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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Outline the key elements in the grape harvest process.
2. Estimate the size of the grape crop through field observation and data collection.
3. Outline vineyard management procedures during harvest.
4. Summarize criteria used to evaluate grape readiness for harvest.
5. Describe techniques for grape maturity sampling.
6. Describe post-harvest cultural practices.
7. Describe pruning methods and vine balance.
8. Develop a workable vineyard budget.
9. Describe different types of grape purchase contracts.
10. Describe various crop insurance options.
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I. Harvesting Grapes
A. Vineyard sampling for sugar/acid ratios
B. Techniques for maturity sampling
C. Estimating crop size - crop projection
1. Cluster counts
2. Cluster weights
3. Pounds (lbs.)/vine
4. Tons/acre
D. Vineyard management during harvest
1. Irrigation
2. Bunch rot control
3. Basal leaf removal
4. Crop load adjustments
5. Use of refractometers and hand-held pH meters
E. Harvest decision criteria
1. Brix (sugar content)
2. pH
3. Titratable acid (T.A.)
F. Improving grape quality concepts
1. Color intensity
2. Cultivar specific flavors and typicity
3. Clones
G. Hand vs. machine harvest
H. Daytime vs. nighttime harvest
I. Material Other than Grapes (MOG)
J. Transporting grapes to the winery
II. Post-harvest Cultural Practices
A. Post-harvest irrigation
B. Post-harvest fertilization
C. Post-harvest pest and disease control
III. Grapevine Pests, Diseases, and Symptoms (Fall)
A. Fungal
B. Bacterial
C. Virus diseases
D. Nematodes
IV. Erosion Control and Vineyard Winterization
A. Cover crops
1. Types of cover crops
2. Criteria for selection
B. Erosion control
1. Drainage systems
2. Drainage system repair and maintenance
C. Hedgerows
V. Winter Weed Control
A. Winter weed identification
B. Herbicides
C. Cultural Practices for weed control
D. Mechanical Practices for weed control
VI. Pruning
A. Pruning principles
B. Pruning safety
C. Types of pruning
1. Cordon Pruning
2. Cane Pruning
D. Pruning techniques
1. Machine pruning vs. hand pruning
2. Pre-pruning
3. Late pruning
E. Vine balance for improving wine quality
VII. Farming Methodology Comparisons
A. Organic practices and certification
B. Sustainable practices and certification
C. Integrated Pest Management practices
D. Fish Friendly Farming and certification
VIII. Vineyard Budgeting
A. Various types of vineyard budgets
B. Excel programs for vineyard budgeting and planning
IX. Grape Purchase Contracts
A. Various types of contracts
B. Long-term vs. short-term
C. Spot market options
X. Crop Insurance
A. Various types of crop insurance
B. Catastrophic vs. complete coverage
XI. Pesticide Use Compliance and Reports
A. Licensing
B. Preparing and Submitting Pesticide Use Reports
XII. Vineyard Record Keeping
A. Software
B. Database management
XIII. Soil Health
A. Definition
B. Fertility Planning
C. Use of traditional fertilizers
D. Use of compost and compost tea
All lab topics will be aligned with lecture topics.
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1. Weekly readings (25 - 50 pages)
2. Weekly writing assignments (2 - 5 pages)
3. Weekly lab reports (3 - 6 pages)
4. Lab activities will include:
A. Collect cluster samples; estimate total crop in the block, test degrees Brix and pH
B. Develop vineyard budget
C. One demonstration of pruning grapevines
D. Develop one winter weed control plan (3 - 6 pages)
E. Develop one soil health and fertility plan (3 - 6 pages)
5. One midterm and one final exam
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Pdf files instructor prepared and loaded into Canvas course website.