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I. Overview of California Higher Education Systems
A. California Community College
B. California State University
C. University of California
D. Private colleges and universities
II. Major Selection and Requirements for Selecting an Academic Goal
A. Career and transfer programs
1. Certificates/career technical education
2. Associate of Arts/Science (AA/AS)
3. Associate Degree for Transfer (AA-T/AS-T)
4. Transfer options
5. Choosing the program that matches student's academic goal
B. General education patterns and articulation
1. Articulation
2. SRJC articulation website
3. Santa Rosa Junior College Associate of Arts/Science general education
4. California State University general education
5. IGETC general education
6. Private universities' and colleges' general education
C. Undecided student
1. Counseling courses
2. Career Center
3. Transfer Center
D. Factors that influence selection of major
1. Culture
2. Occupational outlook
3. Family
4. Disability
5. Other
III. Transitioning to a College Culture
A. Student responsibility
1. Academic success
2. Attendance policy
3. Academic Calendar
B. Campus diversity
1. Demographics of SRJC's student population
2. Diversity and its impact on the college experience
C. SRJC's college policies
1. Academic integrity
2. Discrimination
3. Sexual misconduct (sexual harassment, sexual assault, relationship violence)
4. Student conduct/discipline
5. Student grievance/complaints
6. Alcohol and drug abuse
IV. Retention Strategies Needed for Academic Success
A. Time management
1. Student's roles and responsibilities outside of college
2. Relationship between college units and time management
B. Developing support systems on and off campus
1. Role of community college counselor
2. Student engagement
C. Tips for college survival
D. Challenges students may face in college assignments and developing
an action plan to address these challenges
V. Overview of College Services, Resources, and Locations
A. Admissions and Records
B. Assessment
C. Bookstore
D. Campus Police
E. Career Center
F. Counseling
G. Disability Resources Department
H. Financial Aid
I. Student Health and Psychological Services
J. Scholarship
K. Transfer Center
L. Tutorial Centers
VI. Academic Planning
A. Reviewing assessment results
B. Prerequisites and co-requisites
C. Reading a class schedule
D. Selecting courses and completing a first semester Academic Plan
E. Online registration process
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SRJC Student Guide
Instructor prepared materials