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Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Create a simple website.
2. Develop webpages that utilize the HTML elements that address the following functions: basics document structure, head elements, text markup, site navigation, images, div and span structure, semantic elements, tables, forms.
3. Develop webpages that utilize CSS to control the appearance of the site. Students will use these CSS property groups: text and font, color and background, the box model, position and display, lists, tables.
4. Develop webpages that utilize the CSS concepts of the cascade and inheritance of browser, external, embedded and inline CSS.
5. Students will correctly use the CSS elements of selectors, declarations, properties, values. Classes and id's will be stressed.
6. Summarize the following website development concepts: element, attribute, element nesting, asset path, style, rule, selector, declaration, property, and value.
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I. Basic Document Structure
a. DOCTYPE html, head, title, body, meta, h1
h6, br and p elements
b. Definitions: element, tag, opening element, closing element, stand alone elements, attributes, element syntax, page content
c. Hypertext markup language
d. Uploading webpages to a server
e. Roles of web servers and web browsers
f. Proper nesting of elements
g. Structure vs. presentation
II. Navigation
a. Links using relative paths
b. Links using complete URLs (Uniform Resource Locators)
c. Links to id's within a webpage
d. Navigation bars
e. Validating HTML (HyperText Markup Language) code to the HTML 5 standard
f. Email link
III. Structural Elements
a. Strong
b. Em
c. Pre
d. Blockquote
e. Unordered Lists
f. Ordered Lists
g. Definition Lists
h. Special Characters
IV. Images
a. Images sources - downloading from a website, digital camera, smart phones. Copyright overview
b. Using the img element to insert images into a webpage
c. The src, alt, height, and width attributes
d. Joint Photographic Experts Group vs. Portable Network Graphics vs. Graphic Interchange Format
e. Using folders to organize a website
f. Using image editing software to resize an image
g. Linking thumbnail images to a web page
V. Cascading Style Sheets Usage
a. Basic CSS rules : selector, property, value, declaration, style
b. Inline, embedded, external and browser stylesheets
c. Descendant and multiple selectors
d. Inheritance
e. The cascade
f. Classes and id's
VI. CSS Font / Text Properties
a. Font-family, font-size, font-weight, font-style, font-variant
b. Text-align, text-transform, text-indent, text-decoration, color, background-color, line-height, letter spacing, word-spacing
VII. HTML Editors - download, use and review
VIII. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) Box Properties
a. Width
b. Padding
c. Border
d. Margin
e. Background-image
f. Background-repeat
g. Background-position
h. Shorthand properties: padding, margin, border, background, and font
IX. Webpage layout using CSS
a. Float
b. Clear
c. Wireframe
d. Conversion of wireframe to web site
e. Pseudo-classes
f. Absolute positioning
g. Responsive design
h. Z-index
X. Semantic Elements
a. conversion of div elements to semantic elements
b. header, nav, section, footer
c. Article, aside, time
d. CSS for screen and print
XI. Tables
a. Table element
b. Tr (table row)
c. Td (table data)
d. Th (table heading)
e. Summary
f. Caption
g. Border
h. Rowspan
i. Colspan
j. Styling a table using CSS
k. Nested tables
XII. Forms
a. Form
b. POST and GET commands
c. Input
1) Text
2) Submit
3) Radio
4) Checkbox
5) Reset
6) Hidden
d. Textarea
e. Select and option
f. Fieldset
g. Label
h. Layout of forms
i. Styling forms
j. Form processing using an existing CGI (Common Gateway Interface) script
k. Using hidden input elements to provide input to an existing CGI script
XIII. Commercial Website
a. Web hosting
b. Domain names
c. E-commerce
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Required Assignments
1. 25 - 60 pages of textbook reading per week
2. 4 - 7 website projects. All webpages must be uploaded to the student.santarosa.edu server and must validate XHTML 1.0 strict. Each of the following must be included in at least one website project:
a. At least 5 pages
b. A standard navigation bar
c. Html, head, title, body, h1, h2, p, a, img, string, em, pre, br, q, blockquote, ol, ul, li, and meta elements
d. CSS to control border-bottom, background-color, font-family, font-size, font-weight, font-style, color, and text-decoration properties
e. The use of classes
f. Links using relative paths, links using complete URL's, and links to id's within a webpage
g. Thumbnails
3. At least 2 quizzes
Optional Assignments
1. Website critique(s)
2. Participation in electronic message board discussions
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Basics of Web Design: HTML 5 and CSS3. Felke-Morris, Terry Ann. Addison-Wesley: 2012
Head First HTML and CSS (2nd). Robson, Elisabeth; Freeman, Eric. O'Reilly Media: 2012