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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Explain the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Guidelines for management of blood borne
pathogens, hazardous waste, and biomedical waste.
2. Integrate into practice the components of the California Dental Board's Infection Control
3. Describe the principles of infection control in relation to the "Chain of Infection."
4. Develop a written Personnel Health Program.
5. Identify the blood borne pathogens and recommend strategies of preventing the transmission
of blood borne diseases.
6. Develop a flowchart for the management of occupational exposures to blood borne
7. Compare and contrast various types of personal protective equipment.
8. Examine the issues associated with the use of latex products in dentistry.
9. Analyze the various methods of heat sterilization and compare the advantages and
disadvantages of each method.
10. Analyze the various types of surface disinfectants and compare the advantages and
disadvantages of each method.
11. Describe the methods of handling both regulated and non-regulated dental waste.
12. Identify the categories of environmental surfaces and describe the appropriate method for
managing contamination.
13. Evaluate the types of dental unit waterline control devices and explain the pros and cons of
14. Describe the appropriate infection control measures associated with dental radiography.
15. Explain the differences between the infection control protocols for surgical vs. nonsurgical
dental procedures.
16. Develop a written chemical management plan, that includes methods of labeling and Safety
Data Sheets (SDSs).
17. Develop a medical waste management plan.
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I. Overview of Roles & Responsibilities of Agencies
A. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
B. Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDCP)
C. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
D. Office Safety & Asepsis Procedures Research (OSAP)
E. Dental Board of California (DBC)
F. Recommendations and Regulations
II. Rationale for Infection Control in Dentistry
A. Stages in Disease Development
B. Sources of Microorganisms
C. Stages of an Infectious Disease
D. The Asymptomatic Carrier
E. Spread of Microbes to Another Person
1. Direct contact
2. Indirect contact
3. Droplet/aerosol
F. Standard Precautions
G. Personal Protective Equipment
III. Microorganisms, Bloodborne Pathogens and Infectious Diseases
A. Microorganisms - Bacteria, Virus, Fungus
B. Methods of Transmission
C. Bloodborne Pathogens
1. Hepatitis B, C, D
2. HIV
D. Risk Assessment
E. Prevention - Immunization
IV. Personal Protection in Dentistry
A. Employer Responsibilities
B. Protective Equipment / Types / Advantages & Disadvantages / Cost
C. Hand Hygiene
V. Treatment Room Preparation
A. Classification of Surfaces
B. Pre and Post Procedure Protocols
C. Disinfecting Agents
D. Barriers
E. Aseptic Technique
VI. Instrument Recirculation/Sterilization
A. Requirements of Disinfection vs. Sterilization
B. Rationale and procedures for pre-cleaning
C. Packaging and sterilization monitoring
D. Compare and contrast various types of heat sterilizers.
E. Identify the types of monitoring for sterilizers
VII. OSHA Exposure Control Plan
A. Requirements
B. Written Program
C. Chemical Inventory/containment/labeling/disposal
D. Employee Training
E. Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
F. Hazard Prevention
G. Sharps Management
VIII. Waste Management
A. Medical Waste
B. Hazardous Waste
C. Toxic Waste
D. Regulations for handling / labeling/ disposal
IX. Dental Unit Waterline Contamination
A. The issues pertaining to waterline contamination
B. Biofilm Formation / Components
C. Potential Dangers / Patients / Employees
D. Treatments Advantages & Disadvantages
1. Self-contained water system
2. Micro-filters
3. Air purge systems
4. Chemicals
E. Board of Dentistry / CDCP Recommendations
X. Ergonomics
A. Ergonomic Hazards
1. Musculoskeletal & Nerve Disorders
2. Cumulative Trauma Disorders (Repetitive Injuries)
3. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (Nerve Impairments)
B. Contributing Risk Factors & Prevention
1. Body Positions / Balance
2. Mechanical Stress Force/Vibration
3. Posture in the dental environment
C. Design & Utilization
1. Instruments
2. Equipment
D. OSHA Ergonomic Standard
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Modern Dental Assisting. 12th ed. Bird, Doni and Robinson, Debbie. Elsevier. 2018
Infection Control and Management of Hazardous Materials for the Dental Team. 6th ed. Miller, Chris. Elsevier. 2018
Instructor prepared materials