SRJC Course Outlines

10/6/2024 4:50:39 AMAJ 25 Course Outline as of Fall 1981

New Course (First Version)

Discipline and Nbr:  AJ 25Title:  COMUNTY RELATNS-CP7  
Full Title:  Community Relations - CP 7
Last Reviewed:3/11/2019

UnitsCourse Hours per Week Nbr of WeeksCourse Hours Total
Maximum3.00Lecture Scheduled3.0017.5 max.Lecture Scheduled52.50
Minimum3.00Lab Scheduled017.5 min.Lab Scheduled0
 Contact DHR0 Contact DHR0
 Contact Total3.00 Contact Total52.50
 Non-contact DHR0 Non-contact DHR Total0

 Total Out of Class Hours:  105.00Total Student Learning Hours: 157.50 

Title 5 Category:  AA Degree Applicable
Grading:  Grade Only
Repeatability:  00 - Two Repeats if Grade was D, F, NC, or NP
Also Listed As: 

Catalog Description:
Untitled document
An in-depth survey of the relationship of the Criminal Justice System and the community.  Through study and interaction the student will probe the causal and symptomatic aspects of community misunderstanding, lack of cooperation, and mistrust.  The course examines the concept that commun- ity relations develops through a continuing process of interaction between the criminal justice practitioner and the citizen.  Emphasis will be directed not only to the character of community relations, but also to methods for understanding how such a relationship is developed, maintain- ed and may be changed.  In addition, this course will present students with a perspective of major cultural groups in California that surpasses the views commonly found in society.


Recommended Preparation:
Eligibility for English 100A or equivalent.

Limits on Enrollment:

Schedule of Classes Information
Description: Untitled document
The relationship of criminal justice agents & the community; casual & symptomatic aspects of community understanding; lack of cooperation & mistrust; study of behavior causes; ways to develop and maintain amicable relationships.
(Grade Only)

Recommended:Eligibility for English 100A or equivalent.
Limits on Enrollment:
Transfer Credit:CSU;UC.
Repeatability:00 - Two Repeats if Grade was D, F, NC, or NP


Associate Degree:Effective:Fall 1981
Social and Behavioral Sciences
American Cultures/Ethnic Studies
CSU GE:Transfer Area Effective:Inactive:
IGETC:Transfer Area Effective:Inactive:
CSU Transfer:TransferableEffective:Fall 1981Inactive:
UC Transfer:TransferableEffective:Fall 1981Inactive:
 CID Descriptor: AJ 160 Community and the Justice System SRJC Equivalent Course(s): AJ25

Certificate/Major Applicable: Certificate Applicable Course


Outcomes and Objectives:
At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
Untitled document
   A. To develop an awareness of the problems confronting the relation-
      ship of the Criminal Justice System and their community as well as
      the need for a criminal justice practitioner partnership in
      developing community resources and crime prevention programs.
   B. To develop an awareness that community relations are not the
      unique concerns of specialized units, but rather the concern of a
      department's entire personnel.  Community relations are not ex-
      clusively a matter of special programs, but a matter that touches
      on all aspects of the Criminal Justice System.
   C. To examine the communication process with a vies to fostering and
      improving communications and understanding between the criminal
      justice practitioner and the community.
   D. To identify objectives for the Criminal Justice System and the
      community to achieve in order to understand and appreciate the
      nature and causes of the complex problems in people-to-people
      relations, with a view to improving minority and/or sub-culture
      group relationships.
   A. To develop an awareness of the cultural backgrounds on at least
      (7) ethnic groupings.
   B. To provide knowledge of California laws which define cultural
   C. To provide an understanding of how the cultural composition of
      California is changing and how this change is impacting the de-
      livery of law enforcement services.
   D. To provide an understanding of the benefits of valuing diversity
      both within a law enforcement organization and within the com-
      munity it serves.
   E. To provide information concerning the evolution of human rights,
      the nature and origins of prejudice, the nature and origins of
      discrimination, and how understanding these issues can contribute
      to more effective cultural contacts.
   F. To provide an understanding of how current events or recent exper-
      iences can shape the attitude of cultural groups towards law
      enforcement and towards other cultural groups.
   G. To provide an understanding of the difference between cultural
      stereotyping and law enforcement profiling.
   H. To provide an understanding of principles associated with profes-
      sional community contacts and techniques for effective interaction
      with cultural groups.
   I. To provide an opportunity for individual self-discovery concerning
      cultural contact experience and personal prejudices.
   Instruction is designed to provide fundamental training on how to
   professionally interact with a broad spectrum of cultural groups.
   Content is intended to complement locally-developed training which
   specifically addresses the history, customs, religious conventions, or
   core values of cultural groups within the community served.
   A. To provide an understanding of the nature and historical perspec-
      tives associated with sexual harassment.
   B. To provide knowledge of state and federal laws which define sexual
   C. To provide an understanding of behaviors which constitute sexual
   D. To provide an understanding of how to respond to sexually offensive
      or unwanted behavior in the workplace, and how to initiate a
      sexual harassment complaint.
   E. To provide an understanding of the state mandated sexual harassment
      complaint process guidelines, legal remedies available, and pro-
      tection from retaliation against complainants of sexual harassment.
   A. To provide knowledge of laws which define a hate crime.
   B. To provide an understanding of the indicators of hate crimes.
   C. To provide knowledge of legal rights of, and remedies available to,
      victims of hate crimes.
   D. To provide an understanding of the impact of hate crimes on vic-
      tims, victim's families and the community.
   E. To provide an understanding of elements which comprise an effective
      law enforcement response to a hate crime.
   A. To provide an understanding of the psychological responses to
      stress and victimization.
   B. To provide the ability to recognize the symptoms of stress and
      defuse crisis situations.
   C. To provide a knowledge of the provisions of the law relating to
      crime victims.
   D. To provide the ability to furnish pertinent information to crime
   E. To provide an understanding of the impact crime can have on in-
      dividuals and the community.
1. The student will demonstrate knowledge of criminal justice functions
  and philosophies as they apply to initiating positive community
2. The student will develop an awareness to the complex nature of person-
  to-person communications.  The student will demonstrate knowledge of
  the barriers to and the techniques for enhancing effective communi-
3. The student will demonstrate ability to understand and appreciate the
  factors of why people in the community behave as they do and to use
  this understanding to make criminal justice-community relations more
4. Each student will participate in a group project with one of the topics
  presented in the course outline. This topic shall be decided upon with
  the consent of the instructor and performed to standards established by
  the instructor.

