Santa Rosa Junior College
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Introduction to Farm Animal Health
Description:Introduction to animal health and disease control in livestock animals. Classification of animal diseases, their causes and appropriate treatments with emphasis on preventative medicine.
Recommended Preparation:Eligibility for ENGL 1A or equivalent
Transferability:CSU; UC 
Repeatability:Two Repeats if Grade was D, F, NC, or NP
Grading Type:Grade or P/NP
Sections listed are for
 SectDaysHoursInstructorLocationRoomUnitsStatusTotal SeatsCurrent EnrollmentSeats RemainingDate Begin/EndDate Final ExamBooks
Add section to cart4619T
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Partially Online
Housman A
Housman A
Dutton Pavilion, Shone Farm
To Be ArrangedClick here for availability at the SRJC bookstore  Click here to see if the library has a copy of your textbook
 This section has no regularly scheduled Zoom meetings, but may include scheduled zoom office hours. More details will be provided in the syllabus distributed by the instructor.