Santa Rosa Junior College
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 Course TitleSectionDaysHoursInstructorLocationRoomUnitsStatusTotal SeatsCurrent EnrollmentSeats RemainingDate Begin/EndDate Final ExamBooks
Add section to cartCOMM 12369M
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Oneil K
Oneil K
Garcia Hall, Santa Rosa Campus
12/18/2024Click here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook
This is a hybrid class which meets in-person on Wednesdays and via Zoom on Mondays. Students should have reliable internet access and a functioning webcam that has both video and audio capabilities. Given that the development of nonverbal skills is central to the Communication discipline, students are expected to have their webcams on when engaged in synchronous online instruction.
Add section to cartCOMM 10229M
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Oneil K
Oneil K
Garcia Hall, Santa Rosa Campus
3.00Wait List2528208/19-12/11
12/18/2024Click here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook
This is a hybrid class which meets in-person on Wednesdays and via Zoom on Mondays. Students should have reliable internet access and a functioning webcam that has both video and audio capabilities. Given that the development of nonverbal skills is central to the Communication discipline, students are expected to have their webcams on when engaged in synchronous online instruction.
Add section to cartCOMM 13756MW4:30 pm - 6:00 pmPerez JOnlineOnline3.00Wait List2527108/19-12/1112/16/2024Click here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook
This is an online class. Mandatory Zoom meetings will take place on the days and times listed above. Students should have reliable internet access and a functioning webcam that has both video and audio capabilities. Given the development of nonverbal skills is central to the Communication discipline, students are expected to have their webcams on when engaged in synchronous online instruction.
Add section to cartCOMM 11228MW10:30 am - 12:00 pmHarkness-Lee SCall Building, Petaluma CampusPC 6953.00Wait List2527108/19-12/1112/16/2024Click here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook
Add section to cartCOMM 10431MW9:00 am - 10:30 amSanford HOnlineOnline3.00Closed2528008/19-12/1112/18/2024Click here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook  Free Text/Media
Mandatory Zoom meetings will take place on the days and times listed above. Students should have reliable internet access and a functioning webcam that has both video and audio capabilities. Given that the development of nonverbal skills is central to the Communication discipline, students are expected to have their webcams on when engaged in synchronous online instruction.
Add section to cartCOMM 11702MW10:30 am - 12:00 pmSanford HOnlineOnline3.00Closed2528008/19-12/1112/16/2024Click here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook
Mandatory Zoom meetings will take place on the days and times listed above. Students should have reliable internet access and a functioning webcam that has both video and audio capabilities. Given that the development of nonverbal skills is central to the Communication discipline, students are expected to have their webcams on when engaged in synchronous online instruction.
Add section to cartCOMM 10427MW1:30 pm - 3:00 pmSanford HOnlineOnline3.00Closed2528008/19-12/1112/18/2024Click here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook
Mandatory Zoom meetings will take place on the days and times listed above. Students should have reliable internet access and a functioning webcam that has both video and audio capabilities. Given that the development of nonverbal skills is central to the Communication discipline, students are expected to have their webcams on when engaged in synchronous online instruction.
Add section to cartCOMM 12506M6:00 pm - 9:00 pmBurke SCall Building, Petaluma CampusPC 6933.00Wait List2526208/19-12/0912/16/2024Click here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook  Free Text/Media
Add section to cartCOMM 12377M
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Oneil K
Oneil K
Garcia Hall, Santa Rosa Campus
12/18/2024Click here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook  Free Text/Media
This is a hybrid class which meets in-person on Wednesdays and via Zoom on Mondays. Students should have reliable internet access and a functioning webcam that has both video and audio capabilities. Given that the development of nonverbal skills is central to the Communication discipline, students are expected to have their webcams on when engaged in synchronous online instruction.
Add section to cartCOMM 12313TTh10:30 am - 12:00 pmCornwell KMaggini Hall, Santa Rosa Campus27113.00Wait List2527108/20-12/1212/17/2024Click here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook  Free Text/Media
Add section to cartCOMM 11931TTh7:30 am - 9:00 amSanford HOnlineOnline3.00Closed2528008/20-12/1212/17/2024Click here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook
Mandatory Zoom meetings will take place on the days and times listed above. Students should have reliable internet access and a functioning webcam that has both video and audio capabilities. Given that the development of nonverbal skills is central to the Communication discipline, students are expected to have their webcams on when engaged in synchronous online instruction.
