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Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Identify common wildlife species using keys and reference books.
2. Summarize the basic survival requirements of fish and wildlife species.
3. Describe the habitat requirements of various game and non-game species.
4. Evaluate the use of various wildlife management techniques involved in habitat modification and population estimation.
5. Compare and contrast the specific tools for determining fish and wildlife population numbers.
6. Differentiate among several wildlife management concepts and select an appropriate one when given a set of criteria.
7. Describe the life histories of various of wildlife species.
8. Evaluate the impact of human beings on wildlife management.
9. Assess the effectiveness of wildlife management in endangered species recovery.
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I. Introduction
A. Neglect and exploitation
B. History of fish and wildlife conservation in the United States
1. Resource exploitation and settlement of the U.S.
2. Conservation movement and species protection
3. Development of agencies and regulations protecting wildlife
4. Endangered Species Act and the inherent value of wildlife
C. Wildlife management concepts
D. California wildlife
1. Bird topography and feather morphology
2. Common birds of California
3. Common mammals of California
4. Fish of California
II. Wildlife Ecology
A. Ecological niche
B. Wildlife behavior
C. Home range vs. territory
D. Dispersal and migration
E. Food quality, quantity, and seasonal forage requirements
F. Cover
1. Types
2. Shelter and concealment requirements
G. Water availability and habitat types
H. Competition
I. Predation
III. Wildlife Population Ecology
A. Population structure
B. Natality to mortality
C. Sex and age ratios
D. Population dynamics
E. Population estimation techniques and tools
IV. Wildlife Habitat Management
A. Succession
B. Forest management for wildlife
C. Managing rangelands for wildlife
D. Identifying limiting factors
E. Habitat modification
V. Techniques
A. Record keeping and field journals
B. Sexing criteria
C. Aging criteria
D. Trapping techniques
E. Banding and marking techniques
F. Food analysis
VI. Wildlife Diseases
A. Significance of wildlife diseases
B. Parasites and pathogens
C. Diseases and habitat
VII. Hunting and Trapping
A. General theory of harvesting animals
B. Managing for the hunter
C. Minimizing conflicts
VIII. Biodiversity and Conservation Biology
A. Role of conservation biology in wildlife management
1. Wildlife in parks and refuges
2. State and federal refuges and wildlife areas
3. Habitat corridors and fragmentation
4. Urban wildlife
5. Exotic species
B. Non-game and endangered species management and recovery
1. Managing to save
2. Successful examples of recovery
C. Overpopulation
D. Wildlife as a public trust
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Assignments may include:
1. Reading assignments totaling approximately 25 pages per week from the text.
2. Field work and lab exercises on: population enumeration; trapping and marking; sexing and aging techniques.
3. Field work and lab telemetry exercise.
4. Oral presentation of research on one wildlife species, including basic natural history and appropriate number of visual aids.
5. Short (2-5 pages) written lab reports on large mammals, birds, and fish with a complete description of each species, their preferred habitat, feeding habits, and life cycle.
6. Midterm lab exam.
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Wildlife Ecology and Management, 5th ed. Eric G. Bolen and William Robinson. Prentice Hall, 2002. (Classic)
Managing our Wildlife Resources, Anderson, S. Prentice Hall, 2001. (Classic)
Field Guide To California, National Audobon Society, Knopf, A. 1998 (Classic)
Introduction to Wilfdife and Fisheries: An Integrated Approach, Willis, D. and Scalet, C., W.H. Freeman & Co, 2008