Topics and Scope
Untitled document
 I. Criminal Justice System and Contemporary Society
   A. Roles of the Police, Judiciary and Corrections
      1. Historical perspectives
      2. Contemporary roles
      3. Role interactions within the Criminal Justice System
      4. Role interactions with the community
   B. Criminal Justice Culture
      1. Self-image of the police, judiciary and corrections
      2. Personalization of social and legal problems
      3. Job-related stress
II. The Communication Process
   A. Conceptualization
      1. Definitions
      2. Modes of communication
      3. Verbal and non-verbal factors which contribute to negative
         responses to law enforcement (LD. 42IIK)
   B. Developing human awareness
      1. Of people and sub-cultures
      2. Of events
      3. Of environment
   C. Techniques for enhancing effective communications
      1. Basic skills
      2. Applied skills
   D. Disseminating knowledge and understanding
      1. Helping the public to understand the criminal justice function
      2. Communicating information to the public
      3. Inter-agency exchange of information
   E. Media relations
      1. Impact of crime news by the media
      2. Responsibility of media in crime reporting
      3. Responsibility of Criminal Justice System in crime reporting
III.Discretionary Decision Making
   A. Definition vs. discrimination
   B. Discretion vs. discrimination
   C. Policy making
IV. Community Resource Development
   A. Concept of community resource development
      1. Identification of the range of social and criminal problems
         dealt with by the Criminal Justice System.
      2. Inadequacies of the Criminal Justice System in dealing with such
   B. Overview of available resources
      1. Federal
      2. State
      3. Local
      4. Private
   C. Development and utilization of resources
      1. Law enforcement
      2. Judiciary
      3. Corrections
V. Crime Prevention
   A. Defining the problem
   B. Concept of crime prevention
      1. Responsibility of the Criminal Justice System
      2. Role of the community
   C. Crime prevention programs
      1. Hardware emphasis
      2. Peopleware
   A. What is professional?
   B. Misuse of authority and its consequences
   C. Accountability
      1. Internal controls
      2. External controls
VII.Role Playing and Dialogue Sessions
   A. Guest speakers and representative chosen from the community should
      be utilized to expose the student to a wide variety of the view-
      points expressed during the lecture topics. Speakers should also
      be drawn from the Administration of Justice system to provide in-
      sight to the "system's" view of such topics.
VIII.Group Topics
   A. Topics and procedure for study shall be determined by the instruc-
      tor. These projects should pertain to the lecture topics and be
      designed to provide the student with a further analysis of the
IX.Cultural Diversity and Awareness
   A. People in a changing world
 X.Community Policing
   A. Police vs. changing times
   B. Community Based Policing
      1. What does it mean?
      2. How is it accomplished?
XI.Overview of Instructor's personal objective in teaching this course
   is to assist the student to become a productive member of his or her
   community and to help the student to enter the Criminal Justice field.
XII.Cultural Diversity in California (LD42)
   A. What is it?
   B. Where did it come from?
   C. Cultures new to the United States?
   D. Immigrants vs. refugees vs. undocumented persons
   E. California laws which define a cultural group (LD42 IIA)
   F. Terminology associated with diversity, ethnicity, and human
      relations (LD42 IIB)
   G. California's cultural past, present and future.
   H. Professional, personal, and organizational benefits of valuing
      cultural diversity (LD 42IID)
   I. Historical evolution of human rights in the United States (LD42IIE)
      (see attached supplement)

Untitled document
  1.  Notebook requirement; mandatory.
 2.  Group projects: 3 oral presentations, 1 written paper.
 3.  Handout readings.

Methods of Evaluation/Basis of Grade.
Writing: Assessment tools that demonstrate writing skill and/or require students to select, organize and explain ideas in writing.Writing
10 - 40%
Problem solving: Assessment tools, other than exams, that demonstrate competence in computational or non-computational problem solving skills.Problem Solving
20 - 40%
Skill Demonstrations: All skill-based and physical demonstrations used for assessment purposes including skill performance exams.Skill Demonstrations
10 - 20%
Performance exams, ORAL PRESENTATIONS
Exams: All forms of formal testing, other than skill performance exams.Exams
0 - 0%
Other: Includes any assessment tools that do not logically fit into the above categories.Other Category
30 - 50%

Representative Textbooks and Materials:
Untitled document
 No text.

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