Add section to cartCOMM 10426TTh10:30 am - 12:00 pmHamzehee JGarcia Hall, Santa Rosa Campus1013.00Closed2528008/20-12/1212/17/2024Click here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook  Free Text/Media
Add section to cartCOMM 12919TTh12:00 pm - 1:30 pmSanford HOnlineOnline3.00Closed2528008/20-12/1212/19/2024Click here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook
Mandatory Zoom meetings will take place on the days and times listed above. Students should have reliable internet access and a functioning webcam that has both video and audio capabilities. Given that the development of nonverbal skills is central to the Communication discipline, students are expected to have their webcams on when engaged in synchronous online instruction.
Add section to cartCOMM 10424TTh1:30 pm - 3:00 pmSanford HOnlineOnline3.00Closed2528008/20-12/1212/19/2024Click here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook
Mandatory Zoom meetings will take place on the days and times listed above. Students should have reliable internet access and a functioning webcam that has both video and audio capabilities. Given that the development of nonverbal skills is central to the Communication discipline, students are expected to have their webcams on when engaged in synchronous online instruction.
Add section to cartCOMM 11928TTh9:00 am - 10:30 amHamzehee JGarcia Hall, Santa Rosa Campus1003.00Closed2528008/20-12/1212/19/2024Click here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook  Free Text/Media
Add section to cartCOMM 10412TTh9:00 am - 10:30 amZubieta MGarcia Hall, Santa Rosa Campus1073.00Closed2528008/20-12/1212/19/2024Click here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook  Free Text/Media
Add section to cartCOMM 12584TTh12:00 pm - 1:30 pmCornwell KMaggini Hall, Santa Rosa Campus27113.00Closed2528008/20-12/1212/19/2024Click here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook  Free Text/Media
Add section to cartCOMM 10425TTh10:30 am - 12:00 pmZubieta MOnlineOnline3.00Wait List2527108/20-12/1212/17/2024Click here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook  Free Text/Media
This is an online class via Zoom. Students should have reliable internet access and a functioning webcam that has both video and audio capabilities. Given that the development of nonverbal skills is central to the Communication discipline, students are expected to have their webcams on when engaged in synchronous online instruction.
Add section to cartCOMM 11864W7:00 pm - 10:00 pmStevenson TGarcia Hall, Santa Rosa Campus1003.00Wait List2527108/21-12/1112/18/2024Click here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook
Add section to cartCOMM 10417F10:00 am - 1:00 pmHarkness-Lee SGarcia Hall, Santa Rosa Campus1003.00Closed2528008/23-08/2312/20/2024Click here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook
Add section to cartCOMM 12600Sat9:00 am - 12:00 pmBurke SGarcia Hall, Santa Rosa Campus1003.00Wait List2529108/24-12/0712/14/2024Click here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook
Add section to cartCOMM 12585M
9:00 am - 10:30 am
Nelson M
Nelson M
To Be ArrangedClick here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook  Free Text/Media
Mandatory Zoom meetings will take place on the day and times listed with remaining content delivered asynchronously. Students should have reliable internet access and a functioning webcam that has both video and audio capabilities. Given that the development of nonverbal skills is central to the Communication discipline, students are expected to have their webcams on when engaged in synchronous online instruction.
Add section to cartCOMM 10416T
9:00 am - 10:30 am
Nelson M
Nelson M
To Be ArrangedClick here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook  Free Text/Media
Mandatory Zoom meetings will take place on the day and times listed with remaining content delivered asynchronously. Students should have reliable internet access and a functioning webcam that has both video and audio capabilities. Given that the development of nonverbal skills is central to the Communication discipline, students are expected to have their webcams on when engaged in synchronous online instruction.
Add section to cartCOMM 10422W
9:00 am - 10:30 am
Nelson M
Nelson M
3.00Wait List2527108/28-12/13
12/13/2024Click here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook  Free Text/Media
Mandatory Zoom meetings will take place on the day and times listed with remaining content delivered asynchronously. Students should have reliable internet access and a functioning webcam that has both video and audio capabilities. Given that the development of nonverbal skills is central to the Communication discipline, students are expected to have their webcams on when engaged in synchronous online instruction.
Add section to cartCOMM 11578Th
9:00 am - 10:30 am
Nelson M
Nelson M
12/13/2024Click here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook  Free Text/Media
Mandatory Zoom meetings will take place on the day and times listed with remaining content delivered asynchronously. Students should have reliable internet access and a functioning webcam that has both video and audio capabilities. Given that the development of nonverbal skills is central to the Communication discipline, students are expected to have their webcams on when engaged in synchronous online instruction.
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