and Referral Services
    A. Examples of resource materials and their use in performing public safety dispatcher job duties
     B. Notifying or dispatching other public service resources to an emergency or call for service
     C. Types of local, state, and federal referral and support agencies
     D. Map reading/geography
     E. The importance of familiarization with jurisdictional geographic characteristics
     F. Troubleshooting unknown or unclear locations
     G. Alternate N-1-1 Number systems
XIII. Critical Incidents
     A. Public safety dispatcher's role in critical incidents
    B. Resource material available to guide the dispatcher through a critical incident
    C. Emergency Operation Center
     D. Components and procedures to activate emergency management systems
     E. Mutual aid
     F. Other resources
XIV. Wellness Management
    A. Definition of stress
     B. Symptoms of stress
     C. Potential sources of stress
     D. Short-term and long-term effects of stress
     E. Techniques to promote wellness

Untitled document
1. In-class reading assignments (10-20 pages weekly)
2. Group skill demonstrations
3. Performance scenarios
4. Quiz (1)

Methods of Evaluation/Basis of Grade.
Writing: Assessment tools that demonstrate writing skill and/or require students to select, organize and explain ideas in writing.Writing
0 - 0%
Problem solving: Assessment tools, other than exams, that demonstrate competence in computational or non-computational problem solving skills.Problem Solving
15 - 20%
Skill Demonstrations: All skill-based and physical demonstrations used for assessment purposes including skill performance exams.Skill Demonstrations
10 - 20%
Group skill demonstrations
Exams: All forms of formal testing, other than skill performance exams.Exams
20 - 35%
Other: Includes any assessment tools that do not logically fit into the above categories.Other Category
40 - 50%
Must meet POST attendance and participation regulation

Representative Textbooks and Materials:
Untitled document
Instructor prepared material.

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